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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

15 Jan 2019, 04:02


I have looked at "flat instructions" and tried with Pano2VR (trial). Unfortunately, it did not work, no matter what I do. I own panorama studio 3 pro too. Does anyone know how to convert an image into a multi-resolution flat (step by step). 

Many Thanks
Yours sincerely
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

15 Jan 2019, 10:10

It is something Karl wrote:
FYI, below is the config I created for your pano2vr tiles:

Notice url_format=l_{z}/c_{x}/tile_{y}.jpg which had to be adjusted to suit the tiles folders, and index_start=0 (since indexing in names starts at 0 not 1) and zero_padding=0 since it doesn't use zero's to pad the numbered names. You will have to lookup the pano.xml file to create it.
The way you add it:
You need to 1) Upload a placeholder image for the panorama, and 2) Paste your code (see above) into the images "parameters" field.
Optionally, instead of adding it to the gallery section, you can add it as in your custom content:
<a href="{{path}}placeholder.jpg" data-panorama="tilesize=2048&url_format=l{z}/{y}/l{z}_{y}_{x}.jpg&zero_padding=2&index_start=1&width=1024,2560,5120,10496,20992,41984,84032&height=346,866,1728,3542,7086,14170,28362&path=">Click here</a>
p.s. the above code is for KrPano tiles
Hope this helps!
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

16 Jan 2019, 00:04

schlawiano wrote:I have looked at "flat instructions" and tried with Pano2VR (trial). Unfortunately, it did not work, no matter what I do. I own panorama studio 3 pro too. Does anyone know how to convert an image into a multi-resolution flat (step by step).
You mean you have not yet been able to convert your image into multi-resolution flat? I don't have much experience with this, but I will be trying next time. They have a free version of their tool allowing up to 2 gigapixel (which is a reasonable amount).
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

16 Jan 2019, 11:55

Thank you for your help. I will try it again this weekend. I read, the plugin needs an xml-file, but after export, I could not find any. But I'ill try ...
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

16 Jan 2019, 13:49

mjau-mjau wrote:
schlawiano wrote:I have looked at "flat instructions" and tried with Pano2VR (trial). Unfortunately, it did not work, no matter what I do. I own panorama studio 3 pro too. Does anyone know how to convert an image into a multi-resolution flat (step by step).
You mean you have not yet been able to convert your image into multi-resolution flat? I don't have much experience with this, but I will be trying next time. They have a free version of their tool allowing up to 2 gigapixel (which is a reasonable amount).
That would be great.. Thanks a lot.
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

17 Jan 2019, 01:29

schlawiano wrote:
mjau-mjau wrote:
schlawiano wrote:I have looked at "flat instructions" and tried with Pano2VR (trial). Unfortunately, it did not work, no matter what I do. I own panorama studio 3 pro too. Does anyone know how to convert an image into a multi-resolution flat (step by step).
You mean you have not yet been able to convert your image into multi-resolution flat? I don't have much experience with this, but I will be trying next time. They have a free version of their tool allowing up to 2 gigapixel (which is a reasonable amount).
That would be great.. Thanks a lot.
Hi schlawiano, I'm not quite sure how I can help. Did you already try the app from If so, for me to help any further, I would at least need to know the details of what it outputs for you. Yes indeed it should include some kinda config, although it could be possible to get it work in X3 as long as you know the config details.

Some of the guys here have experience exporting FLAT panoramas using various tools, but without a more detailed explanation of what comes from your export, it is difficult to offer any more assistance. I assume you have a large gigapixel image that you want to export through a tool, and then display in the X3 panorama viewer?
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

17 Jan 2019, 04:12

Yes, some info what exactly you do and where do you fail will help us help you :)
I can make tiles for your panorama, as I have both krpano and pano2vr if needed.
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

20 Jan 2019, 16:10

GeoPal wrote: Yes, some info what exactly you do and where do you fail will help us help you :)
I can make tiles for your panorama, as I have both krpano and pano2vr if needed.
I had set the wrong output at Pano2VR. With "HTML5" it creates at least a similar folder structure and a xml file too. 
I think the url format does not fit the folder structure of the pano2vr 
( tiles/node1/cf0/l0 and so on)
I also copied the pano.xml into the subfolder of the panorama. The panorama-viewer opens, but the screen remains black.
I will not continue trying.

For flat-panoramas the software is expensive and the way is not easy. I already have a working solution and will keep it and
for the 360° I use pannellum (with hotspots and scenes. X3 does not support it, so i will keep it too). But nice that there is the plugin.

