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Mail Settings

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 12:01
by torobouk
I had set the email template but nothing happens, did i have forgotten something ? 
I receive nothing after testing.
Thank's for your help

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 12:21
by torobouk
Solve, it works...i have make a mistake in the address, but it is possible to have more than one recipient in my case i want three recipient, when i add '';'' between the emails adresses, it failed.

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 13:01
by globetrotter
Contact form multiple recipients

You can now add multiple recipients to Settings › Mail › Recipients, by separating recipients by commas. For example,
Maybe this will work?
I tried it, but didn't work for me  :confused:

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 05 Dec 2016, 02:26
by mjau-mjau
torobouk wrote:but it is possible to have more than one recipient in my case i want three recipient, when i add '';'' between the emails adresses, it failed.
You can add multiple emails separated by comma. I just tried, and it works:

@globetrotter: Not sure what the issue for you is, but it does dispatch to multiple recipients.

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 06 Dec 2016, 14:52
by torobouk
I've tried yesterday with comma, but unfortunately is not working with 3 recipients. 

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 06 Dec 2016, 23:03
by mjau-mjau
torobouk wrote:I've tried yesterday with comma, but unfortunately is not working with 3 recipients. 
Exactly how are you sure of this? Did you check spam folders? I just tested, and X3 sends perfectly with 3 recipients:

People, you must understand that there are so many things that can go wrong with emails which are outside of X3's control. Just to mention a few:
  • Mails may get sorted into spam folder.
  • Gmail may even sort emails into the new "promotions" tab with increased amount of recipients
  • Increased chance of mail clients thinking it's spam if you send to multiple recipients.
  • Are you using SPF and DKIM? Probably not. Increased chance of mails being  filtered as spam.
  • Duplicate emails to multiple emails owned by a SINGLE user? Sometimes mail clients know this, and will remove duplicates.
  • Are you using "FROM" and SMTP?
  • Your server may even be interfering (based on your settings) as a security precaution if it thinks you are spamming to multiple emails. Servers need to protect themselves from sending mass emails ... If a server gets a "bad reputation", it may get blocked by gmail/spamcop ++.
I can assure everyone that X3 does its part and SENDS the emails to multiple recipients. What happens with the emails after X3 dispatches them into your email ecosystem, is beyond X3's control. If you want, you can give me login to your panel, and I will prove that X3 "sends" all emails in "recipients".

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 08 Dec 2016, 14:51
by torobouk
Hi Karl,
I've tried again with one recipient, no problem. after sending from the web site it appears a V means Ok. If i put three recipients after sending with the site it appears X cross, that means failed.
I don't understand why.

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 09 Dec 2016, 02:54
by mjau-mjau
torobouk wrote:If i put three recipients after sending with the site it appears X cross, that means failed.
Are you using SMTP in email settings? I am guessing one of the following reasons:
  • Your server firewall reacts when it detects a POST request with more than two emails.
  • Your server simply has server email-sending restricted to max two recipients, to protect itself from being blacklisted, although this should not occur if you are using SMTP.
Go to mail settings, enable "Debug SMTP", and give me a link to your contact page, and I will see what errors I can find.

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 09 Dec 2016, 14:25
by torobouk
Dear Karl PM posted

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 09 Dec 2016, 23:47
by mjau-mjau
You are using X3 0.19 ... Multiple recipients was launched as a feature in X3 0.21!

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 10 Dec 2016, 02:50
by torobouk
Thank's a lot Karl, i will update !!

Re: Mail Settings

Posted: 11 Dec 2016, 04:47
by torobouk
Everything  is working well, just add a coma (,) between the recipients ! Thx Karl