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Option to show folder icons within a folder

Posted: 25 Jan 2014, 11:56

Is there a way to show icons (thumbnails) of the sub-folders within a folder ?

For example

Folder A >

>Gallery 1
>Gallery 2
>Gallery 3

I would like when a user clicks the link for FOLDER A , to show the thumbnails or folder icons of each of those sub galleries above? Currently if you click it, nothing happens besides the menu tree expanding to the other galleries.

Thanks in advance for your help


Re: Option to show folder icons within a folder

Posted: 25 Jan 2014, 23:08
by mjau-mjau
This is not currently a feature of Imagevue X2, although there is a workaround if you are willing to take a few extra steps to maintain this ...

1. Go to admin > settings > settings > attributes > check link
2. settings > thumbnails > thumbnail > click > link
3. In the folder where you want to display the "folder icons", upload images that represent each folder you want to link to.
4. Click to edit each image, and you will see a LINK field on the left. Here you can add the internal link for the album. For example:

In future Imagevue X3, album layout will be an option.