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Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

09 Nov 2019, 04:08

Hello everyone,

I searched the forum for a "rating" feature. The last thread found was back in July 2018. 

My use case is simple: I upload photos for clients to review and select which photos they would like to purchase. I would describe the process as following:
  1. A client opens a gallery and "likes" or rates photos, which should be retouched. 
  2. I can filter these photos, either in the gallery or in the admin area, in order to find out which photos are selected.
Thank you for a short reply!

Best regards,
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

09 Nov 2019, 23:18

Hi Feng. I know what you are asking, and why you would like to have this feature. Similar feature has already been requested, and I will definitely be looking into it at some point.

The only "challenge", is that I'm not sure this should really be a "rating" plugin. If we allow "like" or rating, it would be a public feature, available to all visitors. From there, "likes" or average rating would be stored per photo, and an image can have "14 likes" or "3.4 average rating (out of 5)". Also, to prevent same users from liking or rating an image multiple times, would require some login mechanism so likes are per user. I think in your case, you are looking for a way for a client to SELECT (check) images they like, and then send the list of "liked" images to you, perhaps in an email. I already have a "lightbox" feature planned, which is almost like a web-shop (where visitors can select images), and then "send order" ... This may be applicable in your case.
yellowbee wrote:
  1. I can filter these photos, either in the gallery or in the admin area, in order to find out which photos are selected.
The only challenge with that, is that the rating would be "public" and other people could rate the images. The only exception would be if you kept the specific gallery hidden or password-protected, so that only one user could rate it. Also, if it's rating or like

Anyway, I know what you are asking, and will definitely think about some solution for the future.
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

19 Nov 2019, 12:24

mjau-mjau wrote: Hi Feng. I know what you are asking, and why you would like to have this feature. Similar feature has already been requested, and I will definitely be looking into it at some point.

The only "challenge", is that I'm not sure this should really be a "rating" plugin. If we allow "like" or rating, it would be a public feature, available to all visitors. From there, "likes" or average rating would be stored per photo, and an image can have "14 likes" or "3.4 average rating (out of 5)". Also, to prevent same users from liking or rating an image multiple times, would require some login mechanism so likes are per user. I think in your case, you are looking for a way for a client to SELECT (check) images they like, and then send the list of "liked" images to you, perhaps in an email. I already have a "lightbox" feature planned, which is almost like a web-shop (where visitors can select images), and then "send order" ... This may be applicable in your case.
yellowbee wrote:
  1. I can filter these photos, either in the gallery or in the admin area, in order to find out which photos are selected.
The only challenge with that, is that the rating would be "public" and other people could rate the images. The only exception would be if you kept the specific gallery hidden or password-protected, so that only one user could rate it. Also, if it's rating or like

Anyway, I know what you are asking, and will definitely think about some solution for the future.
Hi mjau-mjau,

Ok got it. Looking forward to updates on this topic. Appreciate your detailed reply!
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

04 Jul 2020, 11:56

I used to have a Lightroom Gallery plugin to create such selction pages for people to choose their favorites.
It was quite simple, visitors could rate or pick images and also leave a comment (for special requests like editing of a certain photo). There was no saving of that state, but the user could immediately send the selection via Email which contained a comma separated list of the chosen filenames and, as a separate block, details (like rating, comment) in the Email.

The convenient thing about it was that most library programs (Lightroom, Capture One etc.) support filtering by a comma separated list of filenames so one could quickly filter the user's selection with a simple copy&paste.

Maybe this matches the shopping cart approach, but having such an option would be such a great addition which would give the password protected galleries another great use.
There are other services that have exactly that use case covered, but having it embedded in the consistent look and feel of the X3 gallery would be much better.
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

05 Jul 2020, 00:20

vdpx wrote:I used to have a Lightroom Gallery plugin to create such selction pages for people to choose their favorites.
It was quite simple, visitors could rate or pick images and also leave a comment (for special requests like editing of a certain photo). There was no saving of that state, but the user could immediately send the selection via Email which contained a comma separated list of the chosen filenames and, as a separate block, details (like rating, comment) in the Email.
Indeed a nice and simple feature to allow clients to pick photos.
vdpx wrote:The convenient thing about it was that most library programs (Lightroom, Capture One etc.) support filtering by a comma separated list of filenames so one could quickly filter the user's selection with a simple copy&paste.
You mean that if the email comes like this "image1.jpg,image2.jpg,image3.jpg", you could simply paste that into Lightroom to display only those photos? Sounds good. However, if the email was to include ratings and comments, surely the email would be formatted differently, something like:
rating: 7
comments here, comments here
vdpx wrote:Maybe this matches the shopping cart approach, but having such an option would be such a great addition which would give the password protected galleries another great use.
There are other services that have exactly that use case covered, but having it embedded in the consistent look and feel of the X3 gallery would be much better.
Indeed it would be useful in X3.
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

