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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

04 Jun 2017, 15:02

The same problem appears everywhere where it should be a preview instead...
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

04 Jun 2017, 15:12

illunis wrote:
mjau-mjau wrote:
I see "Suhosin detected!", which probably prevented deleting the zip and installer script somehow.

The website seems to work nicely.

You didn't proceed to diagnostics after the update process? I noticed a few _cache folders were created when I clicked the link now.
I proceeded and all worked. You see cache folders being re-created cause i deleted everything since there is a strange problem now appearing. It looks like it is ignoring the preview.jpg i am suing and in turn it keeps on using whatever image finds available.
I have refreshed / purged cache and also the cache from Cloudflare but it is the same
You can see the "problem" if u click on UK - England. The folders inside should be showing a curtain image as a preview but instead they inherit the image that is used by the England main folder.
If i manually enter the proper path for the preview image then it works
u can see now that Bristol under England is showing the proper image
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 01:20

First of all, we made some changes to how default preview image works. Currently, I can't see any errors on any of your pages ... I will need links if I am to diagnose. All you need to do is have an image in your INDEX directory ... Seems you fixed this already?

Even if you for some reason DON'T have an image in your index directory, X3 will fallback to a default black image with text "preview image". There are not many cases where this image should display anyway ... why would you have pages that display folder listings WITH preview, if some of the folders inside neither have preview image assigned, or images uploaded or child-folders with images inside? At best, the default preview image would display for pages that are not active yet.

From release X3.23.0, page preview image is assigned based on the following priorities:
1. preview image set from page, if it exists
2. preview.jpg in page, if it exists
3. first image in page, if page has image
4. child folder (not automatic, assigned from panel tools > previews)
5. assets folder (not automatic, assigned from panel tools > previews)
6. preview.jpg in index (home) folder, if it exists
7. first image in index (home) folder, if index has images
8. If all of the above fails, it will default to /app/public/images/default.png
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 05:25

Hi Karl,
at the moment i have fixed it by manually entering the proper path of the preview image. I have tried leaving it totally blank as well but kept on ignoring it :)
I am not really bothered by it since everything else is working just fine.
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 08:23

Hello Karl, I'll update asap. Just to notify you that your is displaying many errors :-)
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 10:09

andreamarucci wrote:Hello Karl, I'll update asap. Just to notify you that your is displaying many errors :-)
Arrrgh! Thanks, fixed ...  :relaxed:

For reference, this had nothing to do with X3.23.0 or the updater. The demo isn't even updated to X3.23.0 yet ... It was because I had edited some permissions, but forgot to set write permissions for the _cache folder. The errors didn't appear for a while, because images were cached on CDN.
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 10:42

Update process from previous beta, performed without any issue. Thank you Karl :thumbsup:
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 10:56

Good, Trying to update but the script stay here forever
Schermata 2017-06-05 alle 16.47.29.png
Schermata 2017-06-05 alle 16.47.29.png (11.2 KiB) Viewed 18656 times
So I've interrupted it and everything seems to work fine if you wanna try

but there's no way to enter diagnostics since the site seems stuck and also if I enable diagnostics in the panel, the site is stuck.

I've deleted the script and the .zip manually but I've seen a .htaccess.1496673907.bac file left over and a default.htaccess so I don't really know if all the edits are done.

If you need any credential just let me know. Please note that I've suoshin and also mod_security enabled.
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 10:57

This is my folder structure now
Schermata 2017-06-05 alle 16.56.43.png
Schermata 2017-06-05 alle 16.56.43.png (14.59 KiB) Viewed 18656 times
it's all correct as you may see?
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 11:39

The cleanup script isn't REALLY necessary, so you have nothing to worry about as long as the two first items are successful. Your X3 update should be working perfectly!

Clean Up > X3.23.0
The "clean up" process when upgrading to X3.23.0 includes migrating from old /app/_cache to new /_cache (root). This task loops through ALL images and symlinks, copying images to new /_cache location, tries to write new symlinks for possibly 1000+ images, then tries to delete everything in old /app/_cache recursively ... Therefore it could take a very long time. The clean up process will probably report "fail", but that doesn't mean it hasn't moved most of the _cache correctly. The reason this task may eventually fail, is because PHP cannot "unlink" symlinks that link to images that don't exist any more (because these images may have expires and been removed already from the resizer garbage collector).

The "cleanup" process won't be slow when upgrading after X3.23.0, because it does not involve any migration.

I see your diagnostics page already works again, probably because the file-tasks were still processing in some fashion. You have a warning, which is normal (expected):

House Cleaning
Although not strictly necessary, I would recommend you proceed to delete the following folders by FTP
  • /app/_cache *not the /app folder itself and not the new root _cache folder!
  • /templates *I suspect this has already been deleted by diagnostics
  • /extensions *I suspect this has already been deleted by diagnostics
  • /public *unless you have used this folder to upload any custom files, which is unlikely
andreamarucci wrote:I've deleted the script and the .zip manually but I've seen a .htaccess.1496673907.bac file left over and a default.htaccess so I don't really know if all the edits are done.
  • .htaccess.1496673907.bac is just a backup file we make in the update process, just in case you have anything in there that is not native to the default X3 .htaccess file. You can probably delete it, but why not keep it for a while until you feel safe? The new X3.23.0 .htaccess file has changed a lot!
  • The default.htaccess file is not used any more, and not supposed to be there. I think I forgot to delete this file in latest release. Delete it.
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 16:40

I Update my Test and Productive Site without any problems.

Updater works fine.


Edit: all my User with Login to restricted Area failed to login.

what happen?

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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 17:15

hi all,

the Issue is in the htaccess file.

the new file missed following string:

# Allow basic authentication

RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

Now the Login in restricted Areas work fine.

I hope that was the correct fix for the Issue.

Best Regards
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

05 Jun 2017, 22:23

hardliner wrote:the new file missed following string:

# Allow basic authentication
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
You don't have the following new code in your .htaccess file?
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  # Allow basic authentication in X3 for servers running PHP as FastCGI
  <IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.+)$
    RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
If you did already have the above code and it was not working, I am curious to find out why.
hardliner wrote:I hope that was the correct fix for the Issue.
That would be logical yes.
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

06 Jun 2017, 05:23

Very cool, upgraded flawlessly with the x3_installer.php to X3.23.0! Well done as usual!!!!!
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Re: x3_installer.php + X3.23.0 BETA

06 Jun 2017, 09:32

mjau-mjau wrote:
hardliner wrote:the new file missed following string:

# Allow basic authentication
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
You don't have the following new code in your .htaccess file?
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  # Allow basic authentication in X3 for servers running PHP as FastCGI
  <IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.+)$
    RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
If you did already have the above code and it was not working, I am curious to find out why.
hardliner wrote:I hope that was the correct fix for the Issue.
That would be logical yes.