
X3 Photo Gallery Support Forums

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New Release Imminent!

10 Apr 2016, 14:50

Sorry people, but I couldn't get the new X3 version out tonight (Sunday). There's just too much to prepare! I know many of you are eagerly awaiting this massive release (for good reason), but please hold on another day or two ...

We may release on Monday, but I am setting new release date to Tuesday, for sake of margin.
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Re: New Release Imminent!

10 Apr 2016, 15:10

no problem, thanks for the information
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Re: New Release Imminent!

11 Apr 2016, 10:20

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Re: New Release Imminent!

11 Apr 2016, 10:36

Is it possible to post the changelog already?
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Re: New Release Imminent!

11 Apr 2016, 11:09

Scoop643 wrote:Is it possible to post the changelog already?
Good idea
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Re: New Release Imminent!

11 Apr 2016, 11:15

Scoop643 wrote:Is it possible to post the changelog already?
One of the reasons it's taking time, is because I need to spend time writing about all the features prior to release. So here is my unprocessed and unsorted log ... Personally, I would just wait ...

- Fixed bug where lazy asset CSS files could get loaded twice
- Added option to show/hide image captions in the x3-popup, on a per-page basis, from page-gallery settings
- Patched issue with mod_security module blocking save settings forum
- Fixed issue where '&' (and other html-charaters) fails in list menu category header. forum
- Fixed bug in carousel-video when displaying vimeo/youtube videos from ssl/https website.
- Removed "minify" from "custom javascript", as it breaks certain javascripts. Minify does not provide any performance benefits here anyway, as page output is already Gzip compressed.
- Added new comparison-slider plugin [demo] [forum]
- Added comparison-slider to content-templates.
- image-url in og:image tag only resized if image is wider than 1280px
- bypass right-click protection with ?debug
- Fixed dropdown issue if page has hidden pages.
- Portrait-aspect images in X3-popup are always requested at max 1024px width now (not 1280px), unless original image is requested. This is to prevent memory-limit errors on standard PHP shared servers. forum
- Preview image (used in og:image, and for some sharing services), is not resized to 1280px width now if image is already smaller than 1280px
- Fixed bug with preview_image not set on initial page for sharing-service pinterest.
- New "plugins" tab for page-settings. You can also set "defaults" from settings->plugins
- GLOB_BRACE removed ti fix issues on Apache running on Sun OS forum
- Fixed issue with php GLOB_BRACE specifically for Apache running on Sun Os
- Bigger share-links for mobile in toolbar-overlay (if toolbar enabled on mobile).
- Improved html5 localStorage detection, and fixed a bug that could break X3 if localStorage is disabled from browser settings.
- Fixed bug in mega-menu when using "double-quotes" in title or description.
- Html-tags are stripped from document meta tags <title> <meta name="description" etc.
- Fixed navigation between image-landing pages if numbered images
- Added 1-line truncate to title in carousel menu to keep things symmetric
- Added support for some html tags in titles and descriptions for pages and images.
- Links are special (hacked)
- Links can integrate with X3-popup and popup-window as explained here
- Dynamic support for {file_name_ext} and {file_name_ext} in href link.
- Special .button class and .button-buy class
- supported: <a><span><em><i><b><strong><small><s><br><mark><img><kbd><code><button>
- Html included for main items, captions, tooltips, popup
- Folder pages, gallery images, image-landing page.
- Remove truncation in captions (it creates more problems than it does good)
- Fixed issue in panel when adding "double-quotes" in image titles
- Fixed minor bug where image titles- and descriptions containing only numbers don't display in popup caption forum
- New setting "hide child pages from mobile menu" (slidemenu) - forum
- Updated optional Panel DB connection interface from MySQL to MySQLi to support new PHP7 - forum
- Added carousel content plugin incomplete(demopage, content-template)
- Max filesize for image-upload-resizing increased from 10MB to 30MB. * Keep in mind, if a user decides to upload-and-resize dozens of 20mb files in a single batch, it will require a lot of processing from browser, and could cause a crash if the computer has insufficient resources.
- Updated to latest jQuery 2.2.1
- Added user-select:none to 3D logo, to prevent text-selection on click.
- New image DATE, 1) from image EXIF (from when photo was taken), 2) falls back to server date if image-EXIF date not found
- NEW gallery sortby name, title or date.
- Added custom sort
- Removed dysfunctional filemanager_assets/.htaccess
- Added basic video support forum
- Automatic "smart" text-alignment when using the SPLIT setting in gallery- and folders module. No need to add text-align CSS classes.
- A few improvements to the STYLER.
- Fixed bug with slideshow toggle-play button in IE11/IE10 forum
- Added support for EXIF display in popup forum
- Fixed issue with Yandex Metric counter forum
- Menu-Absolute (when menu is layered over slideshow or video) now uses semi-transparent DARK background also on dark skins.
- Added unique page- and slug classes for each page, to be used for page-specific styling with CSS. Can be used to style elements for multiple pages.
- Moved Font-Awesome CDN resources to Seems more consistent than jsdelivr, and is faster to load all resources from a single DNS checkup.
- Diagnostics

