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Manual sorting

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 01:46
by EtienneOuellet
I think the only thing X3 is missing for me to be perfect, is manual sorting of the images within a gallery. Like X2 had. We do have random, desc, and asc, but it would definitely need a manual option.

Sometimes you just don't want an image to display next so a similar one in your portfolio. An manually move it is easier than having to rename the file so it moves in the sorting.

Might be a bit late for Release Candidate but I'm hoping it find it's way to an upcoming update!


Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 03:19
by mjau-mjau
Should be possible, but will be later ...

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 09 Jan 2016, 07:13
by fotofeeling
Hi Karl,
can you add also the feature to sort the pictures with drag and drop in the panel.



Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 09 Jan 2016, 09:02
by mjau-mjau
fotofeeling wrote:can you add also the feature to sort the pictures with drag and drop in the panel.
I was hoping this wouldn't get requested, but I was clearly wrong :lol: There are some technical challenges involved, mainly "where" to store the sorting order of the images. However, I think I have an idea how to solve it ... This feature will be available in next major release, February/March.

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 10 Jan 2016, 10:31
by hr-foto
Hi Karl,
Thank you, drag and drop sorting would be great!! :D
Best regards

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 17:50
by timberline
Any progress report on manual sorting update? :)

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 22:33
by mjau-mjau
timberline wrote:Any progress report on manual sorting update? :)
It's in my todo list for the pending update, but I need to see how feasible the task is, and if it is to be included in the coming update ...

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 19 Mar 2016, 04:36
by mjau-mjau
Drag and drop custom gallery sorting is now added to pending release. Below screenshot taken in combination with the new panel grid-view:
Should be available in 1-2 weeks!

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 16 Sep 2017, 10:46
by SilentD
I wish you could also sort folders by date, or manually.. So that latest entries always are on the top

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 03:42
by mjau-mjau
SilentD wrote:I wish you could also sort folders by date, or manually.. 
I am currently looking into new sort methods for folders, stay tuned.
SilentD wrote:So that latest entries always are on the top
Just for reference, there is already sort "Descending" setting for folders, which would sort folders in opposite direction. For example from top to bottom: 4.latest,, 2.old, 1.oldest.

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 18 Sep 2017, 06:30
by SilentD
But it only works by name right? Or is there some way to save the by date method?

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 18 Sep 2017, 10:11
by mjau-mjau
SilentD wrote:But it only works by name right? Or is there some way to save the by date method?
Yes, it only works by name. But you have to name your folders with numbers anyway for them to be visible, so why not just add "[number].foldername"? Reversing the order means you can add higher number for latest post, instead of counting backwards.

I am looking into DATE sorting. Ultimately, it would perhaps be good to get rid of the entire "" system, but that requires that we plan a rigid system on how to sort folders.

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 07 Oct 2017, 12:58
by SilentD
yes that would be appreciated.. with 50+ folders its not practical to change the names every time.. although I tried going from 999 and backwards for every new folder I add, but the disadvantage to that is, that you loose your alphabetic order of names in the menu, so its harder to find the folder you are looking for when adding stuff to it.

Re: Manual sorting

Posted: 07 Oct 2017, 21:23
by mjau-mjau
In next release (2 weeks time), you will be able to sort folders by Date and Custom (manual) sort.