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Possibility to "browse/go one level up"?

12 Sep 2016, 08:38

Hi there

One of my visitors asked me how she can "browse/go one level up" on my gallery. 
Until now, I didn't find a solution other than going back if coming from an above level or using navigation/menu 
(which makes more sense on a PC than a mobile device).

For instance:
When you access my website you can browse my gallery chronologically, when clicking for instance "2016", then "OpenAir Gampel 2016".
If you another level deeper, for instance "Impressions", you maybe would like to look at the concert pictures (e.g. "Parov Stellar"), which is/are sibling of "Impression".
What I would like in that moment: A possility to go one level "up" or a breadcrumb to navigate.

Is there such a function already integrated?
Do you understand my need / wish?
It would be cool, that as a user I know, that I'm in the "Impressions" gallery, which is a child of "Open Air Gampel 2016", ....

Regards & Thanks
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Re: Possibility to "browse/go one level up"?

12 Sep 2016, 12:32

I know exactly what you mean, and I would generally refer to this as "breadcrumbs". A demonstration of what breadcrumbs would generally look like, can be viewed here:

Personally I have mixed feelings about this feature:
  • It's adds more clutter to the screen/interface, and basically just links to pages that are already available in the menu.
  • It's a challenge to position a breadcrumbs for all layouts ... For your clean layout, I think it would go pretty well at top middle of screen, above the page title. It's bit more complicated for other layouts though, since we will have to place it below the logo and menu (topbar layout), making the area cramped with logo+menu+breadcrumbs.
  • Chance is it simply won't look nice on mobile, since it will often have to break on to two lines.
  • Although 1 of 100 visitors might want to use it (just as an example, as I don't have the exact statistics obviously), does this make it worth complicating the interface for the other 99? These things need to be weighed up ...
Anyway, I'm certainly not categorically against it, as it could be useful in many cases. I will try to add this feature in next major release. Likely it will be disabled by default, and there may be options where to place it, and perhaps disable for mobile. Actually, perhaps we can collapse it on mobile, so that it just shows link to parent page.

I'll give it a go for next release!
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Joined: 03 Dec 2014, 12:57

Re: Possibility to "browse/go one level up"?

12 Sep 2016, 15:48

Hi Karl

Thanks for your quick feedback!

I totally understand your argumentation and your mixed feelings.
Nevertheless, I look forward for that nice feature!  :wink:
