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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

26 Jul 2017, 13:39

As usual working ....

Just one question Karl, the fullscreen button in the home page is not working, I've made à mistake?
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

27 Jul 2017, 04:42

Go to page settings > gallery > slideshow, scroll down to "fullscreen button" and set it to "Show".

With new "auto" mode, fullscreen button is disabled for image-intro's because of the following reason:
X3 Panel wrote:Auto * recommended
When set to auto, fullscreen button will be hidden for slideshow "Use as Intro" mode.

When slideshow is set to "Use as Intro", it is already aligned to top of screen, and mostly used as an introduction to the page. Hiding the fullscreen button in intro mode prevents it from cluttering the menu interface. Furthermore, the fullscreen button has little effect for mobile devices, except locking scroll position, since mobile browsers are already fullscreen.
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

27 Jul 2017, 13:33

Ok Thanks, Karl,
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

07 Aug 2017, 16:24

I'm curious why nobody else complained about permissions when using x3_updater.php. I get errors that various files/directories are not writeable (644) so I need to chmod 646 those items to get rid of the errors. Those are the default permissions after running x3_installer.php. However, that causes all sorts of chaos when trying to actually update the site. For now I just did 777 to get around it. So after updating, what needs to go back to 644 (or other permissions) because if I do everything that way, Panel (and likely other things) don't work???
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

08 Aug 2017, 01:45

timberline wrote:I'm curious why nobody else complained about permissions when using x3_updater.php. I get errors that various files/directories are not writeable (644) so I need to chmod 646 those items to get rid of the errors. Those are the default permissions after running x3_installer.php. However, that causes all sorts of chaos when trying to actually update the site. For now I just did 777 to get around it. So after updating, what needs to go back to 644 (or other permissions) because if I do everything that way, Panel (and likely other things) don't work???
Nobody else complained, because this is not standard server behavior, and it's certainly not X3 installer or updater that is setting the 644 permissions on the files. There are a couple of reasons why your server might be doing something useless like this:
  • X3 installer does not set 644 permissions. Permissions for the files that are created by installer/updater, are "owned" by the PHP/WWW user, which if anything is a much better starting point than uploading by FTP user, in which case you would need to set "write permissions" for the X3 app (www-user).
  • This is somehow something your server has decided to do ... Perhaps it's a security mechanism from your server, to make all files that are "created by PHP" unwritable.  If so, we are helpless, but hopefully this is not the case.
  • Since the installer, and updater and X3 application are ALL the same WWW-user, 644 should be sufficient permissions (screenshot). Either the "user" has been changed on your server at some point, or ownership changed by someone.
  • Check the permissions of the original UPLOADED x3_installer.php. Unless the above is true, files created by the updater/installer could be inheriting permissions of the original uploaded file.
Furthermore, "most" modern servers these days have a smart, user-friendly permissions system that means it's the SAME "user/owner" for FTP and WWW (PHP), in which case 644 permission is already PERFECT. As you can see in this screenshot, 644 is actually "WRITE" for the owner of the file, which is therefore sufficient on all standard setups. Unfortunately, you have an old-school setup with different "owners" for FTP/WWW, which are not allowed to write to each other's files, and you therefore need to assign permissions manually (646) [screenshot] to override this.

If you have FTP access for me, I would like to do an install test on your server and see what your server is doing. One of the main arguments for the installer in the first place, is that all files created will be owned by the WWW-user.
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

08 Aug 2017, 11:27

Permissions can be annoying to deal with, but this is how it should be working:

A) If the website is on a “smart” hosting that issues the same “user” for SSH/FTP/WWW, then there is never any trouble. File permissions 644 means “writeable” for owner, and since the owner is always the same, X3 (“www” php user) will always have write permissions (and so will ftp and ssh also).


B) Potential issues start when there is a different “users” assigned to FTP/SSH/WWW:
  • Ultimately, X3 installer deals with this elegantly: You upload the installer, and run the installer app. Since the installer app is www-user (PHP), all created files/folders set to normal permissions 644 would be writeable by this user, which is the same as X3 panel, and everything should be fine. This is the advantage of using the installer/updater.
  • Regarding the UPDATER, it basically works the same, but there may be permission issues that need to be solved if you have an existing X3 installation, copied or moved by FTP or SSH earlier. In this specific case, you would need to make files/folders writeable to the WWW user, which would likely be “646”. The X3 updater will warn you up front if it cannot overwrite all files.
  • Now, I am not sure how you got write-permission errors after running the updater or installer successfully. The updater and installer, once processed, will write ALL files owned by the PHP/WWW user, likely 644, and this would be exactly what X3 requires to be able to write to folders/files, since X3 is also the PHP/WWW user. If you get “permission issues” after update/install, it means the installer/updater PHP app is not the same user as the X3 PHP web app, which is unheard of to be honest … I would have to suspect some files/folders have been copied/moved or somehow affected by SSH or FTP.
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

14 Aug 2017, 13:53

After update. Problem with my site ((
I did this?
Add folder "content" and "config" (from my old gallery X3 v0.22.5) to new folder "X3.23.0"
put file x3_updater.php to directory {URL}/x3_updater.php
And then

Failed to remove temporary files

Warning: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::hasChildren(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(app/_cache/images/request/9964c02823f1856f1a8d8cba3ad2089b) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 150

Warning: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::hasChildren(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(app/_cache/images/request/9964c02823f1856f1a8d8cba3ad2089b) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 150

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'SplFileInfo::isDir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(app/_cache/images/request/9964c02823f1856f1a8d8cba3ad2089b) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/' in /var/www/vhosts/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vhosts/ SplFileInfo->isDir() #1 /var/www/vhosts/ deleteDirectory('app/_cache/imag...') #2 {main} thrown in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 151

And when I push Processed Diagnostic

Warning: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::hasChildren(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(app/_cache/images/request/9964c02823f1856f1a8d8cba3ad2089b) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 85

Warning: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::hasChildren(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(app/_cache/images/request/9964c02823f1856f1a8d8cba3ad2089b) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 85

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'SplFileInfo::isDir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(app/_cache/images/request/9964c02823f1856f1a8d8cba3ad2089b) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/' in /var/www/vhosts/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vhosts/ SplFileInfo->isDir() #1 /var/www/vhosts/ deleteDirectory('app/_cache/imag...') #2 /var/www/vhosts/ require_once('/var/www/vhosts...') #3 {main} thrown in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 86

But site works FINE :)

Is it ok?
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

15 Aug 2017, 00:29

bphotos wrote:But site works FINE :)
Is it ok?

I believe the issue is related to the UNUSED /app/_cache/ directory. Just login to FTP, and delete the folder /app/_cache/ (not /_cache/ in root), and then re-check your diagnostics.

The error in diagnostics seems to come from X3 trying to delete the unused /app/_cache/ directory, while your open_basedir restriction in combination with user/permissions, is creating errors for this operation. This operation is not strictly necessary, but you should delete the unused /app/_cache/ directory nevertheless.
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

16 Aug 2017, 22:22

Thx ;)
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

20 Aug 2017, 01:50

I tried find on forum info about "Shoping cart" (button) in new X3.23.0 version (
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

20 Aug 2017, 05:38

bphotos wrote:I tried find on forum info about "Shoping cart" (button) in new X3.23.0 version (
Not sure where you get this info from regarding version X3.23.0. You mean just a button with a shopping cart icon that you can link to anywhere?

Shopping cart is a planned feature, not available yet. It's certainly more than just a"button", including CART, checkout, and payment processing. A huge job, and something that requires planning from the user also when setting up.
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

20 Aug 2017, 15:03

Hi Karl

maybe I did a mistake....
in order to have a clean upgrade from 022.. I decided to delete the entire website and re-install everything using the x3_installer.php.
But when I run it from the browser as explained in your post, I see only the page with the X3 Installer title on black background.
What's wrong?
Web is hosted on Aruba servers..
please help me..
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

20 Aug 2017, 15:57

Hi Karl
forget my previous post..
I re-established all old files from my backup.. and run the x3_updater.php instead.
Every is now fine.. and my website has been updated with the latest version.
regards from Italy
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

31 Aug 2017, 05:52

Same as vboa68. Fresh installer is not working, by some reason. 0644, THCservsers hosting
Dev console: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

x3_installer.php:369 Uncaught ReferenceError: dd_item is not defined
    at data_loaded (x3_installer.php:369)
    at Object.<anonymous> (x3_installer.php:414)
    at i (jquery.min.js:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as rejectWith] (jquery.min.js:2)
    at A (jquery.min.js:4)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery.min.js:4)
UPD: Just need to turnoff adblock, problem solved. JQuery from time to time making some of shit like this ;) 
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Re: New Release X3.23.0 :deer:

31 Aug 2017, 07:43

kowapa wrote:UPD: Just need to turnoff adblock, problem solved. JQuery from time to time making some of shit like this ;) 
Thanks for the heads-up. I noticed something similar earlier ... Might have to add some kinda ad-block detection and warning.