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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

15 Feb 2023, 05:14

My website:

Only in German. It's a photo blog with focus on hiking activities. Currently I'm trying to stick to a a-photo-a-day-project, but if I go out on the weekend or when travelling, there will be posts too.

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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

15 Feb 2023, 21:29

Bravo!  :clap: Some really nice photos, and you have put quite some effort into everything.

For the sake of feedback:

1. The "Home" button currently opens a NEW browser tab, which feels a bit annoying. I see that you have pointed it to the /365/365-23/ dir, but instead of setting the full link (with https://...) you should just use relative link /365/365-23/, so that X3 can open internally in the same window.

2. I like the font styles, although it's slightly harder to read. But when I see the DATE in a 3rd font, it seems a bit too much. Couldn't you just keep the date "centered" in the same font?

Small details, but worth commenting!
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Re: Ich möchte Ihre X3-Website sehen!

06 Mar 2023, 09:20

Ich möchte ich auch dabei sein, meine Website:

Viele Grüsse
Regards / Grüße

foto bk
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Re: Ich möchte Ihre X3-Website sehen!

06 Mar 2023, 23:02

Berthold wrote:
Sehr schön!

Ich habe einen Kommentar. Meiner Meinung nach sollte man auf der Startseite entweder Intro-Video oder Intro-Slideshow verwenden, nicht beides. Im Moment sehe ich das Video-Intro und scrolle dann nach unten, ich sehe mehr Intro (Bilder). Das kann verwirrend sein, denn ich denke, dass der Besucher an dieser Stelle einige Informationen und Hinweise braucht, was er als nächstes tun sollte. Unter dem Video-Intro würde ich persönlich alle Alben in Ihrem Ordner "Fotos" anzeigen.
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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

07 Mar 2023, 10:29

Ok. Danke ! Fertig !!!
Regards / Grüße

foto bk
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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

29 Apr 2023, 07:42

My full portfolio consisting of nature and landscape photography taken in various environmennts ALU = Aerial Land Underwater
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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

29 Apr 2023, 10:15

Nice. Great work with the extensive portfolio section!

Your host doesn't provide SSL (https)?
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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

01 May 2023, 06:09

mjau-mjau wrote:Your host doesn't provide SSL (https)?
SSL is possible for additional fee, matter of upgrade
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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

01 May 2023, 10:19

MaciejK wrote:SSL is possible for additional fee, matter of upgrade
Ok, it's not a big problem ... All websites should have SSL these days, and it should be free (I don't think your host pays anything for it). Optionally, you could sign up for and get SSL for free.

Or just leave as is no problem, just an improvement :sunglasses:
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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

01 May 2024, 12:31

Here is mine:
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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

02 May 2024, 04:07

Fialex wrote: Here is mine:
Good job  :clap:

Remember to go to Settings > Style > Uncheck "Show X3 Styler", because you don't need that when the website is complete.
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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

26 May 2024, 16:28

Brand new and just live this day.
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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

26 May 2024, 22:02

Marco_ wrote: Brand new and just live this day.
Nice and clean Marco, placing attention on your photos  :clap:
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Re: I want to see your X3 website!

27 May 2024, 04:58

Marco_ wrote: Brand new and just live this day.
Love the asthetic of the website and your images, they complement each other really well!

If I may suggest something: I feel like the strong bright blue you chose as primary color doesn't fit, it's too distracting. It really draws my eye away from the images to your name. So maybe go with something more subtle there. – corporate photography – wedding photography