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Please please automatic Slideshow!!!

Posted: 29 Sep 2006, 06:38

Posted: 30 Sep 2006, 13:39
by mjau-mjau
Not quite sure what you mean here. With Imagevue 17, the slideshow module is fully integrated with the gallery module, and has selectable time steps(press +/- keycontrols to increase/decrease).

I noticed in another post of yours, that you were still using Imagevue16. Perhaps you didnt notice the update? :o

Posted: 07 Oct 2006, 11:23
by rp
mjau-mjau wrote:has selectable time steps(press +/- keycontrols to increase/decrease).
This is not working in mine and every other Slideshow I was trying. Does I have to enable it first in the configfile? Or how is it working?

Thank you

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 01:20
by mjau-mjau
May I have a link to your gallery, just to see if all is well?

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 06:23
by rp
Sure, it is the embedded Version (thumbopenwin = slideshow)

Thank you

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 14:22
by mjau-mjau
Works fine from here. Keep in mind you can only use the keycontrols +/- when you are actually in the slideshow. Try clicking keycontrol arrows also - Don't you see the small text on lower left side of screen?

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 17:43
by rp
mjau-mjau wrote:Don't you see the small text on lower left side of screen?
No I'm sorry I don't see this text.

Just to be sure we talk about the same:

In Slideshow Mode it should be possible to overwrite the predefined Timesteps [interval = X] by clicking on the text on the lower left side (which I can't see) or by using the Keyboard-Controls "-" or "+", right?

What I'm doing wrong?

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 04:40
by mjau-mjau
It does not work by "clicking on the text on the lower left" - There is no text there. However, it does occur when you click the +(pluss) or -(minus) buttons.

If you press the + key while the sldieshow is in play modus, you will also see the timer value increase. Not sure why this is not working for you ...

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 07:31
by rp
OK belief me it is definitely not working as it should! I was trying on two different computers...

However I found something interesting. Pressing the Hyphen wil decrease time interval. I can also see the text on the lower left which shows up for short time.

But there is no way to increase the time steps again, because + and - Buttons are both not working on the numeric keyboard (NumLock enabled). I was trying also with the Plus on the Typewriter key (shift and 1 on my Keyboard) which also has no effect.

To make sure it is not my Mistake I was trying in a plain text document where + and - allways showed up.

I guess it has something to do with the keyboard layout? On both computers I was trying there was a Swiss-German Keyboard installed.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 09:22
by mjau-mjau
ok - I did some research into this issue, and the following occurred to me:

Since my keyboard does not have a standard numpad, I have been adding the +/- keys in the main keyboard. I guess these keys might vary between keyboard layouts.

Anyway, more importantly, now I have fixed the slideshow to use +/- keycontrols in the numpad also. Check link below to confirm:

<a href="" class="mlink">Imagevue Slideshow</a>

Below is the full list of keyboard controls for slideshow:
Next Image : arrowright/enter(numpad)/return/spacebar
Previous Image : arrowleft/del(back)
Stop Slideshow : arrowdown
Play Slideshow : arrowup
Increase Interval : +/+(numpad)
Decrease Interval : -/-(numpad)
Get latest release if required:

<a href=" ... deshow.swf" class="mlink">slideshow.swf</a>

Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 16:19
by rp
Thank you, it is working now.

Pls do not forget the following Problem: