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The crop setting is initialized.

29 Dec 2022, 07:04

Delete Gallery photos, The crop setting is initialized.

I created a panorama gallery.
3 Flat Panorama
Flat gigapixel panorama format is an extremely large and detailed image, exported into multi-resolution tiles by tools like [color=var(--primary-color)]Pano2VR[/color] and [color=var(--primary-color)]Krpano[/color].
  1. Upload the flat panorama folder into your X3 gallery via FTP.
  2. Upload a preview image that will represent the panorama in your gallery.
  3. Name the folder the same as the preview "myflat.jpg" => "_myflat".
I referred to this information.


I set the crop setting.
Snipaste_2022-12-29_21-00-25.png (9.77 KiB) Viewed 22276 times
However, if i upload a new image or delete an existing image, the crop setting is initialized.
Snipaste_2022-12-29_20-54-18.png (9.19 KiB) Viewed 22276 times
I can reset it, but I think it's a bug.

Thx~ karl~
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Re: The crop setting is initialized.

29 Dec 2022, 20:49

Is there any way I can view your panel to test this? The "crop" setting is related to thumbnails, and should not have anything to do with the panoramas. Did you try refreshing the page? It could be the values are still there but not displaying for some reason ... I don't think it gets reset.
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Re: The crop setting is initialized.

30 Dec 2022, 23:25

I checked from your panel, and I have a few comments:
  • I don't see the point of "Crop Images" option on this page. You have set Gallery to "Vertical" so it has no effect. It doesn't make any difference if it's enabled/disabled or even working or not.
  • Even though the crop fields are empty in your screenshot, crop is still enabled. However, it won't have any effect if you aren't using any layout that uses "crop".
  • I did try to upload two images (new hidden images), but the crop still remains 3:2.
I must admit, I can't quite see the problem. Is there anything wrong anywhere on the actual website? Or something not working as expected? I just see in your screenshot crop settings are empty, but it's not affecting anything.
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Re: The crop setting is initialized.

31 Dec 2022, 00:31

mjau-mjau wrote: 귀하의 패널에서 확인했으며 몇 가지 의견이 있습니다.
  • 이 페이지에서 "이미지 자르기" 옵션이 보이지 않습니다. 갤러리를 "수직"으로 설정했으므로 효과가 없습니다. 활성화/비활성화 여부 또는 작동 여부는 아무런 차이가 없습니다.
  • 스크린샷에서 자르기 필드가 비어 있어도 자르기는 계속 활성화됩니다. 그러나 "자르기"를 사용하는 레이아웃을 사용하지 않는 경우 아무런 효과가 없습니다.
  • 두 개의 이미지(새로운 숨김 이미지)를 업로드하려고 했지만 크롭은 여전히 3:2로 유지됩니다.
나는 문제를 잘 볼 수 없다는 것을 인정해야 합니다. 실제 웹 사이트에 잘못된 부분이 있습니까? 아니면 예상대로 작동하지 않습니까? 스크린샷에서 자르기 설정이 비어 있는 것을 볼 수 있지만 아무 영향도 미치지 않습니다.
I set it to 3:1

It has been changed to 3:2

Try uploading the image after setting it to 3:1 first.
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Re: The crop setting is initialized.

31 Dec 2022, 02:37

I think you are right, there is some bug, but it's not directly related to uploading or panorama. In fact, I know the cause. The problem is related to storing the crop value as an array [3, 1] and how PHP merges this array with default value [3, 2] and outputs as JSON object.

If you test with other values like [4, 1] or [5, 2] you will see it works fine, because the first value is different from the default value. It will fail on things like [3, 1] and [3, 4]. For now, you would need to use [5, 2] or [4, 1] ... I will look into it.
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Re: The crop setting is initialized.

31 Dec 2022, 03:25

mjau-mjau wrote: 나는 당신이 옳다고 생각합니다. 약간의 버그가 있지만 업로드 또는 파노라마와 직접적인 관련이 없습니다. 사실 원인은 알고 있습니다. 문제는 자르기 값을 배열 [3, 1]로 저장하는 것과 PHP가 이 배열을 기본값 [3, 2]과 병합하고 JSON 객체로 출력하는 방법과 관련이 있습니다.

[4, 1] 또는 [5, 2]와 같은 다른 값으로 테스트하면 첫 번째 값이 기본값과 다르기 때문에 제대로 작동하는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. [3, 1] 및 [3, 4]와 같은 항목에서는 실패합니다. 지금은 [5, 2] 또는 [4, 1]을 사용해야 합니다. 자세히 살펴보겠습니다.
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Re: The crop setting is initialized.

12 Sep 2023, 06:30

TristanJo wrote:I set it to 3:1

It has been changed to 3:2
This was fixed in X3.32.0. See release post: