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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

04 Feb 2016, 14:59

Hi Karl,

I did some additonal tests.
Here are my findings. I hope that it makes some sense, it's difficult to describe it clearly.
It's a bit mind boggling...
But shoot your questions if you do not understand something.

EDIT: I found that on a different computer the findings are not exactly the same. Especially Finding 2) below I could not reproduce on a laptop with smaller screen.

In the tests described below, clicking on 'Home' is a kind of reset... it gives the same results as if I opened a new browser window.

Finding 1) After I click 'Home' MOST galleries that I open in the menu-carousel are irregular.
And the irregularity concerns always the same images in the gallery being shown (=always the same images are glued together).
So: after 'Home' MOST menu-carousel-click gives a irregular image-pattern.
Clicking after this on some other menu-carousel-item gives a regular pattern. Even if that menu-carousel-item would give an irregular pattern when first clicked on.

In short notation:
click on menu-carousel item
=> irregular (for most galleries)
clicking on another menu-carousel item
=> regular
clicking on another menu-carousel item
=> regular (see exception of this in Finding 2)

Finding 2) This one is strange:
After I click 'Home' SOME galleries that I open in the menu-carousel are regular.
For example clicking in the menu-carousel on 'emptiness / 13th series' gives a regular pattern (at least on my large screen: there are only three images in it).
But when I click after that on 'winter' in the menu-carousel I still get an irregular pattern.
After that: every click on another menu-carousel-item gives a regular pattern.
BUT!!!: as soon as I click on a 'emptiness / 13th series' again (that is the one that shows regular patterns when clicked on the menu-carousel) a gallery like 'winter'
is irregular again when clicked on the menu-carousel.

In short notation:
click on menu-carousel item (i.e. 'emptiness / 13th series')
=> regular
clicking on another menu-carousel item (i.e. 'winter')
=> irregular
clicking on another menu-carousel item
=> regular

Fiding 3) After I click 'Home' and subsequently I click on one of the menu-items, the folder with galleries belonging to that menu-item opens (=normal behavior).
But regardless of which gallery I afterwards click in the menu-carousel, this gallery will always be regular.
It doesn't matter if I click i.e. 'places' in the menu (which shows the folder with the places galleries) and after that I click on 'winter' (which is a submenu-item under 'more') in the menu-carousel.
Every one of these kind of combinations give a regular pattern in the gallery being shown.
So: after a folder is being shown, every click in the menu-carousel gives a regular pattern.

Finding 4) When I've got the situation that I'm looking at a gallery with an irregular image pattern, I get a regular pattern by refreshing the page (F5).

I get the feeling that a page that is showing a gallery inherits some values from an earlier shown gallery.
Maybe some variables that are not initialized between the showing of galleries?
And when a folder with galleries is shown, there is a correct initializing?

As I noted before: some questions from someone who is lacking the technical insight
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

05 Feb 2016, 01:19

Mind boggling. What happens if you purposely avoid the HOME page altogether? Start from ANY other page, navigate around (avoid home page) ... Do you get the errors? I would expect so, but would be nice to eliminate the possibility that its the somewhat particular home page layout that is causing trouble on consecutive pages.

For an interesting test also, could you try this: Create a normal text link (href="/more/winter/") in the content on your home page, that goes to the 'winters' folder? If clicking this link leads to a flaw also, it would exclude the possibility that the menu is related to the error. If it works when clicking this link, it would mean the flaw is related to the menu.

