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Image vertical/horizontal margin planned or work around?

11 Apr 2012, 03:54

I realize this has been discussed, but I didn't find anything on if this might be implemented
in the future or if there's a good work around.

Currently all images have one margin setting, such as 200 (pixels). This is great to have,
however I'm finding a greater need for horizontal vs vertical margin options as time goes
on. Primarily because I've many photographs that are non-standard crops that simply won't
look appropriate in relation to others if a single, global margin is used.

Aside from creating smaller resolution images, has anyone discovered a good work around
to this issue?

As well, is it a planned feature to be added (as in thumbnails)?

Thanks for any thoughts anyone can provide!
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Re: Image vertical/horizontal margin planned or work around?

12 Apr 2012, 05:44

Unfortunately, this is not currently possible because Imagevue by default centers the image, and does all positioning and scaling based on the center of the screen. It is not as simple as to "offset" the image, because that would mean possibly reducing the image even further just to fit a specific small screen size. Also, different margins are a bit complicated logics -lets say you got 300px on left and 100px on right, so an image may be downsized and repositioned to fit within that area. However, what happens when the image scales 100% well within margins (so margins are technically voided)? should it suddenly "jump" to middle of stage? ... or should it be offset at some percentage of margin difference?

This has been requested before, and we do see the necessity. However, perhaps this would instead be a task for a forthcoming html conversion ... Might be easier with CSS. Thus, I cannot say that this feature will be available for next release end of April.
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Re: Image vertical/horizontal margin planned or work around?

12 Apr 2012, 06:03

I'd imagined as such, but never hurt to ask. :) Thanks for the quick reply!