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Translate Page by Google Translator?

17 Jul 2023, 17:28


I tried to translate a page with Google Translator, unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. It does not load the page. 

As an example I would like to have the following page translated from German to English. ... 11-EdgeHD/

This should be the google translator link: https://www-linsenschuss-de.translate.g ... r_pto=wapp

It loads only a gray page without content. Maybe i have to change a setting? Or is this not possible?

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Re: Translate Page by Google Translator?

17 Jul 2023, 22:41

The new Google translate mechanism is causing Javascript errors in the X3 application. I sent Google feedback about this. Their new approach is not safe, because it takes the source codes and injects Javascript and CSS, breaking X3.
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Re: Translate Page by Google Translator?

18 Jul 2023, 02:09

Thank you Karl,  for your clarification. Then we hope that maybe there will be a solution in the future.