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Preforming a complete backup

Posted: 22 Nov 2023, 16:59
by BigBobbyD
Perhaps this has already been addressed, sorry if that is the case, I couldn't seem to find it doing forum searches...

Is there a simple way to back-up the entire photo gallery?  I am only hosting this on my server and wanted to ensure that I kept the entire structure.  Previously I would just use SQL but if I am not mistaken, I could just zip all the installed files and that would be sufficient.

is that correct.

Again, I apologize if this has already been addressed.

Re: Preforming a complete backup

Posted: 22 Nov 2023, 20:54
by mjau-mjau
Hi. Good question. X3 doesn't use database, and the only thing you need to backup from X3, are the following two directories:


Basically your page, page settings, galleries and images are all contained inside the "content" folder, and your global settings are stored inside "config". I do this myself when I want to migrate X3 websites to a new server. I would then install a new X3, and then replace the "content" and "config" dirs from the backup. You can of course also do this just to make a backup.

Re: Preforming a complete backup

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 02:53
by BigBobbyD
Thank you :grinning: