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Install problem

17 Apr 2018, 03:34

Hello the imagevue Team
I'm trying to install X3 on a sever. Here are the issues :
- Windows server 2012 R2 with php 5.6 and all ext needed
0. Impossible to use x3_installer.php : Although your server has PHP cURL installed, we failed to access the remote X3 ZIP file.
1. I can't see any preview image
2. Impossible to acces to site pages : error 404 with a wrong path ' C:\inetpub\x3\galleries\landscapes\' for example

- Synology DSM 6.1 with Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.6
1. impossible to access panel : error 500
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X3 Wizard
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Re: Install problem

17 Apr 2018, 08:38

This sounds very much like a self hosted server. Is the server even public? Windows 2012? X3 is built primarily for Apache/Linux, but is also tested successfully on Microsoft IIS server. Any specific reason you need to host on an old Windows server?

If you have a link, I can look into the issues one by one.

If you can't use the installer, it means your cURL is blocked from getting external URL's. Not X3, not any app in the world can change that, so you are left with manual FTP install.

About preview image, as mentioned, I need a link. Sounds like your server fails to follow the web.config rules. Your server (like any windows server) would have to be setup to read web.config rules, else it simply won't work.

Seems like a bad idea to spend time on a really old, incompatible, self-hosted server combination if it's not setup correctly to run modern web apps. You can get super-modern web-hosting for $1/month.
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Re: Install problem

18 Apr 2018, 03:09

I can understand this, but you know, I like to understand how things work. Even if Windows server 2012 is not so old ;) 99% of my job is made on Microsoft apps and languages...
If you say I have to change my hosting, ok, I'll do it. But I could say this is a little bit like Apple telling me the way I have to live ;)
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Re: Install problem

18 Apr 2018, 03:31

Dear Karl, I just setup my subdomain hosted by AMEN on a Linux server.

I'm sure this is not "a really old, incompatible, self-hosted server combination" :)

Try ... "Although your server has PHP cURL installed, we failed to access the remote X3 ZIP file."

This is not MY server, I can't do anything for that. Except if you have a clue ... let's try the manual install :)

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X3 Wizard
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Re: Install problem

18 Apr 2018, 04:19

Did you download the very latest x3_installer.php? We update this script often.

OFTEN, failure to download via CURL would be if the download link in the script includes a REDIRECT. For example, if you are using an older installer that tries to download from, which then redirects to, your server CURL will block this because you probably have NOFOLLOW for curl redirects (for security reasons).

If you are using latest installer and it still doesn't work, I will need FTP login to diagnose the problem. I can almost say for sure though, if CURL simply fails, this is almost certainly because your server has BLOCKED curl requests to external resources (eg resources on remote hosts). In which case, there is no way you can use any "installer" script on the server. In the X3 installer we 1) test for ZIP extension, 2) check for CURL extension and 3) make a test CURL call to a remote file on our server. On your server 1 and 2 succeeds, while 3 fails, in which case your server just does't want to load external resources.

It could be our firewall (cloudflare) considers the request from your server IP a "threat", and therefore blocks it, but I find that highly unlikely.
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Joined: 16 Apr 2018, 19:03

Re: Install problem

18 Apr 2018, 05:14

Hello Karl,

Yes, I used the last x3_installer.php ...

Anyway, I did a manual install. And it works ! Except that I don't know why the install is not working on my different servers :(
