Hello Thomas. The process of designing the home page took up to two weeks, although the technical implementation of sections, would take much less. It nevertheless a tedious process, as you need to balance everything and also take into consideration how everything stacks on mobile devices. The general idea, is to first set your page context module to wide (100% width), and then in your custom content section, you will need to build the custom html structure, using column classes and custom classes.
I already published
www.photo.gallery for download a while ago, because someone else was asking:
It contains /content/ and /config/ dirs for
www.photo.gallery, which you could either install in a separate X3 for testing, or extract the pages and data you want to read. Basically, you would find the html structure in the index page, as
custom CSS in custom/files/css/*.
Simplified example of html structure for a section:
<div class="mysection">
<div class="row">
<div class="medium-6 columns">
<div class="medium-6 columns">
For sure you would need to dive into HTML and CSS.
A couple other users did something similar: