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Hidden folders not shown in panel

04 Nov 2022, 10:52

When I login to the panel in a regular browser session, hidden folders are not shown. In Firefox private mode, everything is fine. I already cleared cache and cookies, restarted the browser and the computer – still the same.

Console shows the same error in both cases, so I assume that's not the reason:
Uncaught TypeError: here.split(...)[1] is undefined
    setTimeout handler*N
    <anonymous> line 2 > injectedScript:31
Bildschirmfoto 2022-11-04 um 15.47.19.png
Regular vs. private session
Bildschirmfoto 2022-11-04 um 15.47.19.png (497.47 KiB) Viewed 11659 times – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

04 Nov 2022, 11:02

Did you also clear the browser localStorage? This is not quite the same as cookies, although it should be accessible from the same location as where you clear browser cache. I have seen this issue before, and it's somewhat related to folders being renamed/removed, possibly from outside the X3 panel, whereas the X3 panel has stored references to the folder(s) for sorting or toggle open/close reasons. This is the reason why it works in private browser (no previous localStorage) and not the browser where some localStorage values exist. This would also mean you could probably open the panel from another browser without the error.

Of course, this should be circumvented in the X3 panel, but I'm pretty certain that is the reason.
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

07 Nov 2022, 08:05

mjau-mjau wrote: Did you also clear the browser localStorage?
Actually I don't know and I can't find specific information on localStorage. I cleared all data as described here: ... nformation – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

07 Nov 2022, 08:31

metallissimus wrote:Actually I don't know and I can't find specific information on localStorage. I cleared all data as described here: ... nformation
I'm not quite sure how all browsers deal with localStorage, but it should get cleared from the settings you are referring to. Perhaps you need to restart browser, or maybe there is something else wrong.

You can do this in Firefox: Open Tools > Browser Tools > Web Developer tools. Click the STORAGE tab > Local Storage (left side) > your domain. You will see something like the below. There shouldn't be any key/values immediately after clearing cache (hopefully including localStorage). I tried from here, and I managed to clear the localStorage items.
You should also be able to clear these items manually. Perhaps you could take a screenshot of the values you have there (if any)? So I can diagnose better. And let's see if it works after clearing (you can select each key/value and click "DEL" to delete them). I'm pretty confident it's related to something stored in browser, because that's technically the only thing that explains the issue. Besides, this bug has been reported earlier.
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

07 Nov 2022, 10:10

Thanks for the instructions!

I have the exact same keys and values that are in your screenshot (tested in regular as well as private window). Deleting them manually and refreshing the page doesn't change anything regarding the issue and the values are back immediately. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

07 Nov 2022, 10:54

Strange. In your first post, did you get that error code while Firefox web developer tools was open? Or did you open the console after the error happened? Could you try to reload page with web developer tools > Network (tab) + [cache disabled]?

Either there is something cache-ish involved, or Firefox "normal" mode does something differently than "private window" mode. I'm struggling to see how it's not related to the former.

Also, just to do some more elimination, could you try to login to the X3 demo panel?
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

07 Nov 2022, 12:38

I also had this problem and I was looking for a solution for a long time. Finally the clean up Firefox function helped me:

about:support -> Give Firefox a tune up -> Refresh Firefox

(to be on the safe side, save the whole profile before)
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

08 Nov 2022, 00:53

pede wrote:about:support -> Give Firefox a tune up -> Refresh Firefox

I have the same issue reported and solved in this post:

Hard to pinpoint the exact cause, but it's definitely something stored in Firefox.
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

08 Nov 2022, 03:00

pede wrote: about:support -> Give Firefox a tune up -> Refresh Firefox
This did work for me. Thank you so much!

Actually I did something else: Because I managed to mess up restoring the profile after the Firefox refresh (which had already solved the problem) I reverted to an older profile from my TimeMachine and it also works. So the problems seems to have been in the profile. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

07 Dec 2022, 06:33

The problem returned pretty quickly, but I have now identified the source: It's this add-on

As soon as I deactivate it, the folders are all shown (I don't even need to restart Firefox or refresh the page), when I turn it back on again, they are gone. Seems weird, since X3 certainly has nothing to do with facebook. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

07 Dec 2022, 23:03

metallissimus wrote: The problem returned pretty quickly, but I have now identified the source: It's this add-on
:grimacing: Strange. Good find though.
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

08 Dec 2022, 04:34

I would like to continue using the add-on, do you have any idea where the interference might come from? – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

08 Dec 2022, 05:08

metallissimus wrote: I would like to continue using the add-on, do you have any idea where the interference might come from?
I would have to admit, no I don't know. Almost certainly, it's related to your Firefox PROFILE (and assuming the extension also taps into your profile). That's why some folks have had luck refreshing their profile, and that's why it works in Firefox PRIVATE browser window. Surely it wasn't always like this? To me it seems something gets locked into localStorage.

If it's messing with the output of X3 panel, or messing with localStorage options "owned" by your X3 panel, then this is beyond what I am able to diagnose.
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

08 Dec 2022, 06:07

mjau-mjau wrote: Surely it wasn't always like this?
No, I've been using the add-on for at least several months before the problem occured.
If it's messing with the output of X3 panel, or messing with localStorage options "owned" by your X3 panel, then this is beyond what I am able to diagnose.
Understood. I find it quite fascinating actually that something like this is possible. Goes to show I know next to nothing about how a browser actually works. But I guess this is way deeper than just basic browser funcionality, is it? – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: Hidden folders not shown in panel

08 Dec 2022, 07:01

Understood. I find it quite fascinating actually that something like this is possible. Goes to show I know next to nothing about how a browser actually works. But I guess this is way deeper than just basic browser funcionality, is it?
Indeed. There is no way you could know this, and one would expect something from "Mozilla" to have no impact on other websites. On the other hand, any "extension" has the capability to break any website, because they can interact with all websites you visit in any way they like.

I did actually try to install it in Firefox and load the X3 panel, but did not have any problems. I would guess it's some tiny circumstantial issue related to profile.