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Ver 2.5b

29 Nov 2010, 17:09

The new version is not making thumbnails for me. Typically I would create a folder on my desktop and put the images I want in that folder. Then I would upload the folder and open it in Imagevue admin. Admin would then create the thumbnails and all was good. The thumbnails typically would be created rather fast and you could scroll along and watch them being created quickly. With the new version I am experiencing a very long pause (compared to the previous version) and ultimately it is not creating all the thumbnails. I had a folder with 23 pictures and after 2.5 minutes it made 8 of the thumbnails and was done trying. I tried the "create thumbnail" button and still it does not create all the thumbs and it also takes a considerable amount of time while not achieving its goal. If I navigate out of the folder and back into it time and time again, I get a long pause and wait while it creates a couple more thumbs each time I reenter. Eventually if I do this enough, it creates all the thumbnails for the images in the folder. This is far from how smooth it was previously. Definitely a bug that needs attention.

I am very pleased with the overall administration response time. In general browsing around in the admin area seems way more responsive than previously. Browsing in the admin before was a waiting game, but now responses are happen quickly.

One thing I personally do not like is the hide/delete buttons that appears on the folders when you mouse over them in the admin. The options are not there at first and when you go to choose the folder, they appear and it's just to easy to accidentally pick them. I'd prefer if the hide/delete options were not handled like this and when I pick a folder, I'm picking a folder and not a folder option that appeared while I was picking the folder - just my thoughts.

I'll keep playing around in this beta version - Joe
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Re: Ver 2.5b

30 Nov 2010, 03:59

Do you have a link and login to your admin? Are you sure you are not upload very large images? (which would explain why thumbnail are created very slow, and some not created at all).

As for the folder hide/delete buttons, what exactly do you mean by "picking" them? When I rollover a folder, I see the hide/delete buttons immediately, and I can't understand how you would accidentally click these icons. This is of course only my own opinion, and we appreciate your feedback.
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Re: Ver 2.5b

30 Nov 2010, 09:23

I do not have a link or login because I am testing on an internal network. I have an IIS server at home that I do all my testing on before uploading to the public. The images are not large (200 kb range) and I am repeating a process here that I have been doing for years with no problems since Version 2 beta. The only recent change is the 2.5b.
I rebooted the IIS and the problem still remains. I was going to try and clear the cache in imagevue admin, but that button seems to be gone. That has fixed many of my problems in the past. Is the button gone or moved?
I deleted the thumbnails and let admin recreate the thumbs 3 times as a test. The folder has 23 pictures all around the 200kb size. Each times it took around 1.5 minutes till it said done at the bottom of the browser. Each time it made 9 out of the 23 thumbsnails, but the ones that were made were random and not the same ones each time. On the last attempt, after it made 9 thumbs, I chose the "Thumb" button and "create missing thumbs". After about another minute, it made 4 of the 14 thumbs left to make before the big green "Thumbnails Created" image appeared.

In response to the buttons. The way may site is setup, I do a lot of jumping around from folder to folder in the admin. I use many textpages that interact with each other. Hiding and deleting folders is something I almost never do. In my haste, I am already constantly picking the hide and delete buttons when I mean to just choose the folder. The buttons appear instantly (as they should), but my mind and finger are already clicking what was just a folder image a split second ago. This is just my opinion, but I don't like buttons I almost never use, nagging my daily work flow. If the delete/hide buttons were a little higher and actually off the folder image, I don't think I would be accidentally picking them. This is NOT a complaint or bug, just MY opinion. I wish the folder buttons were always JUST folder buttons.

Hope some of this helps and I'll gladly try anything you need to isolate potential solutions - Joe
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Re: Ver 2.5b

30 Nov 2010, 09:38

Regarding your image/thumbnails issue, this is just really really difficult for us to diagnose as long as it is on your local server. In Imagevue X2.5, the empty cache button is gone, simply because it no longer is required. Did you try to go to the "thumbnails" tab to create thumbnails from there? what happens?

I understand your issue with the folder buttons, and will take it as feedback for now. If you want a dirty fix for this, you could simply remove the following line in iv-admin/css/imagevue.admin.css:
.thumb:hover .controls a, .folder:hover .controls a  { display: block;}
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Re: Ver 2.5b

30 Nov 2010, 12:09

If I use the "Thumbnails" tab and create the thumbs from there, it doesn't seem all that much different. Slow and it doesn't create all the pictures. I tried removing the exif data from the pictures, that didn't make a difference. I also tried moving the folder closer to the root folder (in case it was a path issue) and that didn't change anything.