Progress by elimination.
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

07 Feb 2016, 09:53

mjau-mjau wrote:Mind boggling. What happens if you purposely avoid the HOME page altogether? Start from ANY other page, navigate around (avoid home page) ... Do you get the errors? I would expect so, but would be nice to eliminate the possibility that its the somewhat particular home page layout that is causing trouble on consecutive pages.
I avoided the HOME completely... the results are the same.
There seem to be two kind of galleries: the regular ones and the irregular ones (sounds obvious, but it also states that a gallery is of either kind). The regular ones always show a regular pattern when first clicked on in the menu-carousel and the irregular ones alwas a irregular pattern.
But I see this pattern (all clicks are from the menu-carousel):
- first click on irregular gallery => irregular pattern
- consecutive clicks on other irregular galleries => always regular patterns...
- ... until I click on a regular gallery (which itself gives a regular pattern)...
- ... the next click on a irregular gallery => irregular pattern
- and consecutive clicks on other irregular galleries => always regular patterns... etc, etc.....
mjau-mjau wrote:For an interesting test also, could you try this: Create a normal text link (href="/more/winter/") in the content on your home page, that goes to the 'winters' folder? If clicking this link leads to a flaw also, it would exclude the possibility that the menu is related to the error. If it works when clicking this link, it would mean the flaw is related to the menu.
Well, probably I missed something, because after creating the mentioned link in '1.index / content' I could not find it on on my home page. I even deleted the body classes menu-absolute-20, no-pad and no-footer, but I couldn't find it.

What I did try is this:
I saved these URL's in my browser, so that I could open the pages directly without starting my website:
3 irregular galleries:
2 regular gallery:

Clicking on these direct links gave my ALWAYS regular patterns.
Regardless the sequence of selecting these direct URL's.

I did another test:
I changed the sorting method from ascending to shuffle... and now all the direct links of the irregular galleries give irregular patterns.
And, giving more insight, the regular gallery gives an irregular pattern too when I make my screen smaller... so, this means that regular galleries are only regular in relation to the screen size and the number of images in it.... different screen sizes give different test-results...
And it seems that more than one row of images in a gallery is needed for an irregular pattern...

Maybe you can make something out of it...
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

07 Feb 2016, 10:29

Martin wrote:There seem to be two kind of galleries: the regular ones and the irregular ones (sounds obvious, but it also states that a gallery is of either kind). The regular ones always show a regular pattern when first clicked on in the menu-carousel and the irregular ones alwas a irregular pattern.
I don't get this, because we when testing earlier you said that if you start from the MORE page ( and click WINTER in the folders listing, it showed the correct layout. Is this not the case? This gallery is ALWAYS irregular? If so, it kinda invalidates all our tests diagnostics from earlier.

Sorry, I did not yet read through the other comments ... I need exact findings to be able to narrow down the issue.
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

07 Feb 2016, 10:35

mjau-mjau wrote:
Martin wrote:There seem to be two kind of galleries: the regular ones and the irregular ones (sounds obvious, but it also states that a gallery is of either kind). The regular ones always show a regular pattern when first clicked on in the menu-carousel and the irregular ones alwas a irregular pattern.
I don't get this, because we when testing earlier you said that if you start from the MORE page ( and click WINTER in the folders listing, it showed the correct layout. Is this not the case? This gallery is ALWAYS irregular? If so, it kinda invalidates all our tests diagnostics from earlier.
Yes, that is the case, but now I avoided the folders completely. I only clicked on galleries in the menu-carousel.
That's the scope of calling them (ir)regular....
But further on in my post, I stated that a regular gallery is only regular because it has only a few images on a large enough screen so that all the images do not exceed one row of images in the gallery being shown....
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

07 Feb 2016, 11:23

There seem to be two kind of galleries: the regular ones and the irregular ones (sounds obvious, but it also states that a gallery is of either kind). The regular ones always show a regular pattern when first clicked on in the menu-carousel and the irregular ones alwas a irregular pattern.
Ok, well I will need to re-read all information again. I just can't see how we can say that a gallery is ALWAYS either regular or irregular ... I would say that galleries can be clearly be either regular or irregular, but we need to found out WHAT exactly triggers the irregular behavior.

