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Re: X4 features request

22 Oct 2023, 23:07

DmMc28 wrote: AVIF is another option.
Things change...Hope, in few years everyone will have HDR monitors  )
AVIF is quite realistic, since it's already supported in most modern browsers, and PHP already has a function to resize AVIF images. I already added support for AVIF in our Files Gallery. ... ilter=avif
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Re: X4 features request

25 Nov 2023, 12:48

mjau-mjau wrote:
DmMc28 wrote: Moreover, can you add reading more IPTC fields from JPG, that Lightroom fills using reverse geocoding feature, like "Country", "Province", "City" and so on... Would like to use these in EXIF, Thanks!
Yes, we can of course support additional IPTC values. Thanks for noting.
I just wonder if there might be a way to "manipulate" Photo.Gallery X3, so that additional IPTC can be displayed, as this seems to work perfectly in Files Gallery. Maybe there is a little hack for me to use while waiting on X4  :thinking:?
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Re: X4 features request

25 Nov 2023, 21:32

Gonepteryx wrote:I just wonder if there might be a way to "manipulate" Photo.Gallery X3, so that additional IPTC can be displayed
Unfortunately, I don't think this is possible, or at best too complicated. IPTC data is created from a file app/asset-types/, but then we use templates like to render these stored values, and the templates are pre-rendered into unreadable app/templates.

X3 is a bit overcomplicated in many departments, especially in regards to customization.
Gonepteryx wrote:as this seems to work perfectly in Files Gallery.
Indeed Files Gallery is much more flexible in terms of IPTC, and X4 would definitely take a lot of inspiration from Files Gallery.
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Re: X4 features request

27 Nov 2023, 04:29

I am currently looking at different CMSs (for other projects that are not as photo heavy as my websites) and what I am taking away from this in regards to X4: I think some sort of "site building" capabilities is something that users expect nowadays and where X3 is too complicated. You have to resort to code to realize even basic layout ideas* like columns or different widths within a single page. Maybe blocks could be an option in X4?
For example:
Just dropping in a gallery block or a folders block whereever one wants would be such an improvement over the rather rigid structure of X3 pages.

* for the content. Gallery layouts are of course  really powerful, maybe even to the point of offering too much configuration options to be intuitive for new users. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: X4 features request

27 Nov 2023, 16:20

mjau-mjau wrote:
Gonepteryx wrote:I just wonder if there might be a way to "manipulate" Photo.Gallery X3, so that additional IPTC can be displayed
Unfortunately, I don't think this is possible, or at best too complicated. IPTC data is created from a file app/asset-types/, but then we use templates like to render these stored values, and the templates are pre-rendered into unreadable app/templates.
Thanks for the explanation. Maybe I'll try my luck anyway when I have some more time. Otherwise I'll wait for X4...
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Re: X4 features request

27 Nov 2023, 22:38

metallissimus wrote: I am currently looking at different CMSs (for other projects that are not as photo heavy as my websites) and what I am taking away from this in regards to X4: I think some sort of "site building" capabilities is something that users expect nowadays and where X3 is too complicated. You have to resort to code to realize even basic layout ideas* like columns or different widths within a single page. Maybe blocks could be an option in X4?
For example:
Just dropping in a gallery block or a folders block whereever one wants would be such an improvement over the rather rigid structure of X3 pages.
This is of course true. If you are building non-photo related websites, then X3 probably isn't for you, unless you are already acquainted and comfortable with the interface. There are better tools.

I think one of the "problems" with X3 in the first place, is too much trying to be a website CMS, where there are better options in the first place. So for X4, another option may be to simplify, so that's it's primarily a powerful "gallery" tool with less emphasis on content and custom web page creation. I don't think there is much point in discussing this in detail, because it could be that another party steps in, and pulls it in that direction. From my perspective, I would rather make it best at what I can make it best at, without complicating matters.
metallissimus wrote:* for the content. Gallery layouts are of course  really powerful, maybe even to the point of offering too much configuration options to be intuitive for new users.
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Re: X4 features request

17 Jan 2024, 06:16

Karl, it will be useful to have the ability to upgrade the latlong field in edit mode.
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Re: X4 features request

17 Jan 2024, 21:47

Eric wrote: Karl, it will be useful to have the ability to upgrade the latlong field in edit mode.
The only way to achieve this, would be to store unique GPS values in X3 (page.json), and have them override the GPS values from the image's own EXIF. This is because X3/PHP/server can't actually edit EXIF data in the images. It might actually be possible, but it requires a separate library /FileEye/pel and I think it's a bit dodgy overwriting existing EXIF data from server.

But yes, we could perhaps have more X3-local variables that could override EXIF values.
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Re: X4 features request

01 May 2024, 12:42

2FA for admin accounts (panel) would be great. 
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Re: X4 features request

02 May 2024, 09:27

I would also say the most important thing is 2FA for the admin panel. Normally it should be already implemented in the current X3 plattform. This is one of the most important features for every webspace and not so difficult to implement, because we programmer can use existing code to implement (for example google authenticator). 

Bigger question is, when can we expect the next update or upgrade? 
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Re: X4 features request

03 May 2024, 16:25

If implemented 2FA should not be mandatory! As an option this might be OK.
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Re: X4 features request

01 Jun 2024, 20:19

Let me second, third, fourth and infinity, the Lightroom plugin. I'm not sure Jeffery Freidl's plugins will work much longer.

I'm ready to spend some money on X4 and a Lightroom plugin.