Nevertheless thanks for your help
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

20 Jan 2019, 21:13

schlawiano wrote:For flat-panoramas the software is expensive and the way is not easy. I already have a working solution and will keep it
Flat panoramas in X3 are not easy to setup no. But that is because X3 is reading exported projects from other tools, which otherwise only work directly in the tool they are exported for. We only added support for FLAT panoramas because we could, and for those who want it inside the X3 panorama interface.
schlawiano wrote:for the 360° I use pannellum (with hotspots and scenes. X3 does not support it, so i will keep it too). But nice that there is the plugin.
X3 will support hotspots in the future. A scene is just a panorama item in a gallery,

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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

21 Jan 2019, 04:43

Just my 2 cents about the panoramic software. When I started panoramic photography it seemed these tools are expensive, but like other things, you get what you pay for. Support, upgrades, new tech, performance...All these don't matter much when you do this as a hobby, but when you have people counting on it you don't have many options.
About the ease of use of exported tiles for flat panos, when you get the code working one time, which Karl was so kind to give as a scheme, you have to just change path and tile size- copy paste several numbers from xml. Though as not as easy as just upload, still usable and a great option.
I hope you find the best way that suits you to display the panos. For me there is nothing easier to just upload an equirect with GPS tags and leave it to gallery to do the rest.
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

22 Jan 2019, 06:55

drzylvon wrote:think you can squeeze in the small dev "override audio folder" ?
Done. X3.27.0 will be available within a couple of days. I will post in this thread!
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

26 Jan 2019, 00:12

Dear folks, X3.27.0 was released today. Although X3.26.0 "panorama plugin" was not officially released, new features and updates eventually merged it into a new version X3.27.0. There will be an official combined release of X3.26.0 (panorama plugin) and X3.27.0 shortly.

X3.27.0 Panorama updates
Since this thread is mainly about the new X3 panorama-plugin, I will focus on the changes that were made to the Panorama plugin. Check the improved demo:

INFO popup
The new panorama info popup can display title, description, exif (meta data) and Google map for the panorama.
  • The info popup is accessed by clicking the panorama TITLE.
  • In addition to clicking the panorama TITLE, you can also assign an "info" button for the top right controls [screenshot]. The info BUTTON option is disabled by default since the info popup is already available by clicking the title.
  • The info popup is only available for panorama's that contain at least one of the following items: Exif data, geo-coordinates or description. What would be the point of showing only the title which is already displaying?
  • Google static map image will display for panorama's with geo-coordinates. When the Google map image is clicked, an interactive Google map will load in full size.
  • If your panorama does not contain geo coordinates (Exif), you can manually assign geo coordinates from the panorama parameters [screenshot]
    // geo=latitude,longitude
Pitch Limiter
As requested earlier in this thread, we have now added a pitch limiter to limit the vertical view of spherical panoramas. This is useful to limit the vertical view of spherical 360/180 panoramas that are incomplete or include "grey" patches at top or bottom. Pitch limiter options are available from Panorama Advanced Settings [screenshot], although it is more likely you will want to apply them for a specific panorama from parameters:
By default, pitch is limited from top -90 degrees to bottom 90 degrees. In the above example, vertical view is limited to -45 degrees (up) and 45 degrees (down), effectively obscuring the top 25% and bottom 25% of the panorama.

Other Panorama fixes
  • "Close" button is now removed from options in "interface control buttons". The close button will always display, and will always be the last button on the right.
  • Although not directly related to the panorama plugin, child folders of folder names starting with _underscore will now be excluded from the panel MENU. It is recommended to _underscore the folder name of multi-resolution (cube/flat) panorama source folders, to prevent the heavy folder structure within from affecting the X3 panel performance. These folders are after all sources for panorama's, and not X3 pages.
  • Fixed panorama scroll lock bug when using slidemenu layout.

X3.27.0 updates unrelated to the panorama plugin will be posted separately. Please test! Official release is imminent.
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

29 Jan 2019, 05:40

Great news of a much anticipated release! Thank you, Karl!
I will test it tonight.
Best, G
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

30 Jan 2019, 02:51

Here are newly uploaded panos:
Mitillinis, Lesbos, Greece
Works great on windows chrome and android. Info button - on Windows, you have info next to the Name of panorama and on the top right also- is there a way to display only on of these. I don't mind it, just curious.
Direct upload of 8k jpg. I think I had GPS tags, but it didn't catch them, will double check from another software with the geotagging. But I think it is even easier to put "geo" tag in the parameters, great option!
Thanks again! Havne't tested with flat images yet, but the old gigapixels work just fine with the new release.
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Re: X3 Panorama Plugin [X3.26.0 Beta]

30 Jan 2019, 02:54

GeoPal wrote: Ok,
Here are newly uploaded panos:
Mitillinis, Lesbos, Greece
Great panos!