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The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

30 Nov 2010, 06:12

With the release of Imagevue X2.5, one of the main new features was a brand new admin. Check out the demo here (login as guest/guest). If you are going to upgrade, follow the upgrade instructions here. Because of all the new features, we didn't really get the opportunity to present the new admin, so allow me to provide a quick walk-through of some of the new features:

Rename the Admin Folder
Many of you have requested the option to rename the imagevue/ admin folder, and now this is possible. In Imagevue X2.5, the default admin folder is iv-admin/, and you can simply rename this folder to whatever you want! There is another folder iv-includes/ which you can NOT rename. This folder contains all the script files, themes, javascripts, css and more.

Faster navigation
Because of new XML Cache, navigating the admin should be substantially faster than before. You can read about the XML cache system here.

At the top left of the page, you will now see a notification area that displays successful events or any errors after you make a change in the admin.

The Manage page
The new Manage page has been re-built from scratch, and has a cleaner layout with better functionality. Basically, you have all the parameters on the left side:
# [Use as] - to select folder type
# Preview thumbnail - You can drag any thumbnail into this area from the list of thumbnails on the right
# Title, Description, Parameters (new) and Password (new) fields.

Above the folders/thumbnails, you have:
# View as list and View as Grid (new)
# Sorting options
# Copy & Move
# New (create new folder), Delete (delete folder), Rename (rename folder), Hide (hide folder), Upload (new features), Thumbs (create thumbnails for this folder).

Also, remember to try out the new drag-and-drop manual sorting! Just drag images or folders in the order that you want them!

The settings page has been re-designed so that it is easier to view and edit. Now, the main settings branches are all separated by unique horizontal tabs above the settings. It is easier to identify and edit specific settings.

Themes page overview has been simplified. You can choose to use a theme, preview a theme, or create new theme based on an existing theme. Once you have created a new theme, you can edit the theme settings and the theme CSS stylesheet. As with the config settings, the theme settings are easier to navigate and edit.

Users, Languages and Diagnostics are more or less same as before, except the design and layout has been improved!

The new thumbnails-tab, allows you to create or re-create thumbnails for a specific folder or for all folders. [Start Folder] dropdown selects from what folder to start the thumbnail creation from, as it works recursively.

The new Authorize tab, allows you to authorize your gallery. Read more

Imagevue X2.5 Upgrade Instructions
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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

30 Nov 2010, 11:49

Very Nice! With the dramatic admin changes the old custom theme configurations are obsolete, correct?
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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

30 Nov 2010, 12:32

Big thumbs up for manual sorting! Works like a dream -;)
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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

30 Nov 2010, 12:38

markam24 wrote:Very Nice! With the dramatic admin changes the old custom theme configurations are obsolete, correct?
Not really, they are still there, and compatible with earlier releases. The difference is now that you cannot edit a native Imagevue theme directly. Instead, you need to create "new from this", and then edit your custom theme. Same settings as before will then be available, including the option to edit the CSS stylesheet.

Why I can't edit a native Imagevue theme directly?
We made it like this to make upgrading much easier. For example, if you made changes to the CSS stylesheets for native Imagevue themes, they would get overwritten when upgrading. Now, you are forced to create a copy of a theme before editing it. Then, when you upgrade your gallery, your custom theme is always kept intact.
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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

30 Nov 2010, 17:25

Just to make sure I understand before upgrading -- the customized theme I've been using is just called default, which I assume is considered a native IVX theme -- so when I upgrade, will these custom settings be retained in default, or will I have to recreate them? Or should I copy my default theme to a new theme *before* upgrading?
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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

30 Nov 2010, 17:42

The themes no longer reside in the same place, The "imagevue" files now reside in a folder called "iv-includes"

& Yes, best method would probably be to first copy the theme and rename (as you suggested), then simply move it to "iv-includes/themes" after updating.
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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

30 Nov 2010, 18:07

How can I select different crop resize options? I have square, 2:3 and 3:2 photos and I want the thumbnails to keep these aspect ratios. Photos are stored in different folders.
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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

01 Dec 2010, 00:02

gpmalone wrote:Just to make sure I understand before upgrading -- the customized theme I've been using is just called default, which I assume is considered a native IVX theme -- so when I upgrade, will these custom settings be retained in default, or will I have to recreate them?
Basically, if you copy the config/ folder when upgrading, you will normally retain all your custom settings for this theme. Why? Because as I explained above, "changes" to themes are stored separately in the config/ folder. Exceptions: 1. You custom settings will not be stored if you edited the theme files directly (from outside the imagevue admin) 2. Your CSS stylesheet changes will NOT be retained.

