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All configuration files

27 Aug 2008, 04:38

Hi there,

when replacing the beta by a new one, i compare the config.xml and default_theme.xml with the new one and add new items manually. This will be much faster than configuring everything from scratch.

But doing so, i noticed that many options seems to be stored in other config files (Many options from the theme config) - they were restored to default.

Can you please list ALL configuration files in imagevue? This would be a great help for me and any others, who add the new items by hand and keep their old settings.

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X3 Wizard
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03 Sep 2008, 09:15

There must be some misunderstanding - There is only the THEME config file, and the main CONFIG(which handles mostly server/admin related properties).

I understand your concerns, and I have to do something similar myself every time I update the SODA demo gallery(although there are only subtle differences from the release). I think in the next update, we will be adding some improvement to configurations which will make it easy to keep your customizations even after update. It will work something like this:

# When editing a theme from admin, a new "user.xml" will be created where user customizations are stored. This means the original theme file will not change, and when updating Imagevue, your "user.xml" will be kept in tact even if the original theme is updated.

Easily track your changes or reset theme.