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Title page name

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 08:39
by Dane

My home page has the title "Die neusten Fotos" (engl. The latest photos), which is as far as I want - on my page. But on Google it is also displayed that way. This may be a bit confusing. Can you somehow adjust that Google for the home page something else is displayed?

The description is simply taken from the footer, including the designations of the social media links " Share on FacebookTweetPin itShare by EmailDownload. ShareShare on FacebookTweetPin itShare on LinkedinShare on ..." This is not so good and does not look like a serious site. 
2021-01-26 14_35_31-_Dane Vetter_ - Google Suche.jpg
2021-01-26 14_35_31-_Dane Vetter_ - Google Suche.jpg (25.39 KiB) Viewed 4857 times

Re: Title page name

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 08:41
by Dane
When i search for the name of my homepage "Linsenschuss" it shows other links, but they are dead because they was from my old homepage. 
2021-01-26 14_40_56-_Linsenschuss_ - Google Suche.jpg
2021-01-26 14_40_56-_Linsenschuss_ - Google Suche.jpg (54.34 KiB) Viewed 4856 times

Re: Title page name

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 01:44
by mjau-mjau
Dane wrote:My home page has the title "Die neusten Fotos" (engl. The latest photos), which is as far as I want - on my page. But on Google it is also displayed that way. This may be a bit confusing. Can you somehow adjust that Google for the home page something else is displayed?
Google will mainly use your page's <title></title> tag in search, which by default is populated by your page title by X3. However, this is where X3's page SEO settings are useful. From settings > page, scroll down and expand "SEO":
If you popuplate SEO > Title, this will be used in the page's <title></title> tag instead of the title that is on page. The <title> tag is invisible to humans, and is only used by search engines for indexing. In this field, you should write a title up to 60-70 characters, that best represents your website, and which you want to display in search.
Dane wrote:The description is simply taken from the footer, including the designations of the social media links " Share on FacebookTweetPin itShare by EmailDownload. ShareShare on FacebookTweetPin itShare on LinkedinShare on ..." This is not so good and does not look like a serious site.
Normally, Google will simply use your page description tag, or some text on your page that it finds appropriate. Since you don't have a description for the page, and since you only have image-captions on that page, in this case it just takes the first text it can find, which is in the footer. You should definitely write a page>description ... If you don't want it visible to humans, or you want a different description on page than for search listings, you can use the SEO>Description field, which populates the <meta name="description"> tag.

PS! After making changes to your page, it could take a few weeks before Google re-indexes it.

Re: Title page name

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 03:24
by Dane
Hi Karl,

thank you so much for your explanation. Then I use the SEO input fields of the page and enter the data there. I will check this in a few weeks with Google. 

Re: Title page name

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 05:12
by metallissimus
mjau-mjau wrote: The <title> tag is invisible to humans, and is only used by search engines for indexing.
Isn't it also used as title for the browser tab?

Re: Title page name

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 20:34
by mjau-mjau
metallissimus wrote:Isn't it also used as title for the browser tab?
Indeed. And for other things like "sharing" (social media). My main point is that it's not displayed in any way on the actual website.

Re: Title page name

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 06:36
by Dane

I ordered google to crawl my page, und it looks that already finish. The title and also the description is now ok for me. Maybe i have to shorten the description. 

But in the search result also links are shown, which are dead. They are probably still from my old page. Do I need to delete them specifically somehow? 
2021-01-29 12_33_15-llinsenschuss - Google Suche.jpg
2021-01-29 12_33_15-llinsenschuss - Google Suche.jpg (47.85 KiB) Viewed 4820 times

Re: Title page name

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 09:12
by mjau-mjau
Dane wrote:But in the search result also links are shown, which are dead. They are probably still from my old page. Do I need to delete them specifically somehow? 
What do you search to get the links as in your screenshot? I tried to search your website, but could not reproduce those links. I would like to see. Anyway, if the links are dead (404 links), Google will eventually remove them, but it might take some time. You should also make sure you don't have any links on your working pages that link to them.

Nothing much you can do really, but Google will not (eventually) links if they are dead.

Re: Title page name

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 10:11
by Dane
I search for "Linsenschuss". When im search for "Dane Vetter", it doesnt show the other links. Strange. 

Re: Title page name

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 10:46
by mjau-mjau
I only see this, which means those links are no longer available from here, or something else.
Anyway, this is normal if those links existed not too long ago. If they no longer exist, they will eventually be removed by Google.

Can you click one of the links and send the link to me? I want to see the page that it goes to ...

Re: Title page name

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 10:53
by Dane

Re: Title page name

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 21:58
by mjau-mjau
So, all these pages are correctly returning "404 page not found" in the response. Google will remove them, but I don't think you can speed up the process.
Dane wrote:I search only for "linsenschuss" without the domain ending.
Most likely because Google knows you frequent that website often, or even you are logged in to some Google account. When I search that here, I see the below. So either the links are only showing for you, or Google is not yet updated on your side. Keep in mind, just because Google shows one result for you, it doesn't mean others will see the same. Google knows what websites you go to, and will emphasize those websites.

Re: Title page name

Posted: 30 Jan 2021, 09:35
by Dane
Thank you, that is really an interesting hint. I didn't even think about the fact that I'm logged into my Google account and that this might be taken into account. 

Thanks for the explanation. I will look at this again in several weeks to see if the dead links in Google have disappeared.