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Is it possible to make an image defined in Settings|Content open larger in a popup?

Posted: 15 Apr 2023, 03:38
by JMM
Hello again, Karl,

I have a folder that I have set up using Settings | Content, which you can see HERE.

I would like to hide the folder with the 1 image at the bottom of the page (which I can easily do), and have just the top image.  However, I would like to be able to click on the top image & have it open up as a popup, the same way that the regular picture at the bottom of the page opens up in a popup (before I hide it).

I had initially tried to have that regular image display at the top of the page (above the Content), but couldn't get it to work that way.  Plus, I like the way I have it now, with the image at the top being much larger.  Is it possible for me to have it slightly larger?  I currently have the width set at 1000, but making it larger does not seem to have any effect.

The code that I have so far in the Content for the top picture, but which I would like to be able to make clickable so that a larger picture of it opens in a popup, is:
<div class='row text-center'>
     <div class='medium-12 columns'>
          <div class='frame'>
                         <img src="{{path}}filename.jpg" width="1000" align="center">
Is what I am trying to accomplish doable?

It would also be nice, but not a must, for that little green circle with the white magnifying glass + symbol to display over that top picture, like it does for all the regular pictures :-).

Thanks in advance & have yourself a great weekend, sir.


Re: Is it possible to make an image defined in Settings|Content open larger in a popup?

Posted: 15 Apr 2023, 07:46
by metallissimus
In the top bar of the content editor is a handy little tool that makes inserting images really easy:
Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-15 um 13.43.16.png
Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-15 um 13.43.16.png (442.37 KiB) Viewed 10868 times
If you check the option at the bottom before selecting an image, it will open in Popup.

As for the width: Try setting the width under settings > context to "wide". If it is currently set to something smaller, it restricts the whole content width (which is very useful for text, but not necessarily for images).

Re: Is it possible to make an image defined in Settings|Content open larger in a popup?

Posted: 15 Apr 2023, 23:14
by JMM
That works perfectly, thank you.

I had played around a bit with that little tool before I posted my question, but obviously I did not experiment long enough.

Thank you for taking the time to help me.

Have yourself a great weekend, sir.
