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Folder list not loading

04 Feb 2023, 20:45

I've noted my left folder menu isn't loading ;
When i run the ?check=1  option it tells me my "root does not exist"
(also cross on ffmpeg)
PHP 7.2.34
My ISP has recently moved servers and the physical root path has changed, so assumed this ;
But can't find anything in config to set/change this?

My config file is version 0.4.1
I plan to upgrade to latest ;

But is there a quick easy answer to my issue that someone can point me to?

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Re: Folder list not loading

04 Feb 2023, 22:23

Hi. Much appreciated if you can ask questions about Files Gallery in the Files Gallery forum:

First of all I would definitely upgrade first, as you are using 0.4 and latest version is 0.7, and this could easily resolve the issue. If that doesn't resolve the issue, I would suspect permissions, firewall or something Windows-ish, and I may require a link to check.
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Re: Folder list not loading

05 Feb 2023, 11:18

Ok, thank you for swift reply ; 
I am not sure if i should create a new entry in files gallery now? .. or if this can be transferred? ..or continue this here?

I updated to to 0.7, the can't find root path error has gone (ffmpeg remains with red cross) - but i still get the error loading the folder menu.

The URL is :
Files App check system and config. (

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Re: Folder list not loading

05 Feb 2023, 11:43

It tries to load the menu for one minute, but the server eventually times out with "500 server error".

I can't study your server of course, but almost certainly related to one or more of these reasons:

The PHP does not have permission to access some dirs in the structure it points to.
There is some firewall involved, blocking access on some request in the PHP.
The server simply isn't powerful enough to load all folders within the server PHP 1 min timeout. This is unlikely, but maybe you are loading the entire server folder root and/or you have some loops.

You also have random 403 "file not found" errors, which changes every time I refresh the page. This server is struggling.


I would recommend that you change the config ROOT setting to point to another smaller dir first, perhaps with only a couple of subfolders. See if it works, then try to change the root progressively to deeper folders.
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Re: Folder list not loading

05 Feb 2023, 12:34

Thank you very much for your super swift reply.

I'd recently resolved a case with my ISP re the 403 not found - it was happening on my coded pages with only handful images, they fixed this by saying they had increased the server connections allowed threshold, so i guess they still need to increase more (as mentioned they have just moved my site to new server). I am not sure if this is cause or will fix the folder tree issue but can fiddle with root as you suggest and see if it loads, at least will mean coding/config is fine and definitely server performance.

I tried to view inspect results but didn't see that 500 error .. better have another look!

Thank you !!  .. 
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Re: Folder list not loading

05 Feb 2023, 13:18

revorgneil wrote:I tried to view inspect results but didn't see that 500 error .. better have another look!
All requests are there, including the one for the menu (POST to index.php). It says "pending" for one minute until it eventually times out after 1 minute with "500 internal server error".
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Re: Folder list not loading

05 Feb 2023, 20:59

Thanks again.
I have asked ISP if they can review resources again

I changed root to one of the sub folders and the folder tree menu displayed.
I guess it proves 'something' is struggling somewhere.

Apart from disabling the menu just wondering if any of the config options would help loading the tree.

There doesn't seem that many top level folders (34) and if returning as collapsed, to cause an issue, if collapsed assume only loops 34 folders?

Weird, don't really know what to do/try next

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Re: Folder list not loading

05 Feb 2023, 21:37

revorgneil wrote:Apart from disabling the menu just wondering if any of the config options would help loading the tree.
There is a config option menu_max_depth, which allows you to set how many menu levels deep to load. It might help setting it to 1 or 2 (who knows where the errors happens?). This does not solve the fact that you have an underlying issue in your folder structure and/or host.

Other than that, no. It loads the menu structure as fast as it can, and it normally takes a less than a second to process 100+ folders on modern servers. In your case, there is either 1) Something in the structure that is blocking progress/looping, or 2) your server is severely underpowered. Sorry to say, but this hosting seems awful. I would be curious to who is the host.
revorgneil wrote:There doesn't seem that many top level folders (34) and if returning as collapsed, to cause an issue, if collapsed assume only loops 34 folders?
It doesn't matter if the menu is collapsed or not, because it loads the full menu structure for instant access. It's not productive to load partial menu's on click and having to wait for it to load before expanding or even knowing if there are subfolders.
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Re: Folder list not loading

06 Feb 2023, 04:05

Thank you.
A quick test at 1 level depth works ;
Which actually isn't a too bad look and feel ..
I will continue later adding more depth and focusing on sub folders to see if there is something in naming tripping it up.. this is a free form upload and there are some oddly named files so probably some oddly named folders.

Thanks for amazing quick response and help so far!

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Re: Folder list not loading

07 Feb 2023, 16:17

Latest update ;
My ISP asked me to try again as they seemed to suggest they had done something..
The image loads seemed to have improved, no non returned images (no 403) ..

I went up the depths - 2,3,4,5
2,3 seemed to work in reasonable times, 4 took around about 55sec and loaded, 5 didn't load.
Going back down 5,4,3,2 .. seemed to be a lot quicker, still no 5, 4 around 20sec and 3,2 .. 2-3sec  - i am guessing this gets cached?
* Folders only exist to depth 3 .. nothing 4 and 5

So looks like some ISP improvements made, seems to process past last folder level?

Can i ask a related question .. if images, folders changed, renamed etc i guess tool handles dynamically or is there a way to force a re cache etc?

PS. Amazing tool .. love it !!
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Re: Folder list not loading

07 Feb 2023, 21:54

revorgneil wrote:I went up the depths - 2,3,4,5
2,3 seemed to work in reasonable times, 4 took around about 55sec and loaded, 5 didn't load.
You are speaking about when navigating folders? Keep in mind, when you do this, PHP is only loading one folder at a time so it's normally very fast. When a single folder hits 55 seconds, there are either an insane amount of files in that folder, or your server is simply incredibly slow. Anything beyond 60 seconds will return an error, since this is the defined "timeout" on your server.
revorgneil wrote:Going back down 5,4,3,2 .. seemed to be a lot quicker, still no 5, 4 around 20sec and 3,2 .. 2-3sec  - i am guessing this gets cached?
Yes folder data gets cached, and this is very useful, but fresh folders will need to get loaded frequently so this isn't a "solution" to slow loading.
revorgneil wrote:So looks like some ISP improvements made, seems to process past last folder level?
Could be, especially if they said so. I could be wrong, but I suspect this hosting service is not professional ... Are you paying for this service?
revorgneil wrote:Can i ask a related question .. if images, folders changed, renamed etc i guess tool handles dynamically or is there a way to force a re cache etc?
Yes folders get refreshed if anything changes, and that's how cache works. We can't release an application that just serves old data after files change on the server. Files Gallery checks the MTIME (modified time) of each dir before serving cache or fresh data.
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Re: Folder list not loading

09 Feb 2023, 07:47

Its Mocha hosts and costs around £250 a year including a couple domains so its not bargain basement .. and was one of the more expensive packages .. but i don't know how this compares.

Once again thanks for help .. understanding tool a bit better now and is doing what i need at the moment.

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Re: Folder list not loading

09 Feb 2023, 08:10

Yep, that price should definitely warrant a top notch hosting service. It's unclear why it struggles at some folders, and that would require further research.