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Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

08 Dec 2010, 13:28

When using the Thumbnailscroller with "Autohide" and "Offset" enable:

On PC using Chrome: When mousing away from the scroller the thumbnails dissapear, instead of reverting to the offset position.

On OSX (latest) using both Chrome and Safari: Same behavior, except that the scroller is overly sensitive to the mouse position and sometimes just disappears when it should still be visible.

At these times you can still HEAR the sound of the scroller clicking while moving the mouse left and right, and you can click on the empty space (where the thumbnails should be) and open images.

(I'm at work not, but can send you a QT video showing the OSX behavior later from home, if that would help).

Thanks in advance!

(this appears to be a new issue since the admin upgrade)
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

08 Dec 2010, 13:38

Some additional info. I'm finding the thumbnail scroller hides when mousing away wether AudoHide is checked, or not.

(currently on my PC/Chrome).
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

12 Dec 2010, 03:45

The "Autohide" feature might not work as expected, because it was a long time ago that we decided to attach the functionality of this to the main controls.

We are on Mac ourselves, and I can't see any problem with the thumbnailscroller. Besides, nothing changed in this department in the last update either. We only changed the hover, and the scale of thumbnails (if there are many!)
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

14 Dec 2010, 12:18

After looking into further what I have found is that it's very prevalent if the thumbnail scroller overlaps the image when not hidden. The default themes have very small thumbs and don't overlap. That's most likely why you aren't seeing the issue.

I'm embedding the gallery within a 625px height space. The images are meant to take up most of the stage with the thumbs popping up when rolled over. It did worked fine in the last version (pre-admin reduex).
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

14 Dec 2010, 12:28

If you have a link to your gallery, it would help me understand your issue with the thumbnail-scroller perhaps. Especially in consideration to what has changed in the latest release, which I don't see how affects your gallery.
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

14 Dec 2010, 13:02

Here is an example of the thumbnail scroller "behaving badly" -;)

As a reference, here is the old version working correctly:
Last edited by markam24 on 14 Dec 2010, 18:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

15 Dec 2010, 00:59

I am not quite sure what you mean by "old" version ... None of these examples are using Imagevue X2.5. Not the one that is working, and no the one that is behaving badly.

Now, the one that is behaving badly, I assume simply has some unfortunate combination of settings.
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

15 Dec 2010, 02:03

The older version is 2.1.8, but I don't recall any version within the last couple of years having an issue like this.

If by "unfortunate combination of settings" you mean anytime the thumbnail scroller overlaps the image, then yes. (I'm finding it happens whether autohide is enabled or not. All that's needed is for overlap and the thumbs act up).
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

15 Dec 2010, 02:16

markam24 wrote:The older version is 2.1.8, but I don't recall any version within the last couple of years having an issue like this.
What I am trying to figure out, is what version they BOTH are ... None of them are the latest version Imagevue X2.5.
markam24 wrote:If by "unfortunate combination of settings" you mean anytime the thumbnail scroller overlaps the image, then yes.
I mean that you have an unfortunate combination of settings, that creates this effect that the thumbnailscroller seems to glitch. I am not quite sure what you mean by "overlaps the image", because this would be normal based on the settings you have and the margins you have ... As I have mentioned, there are basically 100s of settings in Imagevue, and all combinations simply are not fail-proof because some combinations have been set for the greater benefit of the gallery. For example, the connection between the thumbnailscroller and maincontrols.
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

15 Dec 2010, 04:40

I uploaded a fresh copy of the gallery "as is" here:

All I need to do is turn off the main controls, then change the image margin and upload photos large enough to cause overlap to recreate the problem (Using the default theme). No other changes.

The stage area needs to have the overlap, so you won't see it on full screen or with a large expanded browser. It's expecially prevelant when embedded.

I've update the gallery here with the most recent IV build:

So, anyway, based on what I'm seeing with a fresh install, the key appears to be the main controls. Leave the main control on and there is no issue, turn it off and the thumbs become unstable as long as there is overlap.
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

16 Dec 2010, 03:45

Well, at least it is not related to any Imagevue VERSION as far as I can see. This is some artifact from a combination of settings, and I would have to study it closely to figure out exactly what it is. It is probably something like you say, although ultimately, it would be some of the differences in settings between those two gallery links.

From my side, I saw the flaw with the thumbnails not sticking when mouse over. I didn't notice anything with margins or overlapping - This is just a natural effect of changing image margins and/or changing settings for the thumbnailscroller. It isn't set up to strictly not overlap, because this depends on a lot of factors.
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

16 Dec 2010, 11:43

The issue was introduced with V25.

Prior to that I could (and did) embed the gallery with overlapping thumbs (and no main control) in wordpress. After V25 I no longer can, regardless of the settings, without this thumbnail scroller issue.

Having said that. The fix is simple. I'll include the main control if embedding V25. It's not as clean, but it's certainly not bad either.

Sorry...I know I can be a stickler. I do love the new version and appreciate your time!
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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

06 Jun 2011, 09:41


Just installed latest version yesterday. Right now the thumbnail scroller tends to disappear/autohide even when set to stay. It also shows the thumbnails with different width frames. Any ideas how to fix this?

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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

06 Jun 2011, 17:11

I have played with this quite a bit more and I think it is something to do with FF4. Since I have had other strange issues before using the browser I'm just going to remove and reinstall that browser. So please ignore this problem for now!!

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Re: Unusual Thumbnailscroller "Autohide" Behavior

07 Jun 2011, 01:51

I am also having problems with FF4 and Flash. What OS are you using?