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Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 12:27
by sprocket
Good to see Fotomoto integrated into Imagevue again. Couple questions.

1. Is there a way to remove the Buy Button from the thumbnail page and only have it show in the Popup? Looks cluttered with all the buy buttons on thumbnail page.

2. Is there a way I can make the buy button smaller, but leave the text the same size? Text seems to be floating in a big box


Re: Fotomoto

Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 13:21
by mjau-mjau
sprocket wrote:1. Is there a way to remove the Buy Button from the thumbnail page and only have it show in the Popup? Looks cluttered with all the buy buttons on thumbnail page.
Would be so much easier if you included a link when writing these things. Sounds to me like you have added "captions" from gallery settings, and NOT set them to HOVER, which is default for Fotomoto as you can see in the demo. But if you don't want them as hover-captions either, then YES you can add them to only popup-window ... Did you read the help-section for the "Add Buy button"? You need to turn that off, and create your own buy-button in descriptions ... and then just set descriptions to only show on popup.

Since I don't have a link, I can only guess what your current settings are.
sprocket wrote:2. Is there a way I can make the buy button smaller, but leave the text the same size? Text seems to be floating in a big box
On the popup page? or the gallery page? It obviously makes a difference if it's a single button or multiple spread it in your non-hover gallery captions. If it's only one button in the popup, I don't see how it's too big, just nice and visible ... But in any regards, yes you can change padding with custom CSS.

Re: Fotomoto

Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 15:39
by sprocket
Sounds to me like you have added "captions" from gallery settings, and NOT set them to HOVER, which is default for Fotomoto as you can see in the demo. But if you don't want them as hover-captions either, then YES you can add them to only popup-window ... Did you read the help-section for the "Add Buy button"? You need to turn that off, and create your own buy-button in descriptions ... and then just set descriptions to only show on popup.
I did read the help-section, but I didn't fully understand how the buy-button worked. Thanks to your explanation here, I now understand what's going on and why I can't get what I want.

HERE is how my pages looked BEFORE the fotomoto Buy Button was introduced.
The page has a caption overlay (no hover) showing just the date. I then have the tooltip showing Title and Description. This is how exactly I want my page to display. I want returning viewers to look at the page and have a guess (from the date) what they have and have not viewed, and then be able to read Title and Description from the tooltip. Then if more interested, they can click the photo for the popup view.

I now understand that the buy-button is tied to the Title or Description and that since I show these on both the gallery and popup page, I cannot remove the Buy button from the Gallery Page even when I turn off "Add the Buy Button" and set the image default descriptions.

Thus the buy-button shows on the gallery page in the tooltip (description) as shown HERE on this page. This is not a desired look for me.

And personally I don't like the buy button added to every thumbnail as shown HERE on this page. It just too much and to me seems very pushy, with all the buy, buy, buy, ....

What I would REALLY want in the perfect world scenario, would be to have the buy button show in the top right of the popup window along with the full screen, share and cancel buttons, but I'd settle for a way to get it just on the popup page without loosing the current settings of my pages.
But in any regards, yes you can change padding with custom CSS.
thanks, I was able to make the button smaller, just how I want it to look

Thanks for the help

Re: Fotomoto

Posted: 14 Oct 2016, 01:11
by mjau-mjau
Seems like you got most figured out yourself already! Some comments and advice:
sprocket wrote:I now understand that the buy-button is tied to the Title or Description and that since I show these on both the gallery and popup page, I cannot remove the Buy button from the Gallery Page even when I turn off "Add the Buy Button" and set the image default descriptions.
Since manual fotomoto buttons are included in titles or descriptions (there is no other ways to manually add them of course), that means they are naturally bound inside your title-description element. Even when Fotomoto is set to automatically "add buy button", it "piggybacks" the caption element that overlays the image, and will inherit it's settings and combine with existing title/description if set. This is the most logical approach to offering flexible options for fotomoto buy-buttons.
sprocket wrote:Thus the buy-button shows on the gallery page in the tooltip (description) as shown HERE on this page. This is not a desired look for me.
I guess a setting for buy-button "Only show in popup" might be useful. In the meantime, I would suggest the following fix to avoid showing the buy button in tooltip. Panel -> Settings -> Custom -> Custom CSS:
.tooltip .fotomoto-buy {
  display: none !important;
A BETTER solution in technical terms, would be to revert back to "Add buy button" settings:
  1. Revert back to "Add Buy Button" in Fotomoto settings.
  2. Delete your custom "fotomoto-buy" buttons added to descriptions (If you don't delete, the above setting will not even apply, because it won't add fotomoto-buy button if it already exist for an element).
  3. HIDE the buy-button from displaying in the gallery layout:
    .gallery.images .fotomoto-buy {
      display: none !important;
sprocket wrote:And personally I don't like the buy button added to every thumbnail as shown HERE on this page. It just too much and to me seems very pushy, with all the buy, buy, buy, ....
Certainly, I agree. That's why we add it as "HOVER" by default, and also use a semi-transparent black background until the button itself is hovered. For default, we have to add a button-solution which is relatively clear and obvious. For those who want a different solution, it's pretty easy to add your own buttons, which doesn't even need to use the button-style, as demonstrated in our Fotomoto demo2.

Also, just for reference, you can add your custom buttons from page settings -> Image -> Default Image Description, instead of adding on a per-image basis.
sprocket wrote:What I would REALLY want in the perfect world scenario, would be to have the buy button show in the top right of the popup window along with the full screen, share and cancel buttons, but I'd settle for a way to get it just on the popup page without loosing the current settings of my pages.
Ok. From solution above, you can get it only on the popup page. I'm not sure a small "cart-icon" in top right corner of popup window is obvious enough for buy-buttons ...
sprocket wrote:
But in any regards, yes you can change padding with custom CSS.
thanks, I was able to make the button smaller, just how I want it to look
I agree the buttons are a bit over-padded. From a design-perspective, it is for standalone buttons in context with text-content, making them stand out as clickable buttons.

Re: Fotomoto

Posted: 14 Oct 2016, 11:23
by sprocket
mjau-maju wrote:
A BETTER solution in technical terms, would be to revert back to "Add buy button" settings:
  1. Revert back to "Add Buy Button" in Fotomoto settings.
  2. Delete your custom "fotomoto-buy" buttons added to descriptions (If you don't delete, the above setting will not even apply, because it won't add fotomoto-buy button if it already exist for an element).
  3. HIDE the buy-button from displaying in the gallery layout:
    Code Select all
    .gallery.images .fotomoto-buy {
      display: none !important;
Thank you, this is the answer I went with and it worked perfectly.

Re: Fotomoto

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 10:21
by mjau-mjau
In X3 Release [0.21], there is a new option for Fotomoto buttons: "only show in popup"  yes / mobile / true