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what file have to edit if i use the gallery as a website?

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 08:30
by MarcoF

If ill give an domain to the gallery root, which file did i have to edit that the gallery works.

1 year ago i tried the same but it dont load.
then i have redirected a subdomain to my regular website name and folder inside my joomla installation (example redirected to www.mydomain/images/gallery)

If i had do that without redirection from subdomain, if i want to have a direct start (example which is connected with the gallery root directory on my server)

Hope you understand what i mean.

Re: what file have to edit if i use the gallery as a website

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 01:08
by mjau-mjau
Normally, you would simply upload the content of Imagevue into your root folder to get it to work on the root domain. You can also install Imagevue in subdomains ... not quite sure why you have subdomains redirected to subfolders ... then its not really a subdomain, but instead a subdomain link redirecting to a subfolder.

If the subdomain WAS redirecting to the subfolder, there is no reason it would not work. Sounds like your redirection was a bit dodgy back then, I don't know perhaps it was using an iframe or something ...