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Posted: 01 Dec 2009, 10:08
by lorenzof
why can't i work on admin settings? example i want to change startpath but is not possible. admin tell me in this way:
Can't write to file imagevue/config/configUser.xml
Can't save configuration file config/configUser.xml


Posted: 08 Dec 2009, 01:39
by Nick
Thats means the config folder is unwritable, you need to change permissions on it, please read this article about setting permissions:

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 11:04
by lorenzof
Dear Team
I've try to change permissions in a lot of ways but it's impossible: the file imagevue\config\configUser.xml always have 444 permissions after refresh with ftp program. Moreover it happens a strange thing: i've spoke with my host who tells me to change permission into my file manager of my server, i've done it and into file manger the permissions are ok, read - write and execute for all the files into imagevue\config folder. why when i see the info file with ftp program are always 444?. I've a windows server. what can i do?
please hel me, i can't began to built my site because admin setting doesen't permit me to change nothing


Lorenzo F.

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 21:00
by gadgetologist
Without seeing it exactly, I can't say for sure. However, depending on your setup you can be doing things as one user at one point and another user at another point. For example... you may have done an install as root and try to change permissions as admin or some other user. Or something like this. Depending how you have built your system and done your install and proceeded to maintain your system.

My advice is to look closely at the owner of the file. if you only see a name rather than a number for the owner, it is not as precise (IMHO). I like using something like filezilla which is independent of the system. As I stated to begin with, this is speculation based on very little info. More info would be better.


Posted: 14 Dec 2009, 04:01
by lorenzof
Thank's G
when i open infofile for that file the Owner is "user" and Group is "group" with permissions only for Read - 444 - . what is filezilla? However now i try to reinstall everythink in the root...i hope something new
Lorenzo f

Posted: 14 Dec 2009, 05:10
by gadgetologist
Based on your response, It is difficult to say for sure, but my guess is that you have possibly installed as one user and tried to change permissions as another. When you install, into the account keep track of the user. I have seen this mistake made before where the installation is made as root into an account and then the person tried to make changes as the user of the account.

Regarding "filezilla" it is an excellent tool to use for transferring files and maintaining files on the server remotely. Crag and drop files, rename, change permissions, just as if it were on your PC. It's free and quite popular. However, for now I would not divert your attention to this until you have time to play with it. It can be found at

Good luck on the install.


Posted: 14 Dec 2009, 05:31
by lorenzof
hi G
I've deleted all the content of imagevue x2 and uploaded everythink, i don't know why but now i can work free, i can write without problem on all the config files...yeah!


Lorenzo f


Posted: 29 May 2013, 11:11
by lorenzof
I don't know why but now, after 6-8 months i don't use the site to makes changes, it is impossible to go into admin wirh my password and username, why? is it an older version? but i like it, i don't want change to a new version.
Please someone helps me, thank's thank's
Lorenzo F
ps my site:


Posted: 29 May 2013, 12:26
by mjau-mjau
What is your username and password? You set that password yourself at some point. If you forget it, you need to reset the password by deleting the file iv-config/users.php ... Also, why don't you want to upgrade? Its the same gallery just everything is improved.


Posted: 30 May 2013, 05:09
by lorenzof
hi Karl!
log in in Admin now is ok, thank's. how is possible to upgrade to a new version of the site?


Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 00:47
by mjau-mjau
lorenzof wrote:hi Karl!
log in in Admin now is ok, thank's. how is possible to upgrade to a new version of the site?
This is generally achieved by simply uploading a new version of the gallery, overwriting all your current files and folders, except the "content" folder where your images are stored, and the "iv-config" folder where your custom settings are stored. More info:


Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 03:04
by ArtyFilin
I have the same problem.
In the FTP client, a file iv-config/config.xml assign 777, the right to install, but to change the settings on the site, I still can not. I can not reinstall the site. What do I do?


Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 07:35
by mjau-mjau
ArtyFilin wrote:I have the same problem.
In the FTP client, a file iv-config/config.xml assign 777, the right to install, but to change the settings on the site, I still can not. I can not reinstall the site. What do I do?
Sorry, what exactly is the problem? Are you getting errors? Do you have a link to your website?


Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 07:41
by ArtyFilin
Try to change settings, push button "save" and see red label "Can't save configuration file iv-config/config.xml".
File permission is 777. I can change file in textedit and replace on ftp, but can't change throw iv-admin.


Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 23:32
by mjau-mjau
I would need access to your admin to try that ... It could be many things ... Did you recently copy files around on your server, or from one domain to another? Sounds to me like you might have copied files from another location, and therefore the server does not consider itself "owner" of the file iv-config/config.xml ... Some servers will not be able to write to a file, unless they originally created the file ...