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Gallery view: Reverse sort order?

23 Aug 2022, 04:15

I have a simple question about the sorting options of the gallery view. Is it possible to reverse the sorting, i.e. from descending to ascending?
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Re: Gallery view: Reverse sort order?

23 Aug 2022, 05:00

pede wrote: I have a simple question about the sorting options of the gallery view. Is it possible to reverse the sorting, i.e. from descending to ascending?
For your information, the SORT buttons in your screenshot are for sorting in the panel, and ONLY for sorting in the panel. To assign the SORT order for the X3 gallery frontend, you have page Settings > Gallery > "Sort images by", which include ascending and descending.
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Re: Gallery view: Reverse sort order?

24 Aug 2022, 06:16

Hi Karl,
yes, I meant exactly the SORT button in the panel.;-)
When filling in the title and description fields, it is more convenient to edit this chronologically one after the other instead of backwards.
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Re: Gallery view: Reverse sort order?

24 Aug 2022, 10:27

pede wrote:When filling in the title and description fields, it is more convenient to edit this chronologically one after the other instead of backwards.
Depends what you mean "backwards". When sorting by name, it will sort A-Z, which would be most natural. When sorting by DATE, it will show latest at top, oldest at bottom, which would also be most natural. There are no options to change ascending/descending order in panel unfortunately ... If you must edit files from OLD to NEW, can't you just start at the bottom and move your way up? This would also be most useful if you add new images later on, as they will appear at top.
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Re: Gallery view: Reverse sort order?

26 Aug 2022, 10:08

Just one more explanation on my part. For example, when I tell a story in pictures, I like to do this from the beginning to the end. To do this, I switch the view to date and see at the top but first the end image of my story.

So to start my story at the first picture of my story, I have to scroll all the way down first. Depending on the number of photos, this is a bit awkward. Only then I can enter the text to the first picture of my story.

Of course you can work the other way around, I just don't find it as elegant. But ok, I can live with it.

With my question I only wanted to make sure that I have not overlooked a possibly existing key combination. And in the settings for the gallery there are yes the mentioned buttons.

Thanks for the clarification.
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Re: Gallery view: Reverse sort order?

27 Aug 2022, 00:11

Yep, I understand the problem. Unfortunately, you can't currently change direction of sort in the X3 panel. In a future version (based on, there will be sorting in both directions ascending and descending. What about sorting by file names? Aren't your file names sorted in chronological order, which would mean you could sort from name 0001 -> 0009? If not, then you would have to add titles and descriptions from bottom and up in the panel for now ...
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Re: Gallery view: Reverse sort order?

27 Aug 2022, 07:03

Yes, file naming is a possibility - but doesn't work if the photos come from different cameras with different naming schemes ;-)
I could rename the files according to a 001...099 scheme, but this also means additional work and the origin of the image is then no longer visible at first glance.
Then I prefer to handle it as before and am happy if the function finds its way into a future release.
Thanks for your time to understand my problem.