- Improved apache modules detection.
- Added advanced Database-connection diagnostics for panel DB-version.
- Added warning for old PHP version 5.3, recommending upgrade to 5.5 or higher.
- Warning displays if open_basedir restriction is enabled.
- Image NAMES
- Now spaces in filenames is supported (but not recommended) for landing pages, aka /your%20image/
- HREF links (for image landing pages) space-characters(%20) are now replaced with _underscores /your_image/
- Don't mix _underscores in file names with spaces (%20)!
- support for image-landing pages
- Works with jpg/JPG/jpeg/JPEG/png/PNG etc.
- Image LINKS
- Add links for image (in addition to title and description)
- Set target window to auto, _self, _blank or popup
- Supports {file_name}, {file_name_ext} and {path}
- Defaults can be set from page-settings
- supports some html
- supports links inside (supports x3-popup and popup-window)
- Supports {file_name} and {file_name_ext}
- Defaults can be set from page-settings
- Plugins
- Page Intro plugin
- Background plugin forum
- Added video background intro plugin.
- Panel
- On "Create New Folder" name input, disallowed characters (#$%^&*()+=[]'"/\|{}`~!@) are blocked, and empty spaces are replaced with -hyphens. New help-messages display below the input field on user text-input.
- Slideshow background (start page) feature is now an option from settings No need to add separate settings and classes in various locations.
- Added resized preview-image support for png/jpeg/gif extensions.
- Popup now displays png/jpeg/gif
- Image titles- and descriptions now display in popup
- Set folder preview image directly from gallery now forum.
- Fixed some issues for non-admin DB users
- Fixed various bugs when using the menu's own context-menu for renaming, deleting, moving, copying, uploading and creating new folders.
- Added Database setup instructions to panel DB settings.
- Real-time connection diagnostics for panel database version on login and install script.
- Added Database Connection Checker /panel/db_check.php
- Improved font support in panel with "Source Sans Pro", including extended latin character set.
- Install
- The panel database install FORM now only displays if 1) "use DB" is selected in panel settings, 2) All DB details are correct, 3) the DB is not already installed in the current DB name. In all other cases, the DB install page will display a warning.
- Added diagnostics for incorrect database details.
- Removed autocomplete.
- Added GRID view in panel
- Improved sorting by name in panel natcasesort - Sorts items by name as humans would read them.
- Added confirmation dialog before resetting settings (tools->reset) forum
- Fixed support for /config/panel.css for DB-user panel logins
- Improved Sorting in panel gallery listing.
- Improved "guest" login. Set login to guest/guest, and guest-login message will display screen. Don't use this unless you have disabled write permissions for everything inside /config/ and /content/. This emulates the x3 demo gallery.
- New setting "Auto Image Orientation" in panel-uploader settings, which auto-rotates images based on EXIF orientation.
- General UI improvements
- Removed concatenation of panel javascript files loaded from jsdelivr CDN, since this no longer provides any benefit with the new http/2 protocol. In fact, it will perform- and cache better with individual requests.
- Added favicon to panel (from content/custom/favicon.favicon.png)
- Fixed bug with "delete selected items" forum
- Added "super" and "user" body classes to panel, depending on user type. Allows adding classes that target specific user-types.
- Additional "warning" when trying to rename 1.index/index home page forum
- New Content Templates
- Comparison slider-plugin
- Popup links
- Content Carousel
- Sample/Demo Gallery
- Removed all complex settings in index/home page, which uses the new Slideshow "Use as Background" setting instead.
- Index/home page now has it's own images for the slideshow, instead of using "assets".
- "Startpage" slideshow sample page now uses Slideshow "Use as Background" setting.
- New images in galleries/landscapes
- Added Carousel page
- Added video background page
- Added EXIF sample page
- Added image-links page
- Added image captions page, including html for links, popup and buy-button
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Re: New Release Imminent!

12 Apr 2016, 16:26

thanks for excellent work.
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X3 Wizard
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Re: New Release Imminent!

12 Apr 2016, 17:13