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Images disappear / error messages

10 Sep 2012, 21:18


I have a gallery installed and all the images have stopped displaying, when I went into the admin area and there was a couple of error messages (see below).
They seem to be suggesting that the Safe mode is active, I have checked and safe mode is not active, I have turned off safe mode in php.ini
This has got rid of the error messages but still no images showing up. Although all the folders are in place and there are images in them ( I checked via FPT ), but In the admin it is saying 0 files in folders, yet they are there.
Please can you help?

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::asXML() [function.SimpleXMLElement-asXML]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10011 is not allowed to access /var/www/vhosts/ /folderdata.xml owned by uid 33 (/iv-includes/include/ivMapperXmlAbstract.class.php:58)

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::asXML(/var/www/vhosts/ /folderdata.xml) [function.SimpleXMLElement-asXML]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory (/iv-includes/include/ivMapperXmlAbstract.class.php:58)

I have tried to rebuild the thumbs and received the error below

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::asXML(/var/www/vhosts/ 3D Service/folderdata.xml) [function.SimpleXMLElement-asXML]: failed to open stream: Permission denied (/iv-includes/include/ivMapperXmlAbstract.class.php:58)
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Imagevue Hitman
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Re: Images disappear / error messages

10 Sep 2012, 23:38

You can try to change permission on your content folder and the files inside using ftp client. Change then to 777 on everything recursively. Here is an article on setting permissions: ... rmissions/
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Joined: 24 Oct 2006, 18:19

Re: Images disappear / error messages

12 Sep 2012, 18:03


Tried that, and the error messages have gone away but the images have not returned.
Again, strangely one sub folder 'Stonekast baths and basins' > 'Baths" is working

The HTML gallery is not showing any images either.

Any other suggestions, getting desperate
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Re: Images disappear / error messages

13 Sep 2012, 03:29

I took a look in your admin, and there are no images in your folders (except for 1). I don't really know what else to say here, but never mind the flash version or html version, because as far as the public web is concerned, there are no images in your folders. Also, I am not sure what you mean "the images have not returned" ... You mean they are there? An error in the Imagevue admin is not going to change the visibility of your images on the www.

In FTP, check your folders, find an image, and then make a path to it and try to access it through the browser. Are there any images there in FTP?

Either your images are not there, and then obviously there is not much more to say. If your images in fact are there, but cannot be accessed from the web, then this is a problem with your server and/or permissions somehow. If the browser cant see an image outside the Imagevue interface, then for sure Imagevue wont be able to either ...
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Joined: 24 Oct 2006, 18:19

Re: Images disappear / error messages

13 Sep 2012, 08:21


Many thanks for taking the time to reply.
I have taken your advice and made a path to the images, and they do show in the browser.
Using FTP you can check the folders if you like, I am happy for you to use FTP access and
will give you the details so that you can see for yourself if you like.
I know that in the admin it is showing no images, but they are there, you can check ipvia FTP.
If you do want access can you tell me how to get this to you ?

Many thanks