Basically, the reasons above is why we now require that you create a "new theme" before editing it, so that upgrading will be easier.
gpmalone wrote:Or should I copy my default theme to a new theme *before* upgrading?
Yes, I would recommend this. Then you can make a copy of your "new" theme, and not even the CSS will get overwritten.
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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

01 Dec 2010, 00:13

iKremers wrote:How can I select different crop resize options? I have square, 2:3 and 3:2 photos and I want the thumbnails to keep these aspect ratios. Photos are stored in different folders.
Go to admin -> settings -> thumbnails.thumbnail, and you will find 3 settings:
boxwidth - Sets the thumbnails width boundary
boxheight - Sets the thumbnails height boundary
resizetype - resizetobox or croptobox, sets the resize method.

Now, as far as I understand, you want to keep your thumbnails in their original aspects, right? This means your thumbnails will have different dimensions of course, with different aspects. To do this, you must make sure to set resizetype: resizetobox. Instead of cropping the thumbnail within the box size parameters, it will resize the thumbnail within the same parameters. This means your thumbnail will not get cut off, and will retain its original aspect.

PS! We will be adding these settings to the thumbnail-creation page for the final release!
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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

01 Dec 2010, 06:20

Yep, it's working now :) I have three subfolders inside Landscapes named Square, Traditional and Panorama and each folder only contains photos with the same size and aspect ratio as the others in that folder.
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Folder parameters -- which should work and which shouldn't?

01 Dec 2010, 16:12

Hi, I'm a bit confused as to which parameters can be set to folders and which cannot.
For instance, I successfully changed folder parameters such as your example: image.slideshow.autostart=true (or false)
or settings.startmode=image (or thumbnails)

But, other parameters in the same level of settings have no effect, such as:
image.slideshow.interval=2 (or whatever number value)
or image.slideshow.loop=true (or false)

The default settings are kept.
Why would this be, and is there some logic to understand which parameters should work and which shouldn't?

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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

01 Dec 2010, 23:34

gpmalone: That is a good question.

I guess I should have marked this feature as "experimental". As you have noticed, there are hundreds of settings for the Imagevue gallery. They are loaded into the flash, and then basically scattered around. Some are used in equations, some are used to load data unrelated to folders, and some are transformed into global settings on initial load.

Unfortunately, some settings that you might expect to work, might no work simply because the gallery functions execute is a variety of ways. However, there is no logical reason why those specific settings you mention should not work, so I will check this before the weekend and most likely have it fixed for final release!
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.mp3's will not autostart, if one mp3 reaches end with no re

02 Dec 2010, 13:13

Audio player autostart on, using imagefolder as mp3 source, Loop=1 (no repeat). Clear cache, etc., go to any gallery with an mp3. mp3 autostarts fine. If you click out of this gallery to another one, before the first gallery's mp3 has finished playing, then the new gallery will autostart its mp3.
*BUT*, if you allow the mp3 of the first gallery to play to the end (with no repeat), THEN click on another gallery, the new gallery will not autostart the mp3 -- you have to manually click on the audio player to activate it (if visible).

The temporary workaround I've found is to set loop=0 for infinite repeat -- but I really only want my mp3 or playlist to play one time, then stop --- then of course, clicking on a new gallery should have its mp3 autostart automatically.

I'm using Firefox & Safari on Mac...
Try this one (it has the shortest mp3)
Let it play to the end (about 1.5 minutes). You'll see that the audioplayer EQ freezes when the mp3 ends.
Then click on 'HIGHLIGHTS' in Gallery Menu to left. You'll see that the audioplayer doesn't autostart (though it should).

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Re: The New Imagevue X2.5 Admin

03 Dec 2010, 11:34

Well, bluntly speaking the audioplayer has perhaps not been made to handle these somewhat complex feature requirements. When the audioplayer stops (because your settings have told it to stop), it will stop ... Simply like that. It will not just start playing by itself, even if another track is loaded.

The autostart setting is intended for when the gallery itself first opens.

I will have to take this as a feature request, as it is not strictly related to Imaevue X2.5 beta.
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Re: Folder parameters -- which should work and which shouldn

12 Dec 2010, 21:54

gpmalone wrote:But, other parameters in the same level of settings have no effect, such as:
image.slideshow.interval=2 (or whatever number value)
or image.slideshow.loop=true (or false)
The image.slideshow.interval setting has now been fixed so that it can be set through parameters (Will be released later today). As mentioned though, you cannot access ALL settings through parameters.

As for the image.slideshow.loop settings, I believe this may have been misinterpreted. This setting simply makes the last image in a gallery connect with the first image, so you can navigate between them. Setting this to false, will simply prevent the bridge between the first and last image.

If you want to address the actual EVENT that occurs when the slideshow plays through to the last image, you must instead use image.slideshow.end_event, with available values: loop,stop,thumbnails,startpath,url.

* image.slideshow.interval=2 (or whatever number value) or image.slideshow.loop=true (or false) does not work for parameters? - forum