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Joined: 02 Jun 2008, 08:04

bug with language setting

13 Dec 2009, 05:15

Hi, the admin panel choose the Polish language, and I click "use the language" but these settings are not memorized. In addition, the whole album is everywhere "undefined".
I do not know what I did wrong?
Posts: 123
Joined: 06 May 2009, 18:48

13 Dec 2009, 11:05

There is not enough information to know exactly what is wrong or what you did. However, a couple of things to be aware of after you make changes like this. ... Clear cache and clear your browser cache as well. Sometimes I have a difficult time getting the changes to show up, so I go between browsers and computers to make sure.

I don't understand what you mean about the album is undefined. If you can explain a bit more and/or have a link I would be happy to help. Good luck.

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Posts: 9
Joined: 02 Jun 2008, 08:04

13 Dec 2009, 14:33

Sorry for my English - I use google translator.
Gallery installed in accordance with the instructions and I managed to run it. I want to set the Polish language in the gallery and I can not do that.

1. I login to Admin panel
2. I Choose a language and click on Polish (in right column) - then click on "use this language."
3. Receive confirmation that the language has been successfully saved.
4. After returning to the admin panel is still set to default English language. |

Why ?

Now something has changed. I used another computer. The Admin Panel is still marked in English, but in Internet Explorer 8.0 is now Polish version gallery :) Why ?

In FireFox everywhere in the places that you can translate the word "udefined. It looks like firefox do not read the translation ?

my gallery:

if you need I maked printscreen look:

Screen firefox

Screen Internet Explorer

Thx for help!
Posts: 123
Joined: 06 May 2009, 18:48

13 Dec 2009, 15:38

The English was fine, no problem. I just needed more information, which you provided. Thank you.

Regarding the admin panel translation. The language is for the web page the user will see. If you notice to the left as you select a language the translated word changes that the user will see that comes directly from Imagevue. So things from the web developer are up to them to translate. I the case of the site you showed you see English words mixed with Polish (I think), because you set it to Polish and the sample site is set up in English picture names, etc.

Save. Use. Clear Cache.

I'm not sure if you were thinking this, but ... Admin Panel does not change languages itself.

I used FF and did not see a problem.

Topic Author
Posts: 9
Joined: 02 Jun 2008, 08:04

13 Dec 2009, 16:08

Thx!, Works!


"...Admin Panel does not change languages itself. "

yes, yes i know :)