
X3 Photo Gallery Support Forums

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Posts: 7
Joined: 21 Feb 2007, 11:46

footer logo and video

27 Feb 2007, 06:33

This is the order of the things it would make your tool really amazing !
(from my point of view)

A footer it is absolutely necessary !
Much morre simpler that the menu one !
one to write down a mail and the copyright !, it have to be very simple, isn't?

It would also be very usefull the possibility to put somewhere or on the top left a logo !
the problem of inserting a logo into the background is that we have to do transparent, so gif, thus we loss quality. Moreover depending of the resolution, the logo appears or not, so it is not really convenient,

Lastly video would be a very food asset !!

But please do the footer as soon as possible !!