What I was trying to figure out, is that if you have EVER experienced the irregular layout when clicking any link NOT from the menu. That is why I wanted you to create some links in the HOME page ... or any other page really. I want to figure out definitely, if this issue is something that ONLY occurs from the menu, or not. That would be quite an important observation.
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

07 Feb 2016, 13:00

mjau-mjau wrote:What I was trying to figure out, is that if you have EVER experienced the irregular layout when clicking any link NOT from the menu. That is why I wanted you to create some links in the HOME page ... or any other page really. I want to figure out definitely, if this issue is something that ONLY occurs from the menu, or not. That would be quite an important observation.
Yes, I have... see my previous post where I mentioned that I made these shortcuts in the browser:

But first I like to drop the distinction between regular and irregular galleries... sorry, that was confusing.
I believe that every gallery can show an irregular pattern, but it strongly depends on the amount of images + the size of the screen. Only when a gallery has few images and all those images can be shown on one row, the gallery always shows a regular pattern.

Then back to my shortcuts.
When I click one of these gallery-shortcuts that has a lot of images (it needs two or more rows to show them, for example 'winter', 'thailand' or 'fortasperen') AND the sorting method is 'ascending' then I ALWAYS get a regular pattern ... doesn't matter how often I click.
When I click one of these gallery-shortcuts thas has a lot of images AND the sorting method is 'shuffle' then I ALWAYS get an irregular pattern. Again, doesn't matter how often I click.

The shortcuts that lead to the smaller galleries ('11thseries' and '13thseries') always show a regular pattern, regardless of the sorting method.

The tests above totally ignore the menu, because I click on internet-shortcuts in Chrome.
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

07 Feb 2016, 21:30

OK. I would have preferred to have the links from within your website (foot, or page) ... because one related suspect is also the transition between pages. When you click a link from bookmarks, technically it just loads the page and there is no transition.
Then back to my shortcuts.
When I click one of these gallery-shortcuts that has a lot of images (it needs two or more rows to show them, for example 'winter', 'thailand' or 'fortasperen') AND the sorting method is 'ascending' then I ALWAYS get a regular pattern ... doesn't matter how often I click.
When I click one of these gallery-shortcuts thas has a lot of images AND the sorting method is 'shuffle' then I ALWAYS get an irregular pattern. Again, doesn't matter how often I click.
This is interesting of course, although I was pretty sure that some time ago you also said that the sorting method was not related ... Sometimes you got the irregular layout also with "ascending" ... this is not the case?

I would be very glad to find out the issue is only related to "shuffle", but from earlier dialog I cannot see that this is the case.
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

07 Feb 2016, 23:58

mjau-mjau wrote:OK. I would have preferred to have the links from within your website (foot, or page) ... because one related suspect is also the transition between pages. When you click a link from bookmarks, technically it just loads the page and there is no transition.
I will try it that way...
mjau-mjau wrote:This is interesting of course, although I was pretty sure that some time ago you also said that the sorting method was not related ... Sometimes you got the irregular layout also with "ascending" ... this is not the case?
The problem is that there are more factors involved which makes it hard to understand the behavior.
There is the sorting method, the number of images being shown and the size of the screen, selecting a gallery by direct link, selecting first a folder by means of the menu-carousel and then a gallery in the menu-carousel, selecting directly a gallery by means of the menu-carousel...
And with this last one it matters how big the galleries are that are succeedingly selected with the menu-carousel. When selecting a large one at first, one gets an irregular pattern, but every next large one gives a regular pattern until one selects a small one (which gives itself a regular praten), but the next large one gives an irregular pattern and the next large one a regular again... and so on... But this behavior I only tested when the sorting method of ALL the galleries was 'ascending'... I will repeat it when the sorting method is 'shuffle'. But then what if it matters when some galleries are small and others are large and some have shuffle and others ascending... a lot of combinations ... :-)
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

08 Feb 2016, 05:12

The problem is that there are more factors involved which makes it hard to understand the behavior.
Yep, and that's why Im looking for plain facts first of all ... Regarding amount of images and screen size, although it can be randomly related, it's simply not gonna be the cause and therefore isn't interesting. From here it works on any screen size with any amount of images anyway. The same goes for SORT ... If you have experienced the issue on other sorting methods than 'shuffle', then it's simply not related.