Thanks for the "quick fix" for the delete/hide.
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Re: Ver 2.5b

30 Nov 2010, 17:36

Not sure if this helps, but when I do a list on my /content/ folder, I have 245 folders and 11,978 (mostly jpegs) files within it. I have been playing around trying to isolate the thumbnail problem. First I created a new website within my IIS server. While there was few folders and photos within the site, the thumbnails were created without problem. I slowly kept adding my original website content and the more folders of photos I added, the slower it became, until it got to a point when it began failing to create thumbnails. Could the thumbnail problem be a timeout error happening while it is trying to keep track of all this info ? One other thing I noticed and I'm not sure it matters. When the thumbnails are created without problem, they slowly appear in the order that they are sorted. So just like in the old days when the photos were in a list, it would create the first through the last - in that order. I could slowly scroll down and watch them being generated. Now, once the thumbnails start having problems being generated, they seem to appear on the screen in no particular order as they are being made. No longer first through last, but random instead.

Also, at one point during my playing around, I got this error
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\Inetpub\MySite\flash\iv-includes\include\ivMapperXmlFolder.class.php on line 183
but I'm not sure it is related because I was impatiently clicking within the admin at the time. just thought I'd put it out there in case it's something.

Hope this helps - would be curious if others with large folder/photo content will have troubles.

Thanks - Joe
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Re: Ver 2.5b

05 Dec 2010, 13:38

At the moment can't say anything about using Imagevue with IIS, need to test somewhere. But I can say for sure this is not recommended. Also try with latest beta.

Imagevue 2.5 runs fine even on heavy loaded servers like with thousands of images. But it's powered by Apache ofcourse.
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Re: Ver 2.5b

05 Dec 2010, 16:23

pain wrote:At the moment can't say anything about using Imagevue with IIS, need to test somewhere. But I can say for sure this is not recommended. Also try with latest beta.

Imagevue 2.5 runs fine even on heavy loaded servers like with thousands of images. But it's powered by Apache ofcourse.
haha it's actually pain ;) but still close enough.:p
We are running about 75000+ pics in the gallery and well everything has been going real smooth with 2.5 beta.
As stated we run using Apache. And we can recommend using Apache instead of IIS (but that is a discussion which should not be held here, there have been ton of discussions on the web on why to use apache or iis.
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Re: Ver 2.5b

05 Dec 2010, 23:41

But as you've reported there might be a problem with thumbnail creation actually.
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Re: Ver 2.5b

06 Dec 2010, 06:38

sprocket wrote:If I use the "Thumbnails" tab and create the thumbs from there, it doesn't seem all that much different. Slow and it doesn't create all the pictures.
Could you please post a link your your gallery ? Even better provide us with the ftp login and password so we could test on your server please?
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Re: Ver 2.5b

07 Dec 2010, 12:21

Glad to report that the problem is solved on pfsquad at least, this most likely should solve it for mr. sproket also, but this is up to be seen when we will update the beta.
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Re: Ver 2.5b

07 Dec 2010, 13:38

pain wrote:But as you've reported there might be a problem with thumbnail creation actually.
true ... But I normally focus on the good things..
And they over ruled the bad in this situation :)
pain wrote:Glad to report that the problem is solved on pfsquad at least, this most likely should solve it for mr. sproket also, but this is up to be seen when we will update the beta.
Pain ... you rock.. now it less then 30 secs :D
What a difference compared to yesterday (like I told you in my pm ;))
Nick thanks cant wait for upcoming things from you and Karl :D
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Re: Ver 2.5b

11 Dec 2010, 13:12

Pain, if you want to send me the beta update, I'll test it on my server. If it doesn't fix my problem, I'll work on getting you access to it so you can see and troubleshoot the issue. Thanks
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Re: Ver 2.5b

12 Dec 2010, 11:14

Got the PM Nick, You're right in your prediction. The thumbnails on my server are now generating very fast and the issue appears to be gone. I was able to generate 60 thumbs in about 20 seconds. Previously this would have taken 3-4 minutes, and it would have skipped generating many. I tried it two ways also, first I browsed to a directory with pics but not thumbs, and they were created withOUT problems. I also used the Thumbnails tab and everything worked great there also.

Nice job in finding this problem and Thanks for all the great work. Joe
Last edited by sprocket on 12 Dec 2010, 11:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ver 2.5b

12 Dec 2010, 11:15

sprocket wrote:I tried it two ways also, first I browsed to a directory with pics but not thumbs, and they were created with problems.
Sorry, with or without problems?