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Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

09 Jul 2018, 14:42


So i set up my new page with this, and all was good. I moved my site to the live site from another host to the current one (
Also again after some diagnostics i got the site up and running.

Then 2 days ago i wanted to add pictures, but could not get anything to show when i login on the panel. The pages are empty, same goes for the galleries i made. I can not see them, tried on different computers, and also for the panel login. Strangely enough i can login on my laptop, but its the same version of windows and same chrome browser.

Tried deleting cache, cookies and what so ever on the computer without luck. show no errors

If i click "Galleri" in the menu it comes up empty. If i put in the link to a gallery directly in adress bar it shows up. f.ex

what can cause this issue ? Its pretty frustrating. Tried and worked with the site for a week before i decided to move to the live site and buy a license, and since then it stopped working :/ 

I also tried upgrading my php to 7.1 since i found some errors loading some jsscript that some other guy also had issues with, and solved by upgrading to Sql 7.1 

As i write now, ive just tried upgrading to version 7.2 beta on the php to see if that makes a change.
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

10 Jul 2018, 01:36

Hi. When I first opened your website, there seemed to be some inconsistencies, but currently I cannot see any actual errors at least. Is the "Galleri" page supposed to be populated by images? I can see it is empty. It is not entirely clear to me what it's "supposed" to look like. Are you saying you also don't see images from the panel?

Anyway, as I have loads of experience diagnosing various X3 issues, I started digging. Did you notice how lightning fast your website pages load? A good thing of course, but I can see your server is using Varnish caching to achieve this:

Varnish cache is a powerful server extension, that may cache various requests (pages, images etc) on the server, so they are output with almost no processing at high speed. The problem though, is that it may be caching page outputs that do not correlate with your actual changes in panel. My guess is 90% sure your issues are related to Varnish cache. If you have panel login for me (private message me), I can take a look around and make some tests.

Likely you have options in your hosting control panel to disable varnish cache, and/or add varnish cache filters.

X3 already has internal page-caching, and although it is not quite as super-effective as Varnish caching, it will still be fast. More importantly, X3's caching mechanism is managed by X3, so it knows when to invalidate cache and recreate pages on-demand. Likely, you are seeing output that are cached by varnish in some way or other.

Yes this can be very frustrating of course. There will always be a logical explanation though.

Just for some further tests and clarification, I tried to load an image with an url parameter ?adfadfsdf just to make sure it was not cached. ... ?adfadfsdf

No varnish on first load, since it's been loaded first time:

Refresh same image, varnish is caching it:

Varnish caching on images is not a problem, but this shows your varnish cache in action, and how it will cache requests directly on the server. If it does the same for documents (which I don't have any reason to believe it does not), you will be left with page documents (html/json) that may not update after making changes in X3 panel.

I am guessing that Varnish cache will check modification date of a file to see if it has changed. The problem though, is that (or is not an actual physical file or path on your server, but a virtual page output from the X3 application.
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

10 Jul 2018, 05:22

First of... the problem is i can login to the panel, but it shows up empty. see below image
second the menu on the front site should have my menu listing like shown below
And last the gallery site should look like this 

For comparison you can look at my develop site that is hosted at another hosting service, but works like it should, its located at a temporary adress 

I dont know what to do if i can not login to the panel, and i would hate to start over again :/ 
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

10 Jul 2018, 06:14

Sorry, but did you read my entire previous reply? I took time to write a long post about what I think the problem is, including screenshots and explanations. There is nothing in your response about this, and you have just re-posted that it doesn't work and panel is empty.

I also requested panel login, which would allow me to diagnose further.

For comparison you can look at my develop site that is hosted at another hosting service, but works like it should, its located at a temporary adress 
Yep, but this server is not using Varnish Cache:
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

10 Jul 2018, 07:07

Yeah i read it... but i cant give you panel access if i cannot open it right?

I get the varnish cache thing and its not selectable from my hosting, i Can only choose Which php version i want to run.

