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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

21 Jul 2022, 05:38

Hallo Karl

Your competent explanations have convinced me completely - that is so absolutely understandable and OK for me!  

Thank you very much!

Best regards
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

21 Jul 2022, 06:26

Regarding cart: I was amazed to see that you can click an image in the cart and a popup opens where you can browse through images in the cart only, this is brilliant! However that popup doesn't seem to inherit all settings from the gallery, there are other captions and most importantly there's no add/remove button. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

21 Jul 2022, 08:03

metallissimus wrote: Regarding cart: I was amazed to see that you can click an image in the cart and a popup opens where you can browse through images in the cart only, this is brilliant! However that popup doesn't seem to inherit all settings from the gallery, there are other captions and most importantly there's no add/remove button.
Technical and logical reasons. When you are viewing a page with cart enabled, there are basically TWO completely different popups:
  1. When you click an image in the gallery, you are triggering the page's own gallery popup, which always contains all the images on the page. Images in this popup may or may not exist in the cart. In other words, apart from the cart-button add/remove, it's independent from the cart. This popup is powered by X3's gallery-popup, which is specifically tied in with page popup settings.
  2. When you click an image in the cart, X3 needs to create a dynamic popup that contains ALL images in the cart (which surely makes sense). This popup may contain SOME images from the current page, as well as SOME images from other pages. Obviously there would be no ADD button for this popup, because the popup is already showing images in the cart and ONLY images already added in the cart ... How can there be an ADD button if you are already viewing a popup that should ONLY contain images ADDED in the cart? If we add a REMOVE button, what is supposed to happen when user clicks REMOVE? The current slide in the popup would have to remove itself, because the image should no longer be in the cart popup (there can't be 10 images in cart-popup if there are only 5 items in cart) ... So if user clicks REMOVE, does the popup automatically move to next slide? What if there is only one image? This doesn't compute logically, and would be a nightmare to implement technically.
As for #2 inheriting all settings from the gallery, this is mostly a technical limitation because we can't really use the X3 gallery-popup for opening a custom range of popup images. It could have worked like this, but unfortunately it doesn't.
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

21 Jul 2022, 09:41

I understand the technical reasons behind this and of course an ADD button doesn't make any sense. That was some kind of reflex to mention add/remove as one feature.
But I would argue that without a REMOVE button, the cart popup loses a lot of its purpose. I'd say the main use case for the cart popup is reviewing one's selection. I think the expected behaviour would be that it's possible to alter that selection in the same place. That would be consistent with the rest of the UI. The user doesn't differentiate between the gallery popup and the cart popup, this is a purely technical difference and not visible to the user.
Actually I can remove items from the cart in the cart itself, why not in the popup?  If the popup is open and I remove the current image, it just closes – the same solution could work with a REMOVE button in the popup (although I would strongly prefer your idea of showing the next image).
mjau-mjau wrote: As for #2 inheriting all settings from the gallery, this is mostly a technical limitation because we can't really use the X3 gallery-popup for opening a custom range of popup images. It could have worked like this, but unfortunately it doesn't.
Is there a way to configure the cart popup seperately? Or at least have it have an ID or different class to target it in CSS? If I see it correctly, at the moment the classes are the same as for the gallery popup. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

21 Jul 2022, 10:50

metallissimus wrote:I understand the technical reasons behind this and of course an ADD button doesn't make any sense. That was some kind of reflex to mention add/remove as one feature.
I like answering your questions, because these things took time to figure out myself, which is the reason I can answer in detail. While I was working on the cart-popup, these logical/technical dilemmas appeared, ultimately forcing me to keep it simple and perhaps limited.
metallissimus wrote:But I would argue that without a REMOVE button, the cart popup loses a lot of its purpose. I'd say the main use case for the cart popup is reviewing one's selection. I think the expected behaviour would be that it's possible to alter that selection in the same place.
Yes, it would make sense. It's very clumsy to to dynamically update the popup if you are removing items though ... First of all, the POPUP and all it's slides are created when first item is clicked. If we are to remove items, technically we need to close and re-open the popup with updated slides ... Also, as noted in my previous post, if user clicks REMOVE, we need to navigate to NEXT item in popup, or close the popup if there is only one item ... Technically very clumsy, and perhaps not even intuitive if the popup navigates by itself after clicking "remove".

I could definitely consider looking into this, but I'm not 100% convinced.
metallissimus wrote:The user doesn't differentiate between the gallery popup and the cart popup, this is a purely technical difference and not visible to the user.
I'm not sure. When the user clicks an item in cart, they should expect to be able to navigate all items (and only items) in the cart. If they click an item in the page, they should expect to be able to navigate all items in current page gallery, and ONLY items in page gallery. They may not consciously think about it like this, but this is definitely how it has to work.
metallissimus wrote:Actually I can remove items from the cart in the cart itself, why not in the popup?
The reason for this would be that the cart needs "remove" buttons, and it basically works naturally when the cart-popup is closed. Closing the cart-popup (if open) when removing items from the cart, was just a necessary precaution because the popup slides are basically no longer valid after an item is removed ... The cart-popup is after all a "bonus feature" of the cart, and not strictly required for the cart to operate (like other carts). Definitely not optimal, but it was the best solution.
metallissimus wrote:If the popup is open and I remove the current image, it just closes – the same solution could work with a REMOVE button in the popup (although I would strongly prefer your idea of showing the next image).
If we do this, it means the popup will CLOSE as soon as anyone clicks a REMOVE button in the popup, even if there are other items in the popup and other items in the cart. This seems counter-intuitive, and does not seem like a worthwhile solution.
metallissimus wrote:(although I would strongly prefer your idea of showing the next image).
For me, this would be the only functional solution. I must admit, it's a technical challenge, because the popup was not built to be dynamically updated like this (remove slides, navigating to next, and updating the internal state of objects and counters without re-starting the popup) ... By default, the popup is initiated when it opens, and the cart plugin is basically using the same methods as made available to public in the X3 popup plugin.

