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Request for a new Feature

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 06:40
by Epic
I want a way people can select multiple images by means of a star or tick box. After they are done they can click a "place order" button to send me an email with all the image names and their contact details.

I want people to inform me of which images they prefer to go into an album or to order.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that would love this feature.


Re: Request for a new Feature

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 08:22
by mjau-mjau
Sure. The only challenge I see creating such a feature, is that everyone wants to use it for different goals ... Basically, you want a system that just sends a list of selected images. We need to emphasize this in the UI.

There must be a "select this image" button, and I am wondering how the visitor will know what they are selecting images for ... I guess some (but not all) will click and find out. Then, there must some kinda "checkout" button, which appears once one or more images are selected ... This button needs to make it clear, in your case, "Click here to send an email with the list of images you have selected, which then will be processed by the gallery owner" ... and what will "contact details" be used for?

Sorry, I'm sure it can be done, but just thinking aloud here. If we make an interface, it must be clear to the user what it's for, and also suit the requirements of all users who want to use such an interface for similar tasks.

Re: Request for a new Feature

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 10:39
by Epic
Ok I see what you are saying.

Lets make it simple. Call it a "proofing" add on. It can be activated in the settings for each album when needed. When its active each photo gets a drop down box with the text "order print", "select" or "buy" or whatever you choose in the settings. The drop down can have different sizes and or prices.

The album description or image description can give instructions on what will happen by ticking the boxes.

Once the customer is finished selecting all the images he/she click a button at the top that again can be dynamic about what will happen.
Something like "place order" or "buy"

This will take you to a details page where you collect customer information like name, phone number, address.
This is important otherwise you don't know who the email is from.

In future this can become the X3's own payment section that integrates with all those third party companies.

How does that sound? Im telling you, this will be a great selling point. I have been all over the web and nobody has something that looks as great as X3 and have a proofing plugin.

PS: The more I work on Imagevuex the more I fall in love with it!!!

Re: Request for a new Feature

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 15:10
by mjau-mjau
Definitely something we will look into ... I will add it to my TODO list for next major release. It can easily be done, although it would be a simple, clean, "generic" lightbox solution that users could adapt to suit basic requirements, for the purpose of allowing visitors to mark images, and notifying website owner of sorts.

Unlikely we will expand on it specifically as an e-commerce solution with "order" buttons, checkout experience, or dropdowns with multiple options. That would be a massive undertaking, and basically what e-commerce services already have dozens of employees working on specifically. Neither can we expect this to be connected to 3rd party services ... These services want to use their own layer/API specifically when adding items, and also for the checkout experience itself, which makes sense ...

Re: Request for a new Feature

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 15:39
by Epic
Thanks Karl

Can't wait!!!!!