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Watermark / Photosize

Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 04:56
by tigerduck
Hey Karl,-
as working on thorstens page after upgrade I have 2 questions:

a) Anything new about the watermark function? Didnt I found it or isnt it avaiable?

b) Is it possible to lets say upload a photo that is 4000*6000 and is displayed -on a big enough monitor- like that, but downsized automatically to lets say 80 % of the avaiable screen space on smaller displays? 

I hope you understand my questions as my english is not that well and Im quite new to that PC Stuff
Best regards

Re: Watermark / Photosize

Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 10:20
by mjau-mjau
tigerduck wrote:a) Anything new about the watermark function? Didnt I found it or isnt it avaiable?
This is currently not a feature in X3, mostly for the same reasons pointed out in this post. I will consider it again for a future release, but "ultimately" this should be done prior to uploading (for reasons given in the link).
tigerduck wrote:b) Is it possible to lets say upload a photo that is 4000*6000 and is displayed -on a big enough monitor- like that, but downsized automatically to lets say 80 % of the avaiable screen space on smaller displays?
This is an odd request.
  • First of all, you can already upload 4000 x 6000 images, and the original would display on ultra-high resolution screens.
  • However, unless you have a very powerful server, your server would not be able to resize 4000 x 6000 images down to smaller sizes (which is necessary).
  • Furthermore, when uploading images that size, these original images will be available to be found and downloaded by advanced users.
  • With that size images, you are expecting your visitors to spend 4-5 MB on each image? That would be SLOW on most connections.
  • I don't get why you want to downsize to 80% of the available screen on smaller displays. For example on an iPhone, it would be important to use ALL the available screen for the image (even if X3 displays a resized image). It doesn't make sense to show it full size on ultra-large screen and only 80% on "smaller" screens. For what purpose?

Re: Watermark / Photosize

Posted: 12 Sep 2023, 06:45
by mjau-mjau
Since X3.32.0, it's now possible to watermark images on upload from the included Files Gallery located in /files/ dir.