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Mod_Deflate Not checking properly

Posted: 02 Apr 2015, 21:28
by DeerSpotter says that my Website is being Gzip compressed.

Yet the Check at:
is showing it's not running?

I modified my PHP.ini file with the following to make it work:
output_handler = ob_gzhandler
zlib.output_compression = Off
;zlib.output_handler =

I added a custom php check @ here

Is there something wrong in the check page code or did i set it up wrong?

Re: Mod_Deflate Not checking properly

Posted: 02 Apr 2015, 22:13
by DeerSpotter
using this site is better for checking, as it tells me which resources were compressed.

But i'm surprised that it only compressed 3 files? is that all it needs to compress?

Re: Mod_Deflate Not checking properly

Posted: 03 Apr 2015, 01:00
by mjau-mjau
DeerSpotter wrote:Yet the Check at:
is showing it's not running?
The "check" page just attempts to list various server settings, including the deflate module. It can't be detected through Mod Setenvif, but your server definitely has Gzip compression enabled!
DeerSpotter wrote:I modified my PHP.ini file with the following to make it work:
output_handler = ob_gzhandler
zlib.output_compression = Off
;zlib.output_handler =
This is PHP compression module, and it is in fact not what is compressing files from your server. Your server has the Apache deflate module installed, which is automatically compressing all text-based output from the server.
DeerSpotter wrote:But i'm surprised that it only compressed 3 files? is that all it needs to compress?
Nothing to be surprised about ... Imagevue X3 is optimized for performance, and the less requests the better. Keep in mind, Gzip will only apply to text-based assets, including css, javascript and the html page itself. Images are already compressed with jpg, so gzip does not apply.

All good.

Re: Mod_Deflate Not checking properly

Posted: 03 Apr 2015, 01:02
by mjau-mjau
At the point of testing your actual website, I was getting "file not found" for this file, which should certainly be there: ... ylight.css

Something you are aware of?

Re: Mod_Deflate Not checking properly

Posted: 03 Apr 2015, 01:10
by DeerSpotter
I just made the Gzip faster with this tutorial: and you mustve been in the process of loading it... it now works.

Re: Mod_Deflate Not checking properly

Posted: 03 Apr 2015, 01:23
by mjau-mjau
Cool ... wrote:But for those of you on shared hosts that don’t allow the mod_deflate module and run PHP in CGI/FastCGI mode you can’t go with the easy method.
I am pretty sure your host has mod_deflate enabled by default, which is the best option ... So I don't think you are bringing anything to the table by applying any PHP-specific compression fixes ...

Re: Mod_Deflate Not checking properly

Posted: 03 Apr 2015, 01:42
by DeerSpotter
mjau-mjau wrote:Cool ... wrote:But for those of you on shared hosts that don’t allow the mod_deflate module and run PHP in CGI/FastCGI mode you can’t go with the easy method.
I am pretty sure your host has mod_deflate enabled by default, which is the best option ... So I don't think you are bringing anything to the table by applying any PHP-specific compression fixes ...
I was pretty sure too when i called the tech guy. He said that we have it enabled, But for some reason he couldn't confirm it through a ssh command or any other way to load up modules. Since my Version of apache is 2.2.x I had to apply these compressions just in case. Weird i had 4 kb/s load time and now it shows 24 kb/s I think i did something right. I also added custom file extensions (some of the font packs used i also added them could be that)