I will add it to my list, and see if it can be done. We both agree that this would be the best solution :star:
metallissimus wrote:Is there a way to configure the cart popup seperately? Or at least have it have an ID or different class to target it in CSS? If I see it correctly, at the moment the classes are the same as for the gallery popup.
There is no cart popup config ... Technically, there is no specific "cart popup", it's just a plain popup with slides assigned by image url's. The gallery-popup is a different story, but we can't use that for cart, which is dynamic images often from multiple dirs.

There is a class .x3-cart-popup set on the popup root that can be used to style the popup for the cart. For example, hide the caption:
.x3-cart-popup .pswp__caption {
  display: none;
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

21 Jul 2022, 11:37

mjau-mjau wrote: I will add it to my list, and see if it can be done. We both agree that this would be the best solution :star:
Great! And just to be clear: I think it's really awesome there's a cart popup in the first place, I really wasn't expecting that.

Edit: Another suggestion for your list: Sorting options for the cart. In a proofing situation sorting by name would sometimes make more sense than sorting by order of adding to cart. I guess(!) this one should be a lot easier.
There is a class .x3-cart-popup set on the popup root that can be used to style the popup for the cart. For example, hide the caption:
.x3-cart-popup .pswp__caption {
  display: none;
Ah, I missed the .x3-cart-popup class. Just what I needed. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

21 Jul 2022, 23:17

metallissimus wrote:Another suggestion for your list: Sorting options for the cart. In a proofing situation sorting by name would sometimes make more sense than sorting by order of adding to cart. I guess(!) this one should be a lot easier.
You mean make sort option available to the user? Or as a cart config option? If it's a user option, it could be confusing, since the default sort method is "the order in which you added them to cart" (which is not strictly a sorting method).
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

22 Jul 2022, 03:55

I was thinking for the user, but a cart config option would be nice, too. Benefit: No more item that has to be squeezed into the cart interface.
mjau-mjau wrote: "the order in which you added them to cart"
Try fitting that in an options list in the front end, haha. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

22 Jul 2022, 04:33

metallissimus wrote:I was thinking for the user, but a cart config option would be nice, too. Benefit: No more item that has to be squeezed into the cart interface.
I think this could be a config option. It might be confusing with too many buttons in the cart interface, and I don't see any users that will need to be switching between sort methods. Besides, it's another can-o-worms in regards to the cart-popup.
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

07 Aug 2022, 03:29

updating gave a little trouble as it was telling me that files and folders where not writable, but how could X3 be running than?
After the diagnostics said all was ok, I also got an error 500 (running php8.1)
caused by the fact that index.php was not replaced

So I downloaded the zip, replaced all files again (after first going back to the original version) and it was running fine after making sure all was writable .. 

note. files needs ffmpeg when there is a movie and it wants to create a thumb, but the requirements tool does not show that ffmpeg is needed.
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

07 Aug 2022, 06:53

zeroday wrote:updating gave a little trouble as it was telling me that files and folders where not writable, but how could X3 be running than?
Not sure what you mean "how could be running that ...". X3 needs WRITE permissions to all files in your X3 dir if it is to install the new version and delete some existing files. This is DEFAULT PHP that it has write permissions to all files in www (because they should be same user). Seems like you might have different USER (maybe FTP) or you have moved files at some point and permissions have changed.
zeroday wrote:So I downloaded the zip, replaced all files again (after first going back to the original version) and it was running fine after making sure all was writable .. 
That would be the solution if you can't run the updater script due to permissions. Ultimately, the PHP on your server should have read/write permissions to all files and folders inside your X3 dir. This should be default.
zeroday wrote:note. files needs ffmpeg when there is a movie and it wants to create a thumb, but the requirements tool does not show that ffmpeg is needed.
Correct. But what "requirements tool" are you referring to? Files gallery is a "Bonus app" and X3 does not need it at all, and X3 does not require FFmpeg. In Files gallery, FFmpeg is optional. More:
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

17 Aug 2022, 02:35

Hi Karl

After updating to the latest version i’m trying to launch Files plugin by using address. After passing login panel what I get is only endless turning “loading” circle. Could You advice what is the problem?

Thank You
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

17 Aug 2022, 03:11

MaciejK wrote:After updating to the latest version i’m trying to launch Files plugin by using address. After passing login panel what I get is only endless turning “loading” circle. Could You advice what is the problem?
Can you please send login to me in private message so I can test? Are you using normal or database-panel? Did you edit anything in the Files config? Thanks.
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

18 Aug 2022, 00:27

MaciejK wrote:After passing login panel what I get is only endless turning “loading” circle.
It works fine here. Perhaps a temporary issue with login or network?
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Re: X3.31.0 Cart, Breadcrumbs and Files :lion_face:

18 Aug 2022, 02:20

Checked again, now working fine, difficult to say as  I've tried several days in row and it was not opening.
Thank You for taking care.

Have a nice day
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