Ive tried a .htaccess disable of the varnish cache without luck. So dont know What to do now
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

10 Jul 2018, 08:43

kdalby wrote:Yeah i read it... but i cant give you panel access if i cannot open it right?
I can see that you are logged in, but something is not loading correctly. If I can get to there, I can see exactly what is not loading and what the error is there. I am guessing it's related to Varnish Cache.

Some further diagnostics show me that a file is missing:

Any idea why this file is missing? It is of course crucial that ALL X3 application files exist if X3 is to work properly.
kdalby wrote:I get the varnish cache thing and its not selectable from my hosting, i Can only choose Which php version i want to run.
Who is the hosting if I may ask? Would seem a bit unprofessional to blindly enable Varnish Cache without any options to disable it.
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

10 Jul 2018, 08:48

the host is, but i just ordered a move to unoeuro where the site works prober. was a really good host but they ended up being a 1 click to install host now with limited management possibility 

so for now i just move my site to another host and see if that fixes it.

I have no idea why the login.php is missing, never heard about my host deleting files from the site. when i go trough the folders and files on ftp i see the login.php 
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

10 Jul 2018, 10:10

Ok, I guess we are solved then  :smiley:
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

10 Jul 2018, 12:06

Not really... just moved the site, and the same problem appears. Can login but no page menu and same with the front page and the gallery...
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

10 Jul 2018, 13:29

kdalby wrote: Not really... just moved the site, and the same problem appears. Can login but no page menu and same with the front page and the gallery...
Well, either the website is not moved, or by a very odd coincidence, this server also has Varnish Cache:

And panel.

Perhaps the website has not propagated yet. I will try tomorrow. Until Varnish cache is disabled, as I have diagnosed this issue, there is no reason to expect it should work any better.

I hope you understand I am here to help. This isn't X3 just making problems randomly you know. Also, I'm still awaiting your panel login, which I would have thought you could have provided by now if you want me to continue to offer optimal support.
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

10 Jul 2018, 15:42

Page is moved to the new hosting now, on which my develop site is live at as well.

The page now gives me access to the panel, so thats good, but i still dont have a menu for the gallery.

I will send you panel access in a pm
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

11 Jul 2018, 00:23

See private message.

Varnish cache is still interfering with panel login and probably page/menu output, and you have corrupted javascript files being output by server.
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

11 Jul 2018, 11:08

yeah i just exchanged the .js file with the one you referred to. However i could before that login to the panel, and its not empty any more. i can manage the site, but still no luck with the menu working. Strange thing is, that the varnish cache should not be a problem anymore since i moved to another hosting, on which the site works fine with the other adress. and are now both hosted on and one site is working, the other is not. so i suspect that its about my migration to the other site and back, so maybe i should try and start all over again.
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

11 Jul 2018, 11:40

kdalby wrote:yeah i just exchanged the .js file with the one you referred to. However i could before that login to the panel, and its not empty any more. i can manage the site, but still no luck with the menu working.
Yes, but having multiple issues make it even harder to diagnose. Now if the javascript is fixed, I could try again and see what the next problem is. However, I can longer find any X3 website at ... It just says forbidden, and panel is not there.
kdalby wrote:Strange thing is, that the varnish cache should not be a problem anymore since i moved to another hosting, on which the site works fine with the other adress. and are now both hosted on and one site is working, the other is not. so i suspect that its about my migration to the other site and back, so maybe i should try and start all over again.
Not so strange really, as one website had varnish cache and the other not. In regards to, there is no Varnish Cache, as you can see in the output headers:

If they are hosted on the same service and one has Varnish Cache applied and the other not, this is either a setting in your hosting control panel, or some misconfiguration from your server host. Currently I cannot test, since the X3 website cannot be found.

Basically, if you can show me without varnish cache, I believe you have a working X3 website.
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Re: Panel page empty & Gallery empty as well

11 Jul 2018, 12:36

No i just deleted the whole thing and started over... and since i did, i saw an error... on my panel page my pages has numbering, but under the gallery the subpages where without, and i had marked the hide unnumbered folders option... DOH!

and the problem with the panel login is solved after i moved from to unoeuro. so it seems that my webpage is up and running as i should be now :) 

Thanks for your time and help