sound_and_light wrote:I'm using the /files/ app. Most of my folders have square thumbnails imposed over the folder images
for each folder. How do I add these? Some folders don't have them.
Files Gallery will add a preview image to all folders that have at least one image directly inside it. It won't add preview images if the folder itself does not contain any images, and it won't look into subfolders to find preview images (too much processing). Does that explain why some folders don't have them? If not, I would need to see a link.
You can't assign preview images manually, because Files Gallery is fully automated and doesn't store options on a per-folder basis. However, you should be able to upload a file
_filespreview.jpg, which takes on the role of the folders preview image, without actually becoming visible within the folder's gallery.
I would appreciate if you could post future questions about Files Gallery in the dedicated support: