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Fatal Error after update

30 Jan 2014, 00:42

I tried to update to tonight and now i'm getting this when trying to load my website...
Fatal error: Call to a member function getName() on a non-object in /home/etienneo/public_html/iv-includes/include/ivXml.class.php on line 192
Even tried to revert back to older versions and I keep getting the same... tried a few web browsers as well... and emptied caches...

..... :( :?: :cry: :shock:

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Re: Fatal Error after update

30 Jan 2014, 08:42

Also tried to upload a fresh copy of imagevue without any modifications to a sub-folder and I'm getting the same...

Not an expert so i'm scratching my head with desperation!

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Re: Fatal Error after update

30 Jan 2014, 12:05

So you have uploaded latest X2 without modification to a folder and it doesn't work? Do you have a link?
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Re: Fatal Error after update

30 Jan 2014, 16:36

Here it is. This is a freshly downloaded and untouched X2

I've used the same files last week to upload to another web site I run ( which is hosted on the same server.

I've also contacted my host with this issue and they suggest me to switch my PHP version to 5.3 which I did but still no luck.
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Re: Fatal Error after update

31 Jan 2014, 00:34

Are you sure its the same server? Sounds to me like its on two different hosting environments ... Try uploading the identical "test" folder on It would at least let us know what is wrong ...
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Re: Fatal Error after update

31 Jan 2014, 09:10

Yes i'm sure it's on the same server. This is the path for

But I got working last night. I uploaded a freshly downloaded copy of X2 from a different computer. Well a virtual machine running on Parallels desktop for Mac. It means that somehow, my main machine running OS X Mavericks corrupted the files when uploading. I used the same program to transfert de files on both machines which is Transmit. The weirdest thing is that everything worked just fine last week and I changed nothing on my computer setup...

I'm lost!
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Re: Fatal Error after update

01 Feb 2014, 00:01

yes, that does strange, but there are not that many possibilities if it works on one location on the server and not the other. Either A) Your server somehow has different settings for different locations on your server, or B) Somehow the uploaded files differ. Hope it works out!
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Re: Fatal Error after update

01 Feb 2014, 00:24

The only way I manage to yo get it working is by uploading the X2 files from another machine. Doesn't matter where I put them on the server, it never works when uploaded from my main computer.

So I guess it's now an hardware problem... Somehow, the files are getting corrupted while uploading...

Do you know what that fatal error means? In technical terms?
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Re: Fatal Error after update

01 Feb 2014, 12:24

You have the same downloaded copies of Imagevue on both machines? Realistically, I would first suspect there is something corrupted in the downloaded Imagevue you have ... It is highly unusual that a computer manages to corrupt files on upload. Where can I find the link to the corrupted version?
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Re: Fatal Error after update

01 Feb 2014, 12:53

Ok one last series of tests:

First, the facts :
-My main computer is an iMac running OS X Mavericks 10.9.1
-The second one I use is a virtual machine of OS X Snow Leopard server 10.6.8 running through parallels desktop (on the same physical iMac)
-Both systems use the latest version of Transmit (bought from the app store) to transfert the files to the server
-Freshly downloaded version of X2 - No modifications
-X2 Downloaded using Safari on the primary system Running Mavericks.
-Using the same files to run the tests

Here is uploaded from Mavericks: ... _mavericks

Here is uploaded from Snow Leopard: ... nowleopard

For the kicks I did the same with an older version of X2 2.8.9 I had on backup.

Here is 2.8.9 uploaded from Mavericks: ... _mavericks

Here is 2.8.9 uploaded from Snow Leopard: ... nowleopard

I know it's a little bit overwhelming with number and versions but I hope it is clear.

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Re: Fatal Error after update

02 Feb 2014, 12:05

Well, we are on Mavericks also, and all I can say is that Imagevue is 100% technically independent from the operating system where it is downloaded to. Imagevue does not run or process in any way on the system that downloads it ... Imagevue is just a bunch of files that are uploaded to server, and should be done so without being corrupted in any way (which certainly is normal).

Its not like we can possibly change anything in the code or any files that makes Imagevue incompatible with mavericks or any OS whatsoever that does not actually run the application. The Imagevue files are uploaded to server anyway, and apparently one of your operating systems is messing up the upload or corrupting the files somehow.

To be honest, my educated guess is that it is something with transmit or the unpacker, or perhaps file permissions. We probably have 100's of users (including ourselves) who are using mavericks OS to upload Imagevue. The error message insinuates that there is a missing file or corrupted file. Do you have FTP access so I can have a peep around?

I will get Nick to have a look also. He might be able to better diagnose the error message.
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Re: Fatal Error after update

02 Feb 2014, 13:01

Thanks for your input.

I totally understand the independence between Imagevue and mavericks. This shouldn't be happening.

Should I contact Transmit with this issue? Obviously the problem seems to come from my personal operating system.

I'll contact you with FTP access

Thanks a lot
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Re: Fatal Error after update

02 Feb 2014, 22:01

I am not 100% sure what is it, but I can assure you it has nothing to do with the version of the operating system you are uploading this from.

If you can PM your ftp login and password I could take a look and pinpoint the issue.
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Re: Fatal Error after update

02 Feb 2014, 22:46

Well thanks Nick but Karl already taken a look around and manage to pin point the problem.

I had a custom filter setup on Transmit on my Mavericks machine. The filter excluded xml's and mp3's... Long story short, I used Automator to create an "sort-of-automated" sync process between my imagevue content folder and Adobe Lightroom. I didn't wanted the xml files within the content folder to be deleted upon syncing. Never realized the filter was enabled when using Transmit without the automator process... So every time I uploaded the core X2 files, no xml's were uploaded.

RESOLVED! and reliefed!

Thanks, you guys are the best.