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Sorting Error

Posted: 13 Mar 2016, 19:46
I rename all my pictures to the following syntaxis "-x-IMG_XXXX.jpg"

Between the - - is a number that indicates which is the first picture, which the second and so on (1,2,3,4,5,...,101,102,...)
After the - is the original filename that came out of the camera.

When I upload my files and sort them from A-Z

I get this:


Can this be resolved or should I edit my renaming syntax?


Re: Sorting Error

Posted: 14 Mar 2016, 00:21
by mjau-mjau
BSPS wrote:-1-6065.jpg
I'm just curious, you mentioned that you were using the syntax "-x-IMG_XXXX.jpg", yet I can't see that in the examples above. Got a link? Imagevue X3 uses NATCASESORT, which sorts by [0-9][A-Z] in a way that humans would sort. But in your names above, they are just "numbers" like phone numbers ... Likely the sorting will disregard the -hypens-, and view them as "1006248" and "116097", in which case the sorting is entirely correct. If you include alphabetic characters, it will perhaps be easier to use a numbering scheme that would sort like this:
In next release of X3, you will be able to sort images by DATE (exif camera date), or use custom sorting (no need to rename files).