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Re: Blog in dashboard

12 May 2013, 13:31

Thanks for your input! I tried various feeds and all give the same error.
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Re: Blog in dashboard

12 May 2013, 15:17

Dr_Leeb wrote:Thanks for your input! I tried various feeds and all give the same error.
that's interesting... so its not a problem with the imagevue rss feed, it's either the script itself or your host.

i'd suggest three things...

1. re-install the latest version of imagevue again...
2. install the script on another server outside yahoo to see if it functions - don't bother about images, just curious to see if dashboard works...
3. if all else fails, contact support about it, as they may need to have a look at your installation - or disable dashboard in admin.
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Re: Blog in dashboard

12 May 2013, 19:05

I installed the gallery on another server and the dashboard worked perfect. So the problem must be on my host.

Thanks again.
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Re: Blog in dashboard

13 May 2013, 03:43

Definitely something on your server. Please PM me your FTP login and password so I could take a look.
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Re: Blog in dashboard

22 May 2013, 09:01

I have the same problem on one of my two servers. I have updated both from to 2.8.10. On my main server, a private one, dashboard is working fine, whereas the problem appears on the mirror server (remote hosting service). Changing feed URL in DashboardController.php does not make it work.

What could I check to find out what is the reason of the problem?
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Re: Blog in dashboard

23 May 2013, 09:47

p.h. wrote:What could I check to find out what is the reason of the problem?
assuming you've tried non-imagevue RSS feeds in the URL and they aren't working either, i'd contact the host to see if there are any server firewall issues, or maybe htaccess problems.

if other RSS feeds are working, then ask the host if there are network issues between them and imagevuex.
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Re: Blog in dashboard

23 May 2013, 10:16

You don't have to assume I've tried non-imagevuex RSS feed. I've written I did.
Please note that imagevuex feed worked fine the same day before the update.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but server firewall rules are URL dependent and so if imagevuex and 2.8.10 are using the same feed URL the rules could not make a difference here.

As to the .htaccess - I will take a look at it.
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Re: Blog in dashboard

23 May 2013, 11:16

p.h. wrote:You don't have to assume I've tried non-imagevuex RSS feed. I've written I did.
well you said you changed the URL, but didn't say whether you had tried non-imagevuex urls - there are a couple of imagevue rss links that will work - so you could have tried both for all I know without trying an external one. :wink:
p.h. wrote:Please note that imagevuex feed worked fine the same day before the update.
now that I did imply as being the case.
p.h. wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but server firewall rules are URL dependent and so if imagevuex and 2.8.10 are using the same feed URL the rules could not make a difference here.
go back to the start of the thread and you'll see that they aren't - your previous version used '' as the feed URL; the new one uses ''

the '/rss/'' link now just 301 redirects to '/feed/' so I don't think there's any point in trying it (it doesn't work for me), but if the script isn't working with *any* feeds, and assuming its installed correctly, the solution will be to find the differences between the two servers... you know the script works fine on your private server.
p.h. wrote:As to the .htaccess - I will take a look at it.
my thought with htaccess was in case it was blocking 'feed' in URLs... but if you tried other feeds that didn't have feed in the url, then this could be ruled out.

you could upload the php script below to your mirror server and see if it works...

$feed = file_get_contents('');
 $rss = new SimpleXmlElement($feed);

foreach($rss->channel->item as $entry) {
 echo "<p><a href='$entry->link' title='$entry->title'>" . $entry->title . "</a></p>";

it's nothing fancy, but it will see if your server can read the rss feed.... if it doesn't work with the imagevue rss feed, change it to a feed you know works - if it still doesn't work, then it must be a server config issue somewhere.

if you can't solve it yourself, you may need support to login and have a look around.
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Re: Blog in dashboard

23 May 2013, 11:55

Thank you. I have placed the code as test-feed.php file on my mirror server. It's output is as follows.
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in test-feed.php on line 3

Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in test-feed.php on line 3

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in /nfs1/clients/www/p/h/o/t/ Stack trace: #0 /nfs1/clients/www/p/h/o/t/ SimpleXMLElement->__construct('') #1 {main} thrown in test-feed.php on line 4
So it looks I need to ask my provider to enable http wraper (set allow_url_fopen=1). Wasn't the wrapper used in
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Re: Blog in dashboard

23 May 2013, 12:19

p.h. wrote:Thank you. I have placed the code as test-feed.php file on my mirror server. It's output is as follows.
So it looks I need to ask my provider to enable http wraper (set allow_url_fopen=1). Wasn't the wrapper used in
i'm glad to have helped find where the problem was.

previous versions used a third-party,, to handle the feed parsing - when that service was going to close (it seems it no longer is going to!), the code was changed and embedded into the main script.

it's the one part of imagevue I know well ! :)