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download only in secured folder -> found a solution!

Posted: 14 Nov 2012, 04:29
by ncnmuc
Hello all,

i am fairly new to the forum, but use the imagevue gallery already for some months. I used some time to create my own page and then with PowerPack to make it more individual.

One of my biggest issues was the problem to offer to a certain group of people (Customers) a personalized photo-folder where they log in and then download their pictures. But this should only be available in specific password protected folders, all others should stay "un-downloadable". :?

Ok, here's the solution:
You should check at "settings" / "image" the section "Text"... use "Text3" and enable it. Set it on Style= above (or whereever you like) and the event=static. Then enable only the "Download" checkbox.
=> Now you can see a link above your images which says "download image".

Next go to each of your imagefolders which should be protected and paste at the Parameters the following code: image.text.text3.enabled=false

=> The static download link is not available any longer for all pictures in this folder.

It works also with password protected folders :D Hope this helps some of you...
Greetings, ncnmuc