
X3 Photo Gallery Support Forums

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Re: help with settings

29 Jun 2016, 06:36

also how do you make links on text, there are a couple of times I write a link and if a user wanted to follow that link they would have to copy and paste the link, it would be nice to be able to offer a pop up window or tab or something for the link in the text so users stay on the page but get the link as well, been a little confused to how to go about doing that,

I seem to ask 20 questions a day here! :roll: :shock: thanks for the 20 answers a day!! :D :lol:
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Re: help with settings

29 Jun 2016, 07:16

zipper wrote:is it possible to remove images from the poems pages so its just text boxes? or how to have a title which loads a new page with its content so that text can be formatted with paragraphs and spaces, (is there a way to do this besides using the space bar lots of times, which might not work for different screen sizes?)
You mean you want TITLE+DESCRIPTION, but NOT the preview image? Go to the poems page in panel, settings -> gallery, remove the "preview" tag under ITEMS.

Of course, a small preview image will be helpful for the visitor to understand what they are clicking. So, if you are adding images to the child pages, I would recommend keeping the preview images. If not, you might consider a different gallery-layout altogether, for example "columns" ... Try it out - it will assemble items better.
zipper wrote:how would I begin with shopify? I'm guessing if a pop up window is used for shopify, the same principle could be used for fetchapp using a buy button to load up a new window where I could edit and work in HTML to create options for setting it up, like drop down menues etc, I will see how the two fit together,
I havent used Shopify myself unfortunately. You can certainly configure your products, and set up options ... doubt you would use HTML for that though, as they probably have an advanced interface for it. As mentioned earlier, this part is on the shopify-side of things anyway, and that's why its a good fit. I don't know what you can or cannot do with fetchapp ... my initial impression was that it was a service for intangible goods, but it may very will be capable.
zipper wrote:I am curious how shopify integrates itself into your x3, which I have to say is a lot better then x2 was, I was happy with x2 but the new platform is really nice! thanks for making such a good piece of coding! 8) :D 8)
Thank you! There really is no hocus pocus in regards to shopify ... Since release 0.17, we integrated a dynamic image link system in X3 that was flexible enough to work with many e-commerce systems, opening product pages in popup windows.
zipper wrote:I dont know if its possible to add functions like a sign up for newsletter to the site as well
Wouldn't be too difficult. You could normally integrate a newsletter signup directly in an X3 page though, without having to use popup. For example using mailchimp.
zipper wrote:or to do search engine optimization, I read somewhere that x3 has this option where x2 didnt :shock:, which would be a vast improvement and hopefully good news! 8)
X2 was a Flash SPA (single page application), whereas X3 is a html5 application, with SEO optimized pages. Therefore, X3 is superior to X2 in terms of SEO. Although X3 is entirely SEO optimized, a large part of SEO is done externally, for example by making sure you have incoming links. There really isn't many SEO settings in X3 ... You just need to fill titles and descriptions properly, and use original text content.
zipper wrote:is it possible to embed youtube videos into x3?
Yes, see example. In your page content editor, see the templates dropdown:
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Re: help with settings

08 Aug 2016, 19:56

I have a few questions I would like help with please

I can’t seem to get videos embedded onto the site, when I try it seems to put a box without the video on the page, the demo video seems to work but I can’t seem to add my own

when you view on mobile I find that the main parent folders holding multiple child subfolders doesn’t load (except index), but allows the sub (child) folders to load as a page,


the parent folder photographs, which contains text and information about my photography doesn’t load, but the child sub folders e.g. cuba does load

is it possible to fix this or is this just how it works, it would be nice to think that on a mobile it would be possible to see the whole site but in miniature, not miss out pieces of text

could you give me advice on how to get listed within search results, I notice imagevue has meta tags that have keywords along with author page results, I can’t see how to edit this and add in these meta fields, it would help with seo, is it a case of editing a part of the gallery in a code editor? like your site where you can search for imagevue in google instead of the whole as a search, and the meta name=“keywords” parameter, I’m just learning about seo, and would like to be able to add these website side meta tags to my own site

how do I edit a page to have paragraphs? or part of some of my text on some pages I would like to make a link that opens a new window

thanks once again for your help so far!
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Re: help with settings

09 Aug 2016, 00:13

zipper wrote:is it possible to embed youtube videos into x3?
Yes, see examples here:

You can also find the embed code available in your page content editor templates:

So yes, you can easily embed youtube and vimeo videos. You can't add them directly to more complex gallery layouts though.