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Feedback for 2.8 beta (non-mobile related)

16 Jun 2012, 01:52

Morning from Sweden!

This maybe premature as it appears most of the feedback has been for the mobile
side of things, but thought I'd throw a couple of notes down here in case it's helpful
for you gentlemen.

The website:

1. When uploading the same favicon to the root folder as in previous version, it
doesn't update (only shows on admin pages). This is in regards to Safari after cache
cleared out.
2. Old text page links need to be clicked twice to function. If you remake completely
them they work again.
3. Image text when set to "Bottom_Right" sometimes overlaps slideshow counter.
This of course can be fixed by reseting margins but perhaps there's another way?
4. Menu Tooltip margins appear very small, was there an adjustment?
5. Folder passwords sometimes set themselves. Appears to occur when I save a
folder for one edit or another (text change, new image, etc…)

That's all I've noticed thus far, but I realize this is a beta so just looking to help out
by reporting whatever I happen to find.

I was very disappointed however not to see that custom page function for a coffee
machine, perhaps in the next version?! :)

Thanks guys, looking good!
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Re: Feedback for 2.8 beta (non-mobile related)

18 Jun 2012, 16:28

1. When uploading the same favicon to the root folder as in previous version, it doesn't update (only shows on admin pages). This is in regards to Safari after cache cleared out.
I don't see this is anything new to X2.8, and we didn't change anything ehre either. The problem is normally related to the fact that browsers cache favicon files aggressively. If you have switched "favicon.png" in root, then it is certainly switched ... The difference between the admin and the gallery, is that the admin doesnt actively use a favicon, instead the browser just looks in the root of your website and normally finds it. In the gallery frontend, it is called upon.
2. Old text page links need to be clicked twice to function. If you remake completely them they work again.
We did add a fix so that it "redirects" from "#/content/path" to "#/path". Im assuming you fixed these links already anyway?
3. Image text when set to "Bottom_Right" sometimes overlaps slideshow counter. This of course can be fixed by reseting margins but perhaps there's another way?
This is another alignment position I added on request perhaps against what I feel is practical. In Imagevue, with 9-18 positions for all items that align, we can't possibly take into consideration overlapping of items like this. It will be freedom under responsibility, so you would have to increase the margin like you say ...
4. Menu Tooltip margins appear very small, was there an adjustment?
Yes. In a quest for better usability on big and small screens, across all themes, I reduced margins from 20 to 15. I took a look at your theme, and I think it looks well balanced with the rest of your minimalistic design:
5. Folder passwords sometimes set themselves. Appears to occur when I save a folder for one edit or another (text change, new image, etc…)
This I have not experienced. Are you sure you didnt happen to prefill by mistake? I found myself doing this a few times, while trying to fill descriptions or parameters. Also, you would need to click "remove" to actually remove a password.

Thanks Christopher!
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Re: Feedback for 2.8 beta (non-mobile related)

19 Jun 2012, 01:29


Just some feedback on the feedback of the feedback:

1. Thanks! The only reason I'd mentioned it was I'd cleared out Safari's caches, but I'm sure you're right.
2. Yes, I did in fact fix them.
3. Thanks, I completely understand your point.
4. No stress, it's a small personal preference for a bit more room but not essential.
5. I believe it was the mentioned pre fill/autofill with Safari, whoops!

Thanks again for the new beta, looking very nice indeed! I realize many of the problems I suggest are
often common sense things but like to mention them in case it's useful for you guys.

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Re: Feedback for 2.8 beta (non-mobile related)

22 Jun 2012, 01:15

Favicon is normally updated on the first visit to the site, to force it refresh you got to clear the browser history.
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Re: Feedback for 2.8 beta (non-mobile related)

22 Jun 2012, 01:28

Thanks Nick,

I do undertand, alas, for some reason, the favicon stays even after history is cleared and caches reset.
If you could confirm which favicon you see on the site? It 'should' be a small black and gray camera,
not the default imagevuex.

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Re: Feedback for 2.8 beta (non-mobile related)

22 Jun 2012, 08:14

In Chrome, I see the Imagevue version, since its in my history. In Firefox, I see your custom icon:
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Re: Feedback for 2.8 beta (non-mobile related)

22 Jun 2012, 08:20

Thanks Karl,

I realize it's a small thing but at least I know now. Odd that it hasn't been updated
despite cleaning out caches, but as it turns out I'd not completely removed all the
cached files.

For anyone else who wants to know how to clear out cached favicons in safari:

Select: 'Safari' — 'Reset safari…'
Check 'Remove all website icons.'
Click 'Ok.'
Close Safari.
Restart Safari.
Last edited by Christopher on 22 Jun 2012, 08:27, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feedback for 2.8 beta (non-mobile related)

22 Jun 2012, 08:23

Christopher wrote:I realize it's a small thing but at least I know now. Odd that it hasn't been updated
despite cleaning out caches, but I'm sure it'll right itself in time.
I agree, and I dont quite see how favicons seem to get super-cached some times. However, as long as you have changed the favicon, it is only a matter of time (and cache), because there are no other hidden imagevue favicons hijacking your browser.