05 Jul 2020, 10:44

mjau-mjau wrote:
vdpx wrote:The convenient thing about it was that most library programs (Lightroom, Capture One etc.) support filtering by a comma separated list of filenames so one could quickly filter the user's selection with a simple copy&paste.
You mean that if the email comes like this "image1.jpg,image2.jpg,image3.jpg", you could simply paste that into Lightroom to display only those photos? Sounds good. However, if the email was to include ratings and comments, surely the email would be formatted differently, something like:
rating: 7
comments here, comments here
Yeah, but the file extension was omitted since it is usually not jpg in the raw caltalogues, so it was something like that:

Rating: 7
Comments: Please adjust the white balance

Rating: 2
Comments: That's my favorite
So the list of filenames would always be at the top and additionally whatever information provided was added as a list below.

Before sending, a Name+Email could be added so if you request a selection from multiple people you could distinguish them.

But a simple pick option would already be great, it doesn't need to have all these details. Just wanted to show how others solved this :) 
It was all pure javascript since it didn't need to save anything and sent the stuff over a Form.
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

05 Jul 2020, 22:41

All this sounds good, thanks for the feedback. Email templating is just a technicality. Already had something like this in our list for a while, but it's been sidelined for a while as it borders "e-commerce", which is a far more complex matter.

Essentially, you (and several others) are looking for something like this (feel free to correct):
  • A gallery selection interface, where the user gets to add ( :star: or  :green_heart:) images to a "cart" interface.
  • The cart is page-based. In other words, if user navigates away from the page, the cart and it's selected items would disappear (or make room for a new selection). It could "remember" items when user navigates back to the same page, but selected cart items should only remain on the page where they exist.
  • The cart can be expanded and collapsed, and user can review their selection and/or delete items.
  • User can add comments to selected items in the cart.
  • In the cart interface, there would be a submit/checkout button with NAME and EMAIL input fields.
  • Submitting the cart form, will send an email with all selected gallery items to the website owner.
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

04 Nov 2020, 03:36

That's something I'd like, too. Are you working on this and if so, can you give an ETA? – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

04 Nov 2020, 04:53

metallissimus wrote: That's something I'd like, too. Are you working on this and if so, can you give an ETA?
If you are looking for something like a "lightbox" tool, where users can select images which can then get forwarded by email, then YES (see my previous reply above). As from the topic title ("rating" or "thumbs up"), NO because this is something different that would affect some kinda global rating which would display for all users (rating%, likes-amount etc).

As for a lightbox-tool, should be available first half 2021.
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

04 Nov 2020, 04:55

mjau-mjau wrote: As for a lightbox-tool, should be available first half 2021.
Perfect, that's exactly what I hoped for. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

22 Jun 2021, 02:17

mjau-mjau wrote: As for a lightbox-tool, should be available first half 2021.
Is this still valid? If it will be delayed I might need to look for alternative solutions. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

22 Jun 2021, 03:32

metallissimus wrote:
mjau-mjau wrote: As for a lightbox-tool, should be available first half 2021.
Is this still valid? If it will be delayed I might need to look for alternative solutions.
I guess exactly "first half 2021" is about to expire, so I gues not :grimacing: but I would be happy to look into this for next release come to think of it. Feel free to remind me exactly how you would like to use it.
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

15 Jul 2021, 03:17

Hello, I would like to have this feature also for my password protected galleries. If I could then show customers in advance the images to select and I then also really edit the images they want, I save myself a lot of time. The selection of images as in a store and then an email to me with comments and the file names would be helpful to me personally. Also that when I log into the admin menu, that I can also view or filter the selection of the customer there.

Best Regards
Danjel Rojka
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

15 Jul 2021, 05:32

hardliner wrote:Hello, I would like to have this feature also for my password protected galleries. If I could then show customers in advance the images to select and I then also really edit the images they want, I save myself a lot of time. The selection of images as in a store and then an email to me with comments and the file names would be helpful to me personally. Also that when I log into the admin menu, that I can also view or filter the selection of the customer there.
Noted. But how would you have this display in the control panel? Would you store ALL selections for each customer? Also, how do you define "the customer"? That would require some kinda custom-specific user login on the selection pages. At best, we would store each email selection request, but we don't know if it's legit or made by some random user with access to the page of course.

Send email with all selections from user YES, store info and make an interface in control panel, I'm not sure ...
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Re: Rating or thumb-up for clients to select photos

15 Jul 2021, 06:19

I can distinguish between my customers based on the folder and several subfolders which selection belongs to which customer. Especially here it is always meant a shooting. I have provided each customer with a subdirectory and they access only there.