From what I can gather up until now, the only thing that is clear, is the following:
- A layout will ALWAYS display correctly when refreshing the page.
Is this correct?
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

08 Feb 2016, 13:40

mjau-mjau wrote:OK. I would have preferred to have the links from within your website (foot, or page) ... because one related suspect is also the transition between pages. When you click a link from bookmarks, technically it just loads the page and there is no transition.
First of all I created a testpage with simple links in the content of the page.
Like this one: <a href="/more/winter/">winter</a>
and this one: <a href="/places/thailand/">thailand</a>
The sorting method of 'winter' was set to 'shuffle' and the sorting method of 'thailand' was set to 'ascending'.
After clicking on these links I got in both cases an irregular image pattern.
So, your statement earlier: "If clicking this link leads to a flaw also, it would exclude the possibility that the menu is related to the error."
would be correct to assume.
mjau-mjau wrote:From what I can gather up until now, the only thing that is clear, is the following:
- A layout will ALWAYS display correctly when refreshing the page.
Is this correct?
Because of the fact that I'm now testing with galleries that are different sorted I can say with certainty that this is only the case for a gallery that has the 'ascended' sort option. This one will change from an irregular to a regular pattern (and stays that way after each refresh).
The one with the 'shuffle' sort option stays irregular after each refresh (F5).
This is consistent in the situation with the direct links mentioned above as wel as in the situation when a gallery in the menu-carousel is chosen.
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

08 Feb 2016, 23:31

Ok, so I narrowed down to the facts I find helpful:

- It is NOT specifically related to the menu.
- When using ASC (and likely DESC) sorting, layout is ALWAYS correct on page-refresh.
- When using SHUFFLE, layout may be incorrect also on page-refresh.
- If you resize the browser after an incorrect layout, the layout always corrects itself.

Based on the above, I suspect the following. The justified-layout may get corrupted if there are certain motion/positioning processes going on prior to the layout - For example a page transition (page ajax navigation), or shuffle (which unlike the other sorting methods, is processed on the client). This flaw may be "randomly" triggered by the amount/order/aspects of images inside the page, which randomly pushes the events to overlap (we are talking 1-2 ms). Furthermore, this only occurs in certain browser-platform combinations obviously ... Logically speaking from within our code, they should not happen at all, because these processes are separated by events so that they don't overlap. However, it seems slowness, lag or some specific browser mechanism may be overlapping them, thus breaking the justified layout.

The justified-layout uses a rather complex mathematic formula to calculate it's own layout, based on available width and all image-sizes. If this process for some reason triggers prematurely before the layout is "ready" to be processed, the entire math could get corrupted.

The only other suspect, is that it could be something specifically related to the previous page which corrupts layout on the new page. I doubt that very much though, especially since this issue also happens on page-refresh when shuffle is used.

I will look into a few things, but likely you will be needed for testing.
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

08 Feb 2016, 23:39

mjau-mjau wrote:- If you resize the browser after an incorrect layout, the layout always corrects itself.
Yes, you're right about this one, but how did you came to this conclusion? I can't remember I mentioned it :-)
mjau-mjau wrote:I will look into a few things, but likely you will be needed for testing.
No problem ;-)
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

08 Feb 2016, 23:59

Martin wrote:Yes, you're right about this one, but how did you came to this conclusion? I can't remember I mentioned it :-)
I just guessed and assumed, and I would be very surprised if browser-resize did not correct the layout. The entire issue is not related to the justified-layout itself ... It is related to the justified-layout seemingly crashing with another position process on page render. This would happen on a minuscule time-level, likely a within a single millisecond, which corrupts the numbers in the justified-layout. Once you resize browser, the justified-layout re-runs itself, but this time there are no other processes happening, thus it renders correctly always.

PS! I added some text in my previous comment.
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Re: Justified layout still not flawless

09 Feb 2016, 00:53

mjau-mjau wrote:This would happen on a minuscule time-level, likely a within a single millisecond, which corrupts the numbers in the justified-layout.
I don't know if it's important but in my very first post on page one in this thread I mentioned this:
"The strange thing is that within Firefox I notice patterns like this for a millisecond and then the layout rearranges itself and everything is neat and orderly. "