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Re: questions about beta 08-09

21 Feb 2015, 11:25

I dont know what you are trying to do, but lots of files are missing, first of all: ... .white.css

Also, what is this "2015" folder I am looking at in the first place? Is this some new X3 folder, and you have moved from "x3" or something? Have you copied the entire cache over also? That is a bad idea, because now your cached page outputs are trying to loads paths relative to the old installation "x3".

It would help a lot if you explain what you have done, because I had to do a lot of guessing for the above ...
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

21 Feb 2015, 11:32

i just want to rename the folder x3 in georgsingerfotos, thats my thinking, 2015 is just another trying, because my current site is
In wich way can i move/change the x3 folder to foldername georgsingerfotos ?

Sorry for my non professional
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

21 Feb 2015, 11:36

Sorry, I just saw your first post said that you had renamed "x3" to "2015" ... The problem is that your cached pages are still using the "x3" path for certain files. If you "edit" your index page (just add an empty space), it should refresh the cache.

... To be safe, you could navigate to the app/_cache/ folder, and delete all the /pages/ and /templates/ folders, but not /images/. That will empty your cache manually.
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

21 Feb 2015, 11:50

:D works!
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

25 Feb 2015, 21:29

In V3, will there be an easier interface to make changes and settings? It is vastly different from the V2 user interface where settings were much easier to understand. I look at the interface on this and I am lost and all I can do is create problems and waste time. Will this remain the same or can we expect something like the V2 interface? If not, why?
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

25 Feb 2015, 22:35

swamphox wrote:In V3, will there be an easier interface to make changes and settings?
Yes, to some degree. We plan a brand new panel interface, although this will take some time because we are trying to "complete" the core frontend first.
swamphox wrote:It is vastly different from the V2 user interface where settings were much easier to understand. I look at the interface on this and I am lost and all I can do is create problems and waste time.
Yes it is very different. For now, you will just need to browse through the docs to get a basic understanding, but more importantly use the folders inside the demo content as a reference on how to achieve things. I hope you did not delete it?
swamphox wrote:Will this remain the same or can we expect something like the V2 interface? If not, why?
It will not be similar to the X3 settings interface, for several reasons. As you have understood, X3 is VERY different from X2 ... The reason for this, is that times and requirements have changed a lot since X2, and so have the designers and developers behind Imagevue. With X3, we wanted to create a super modern non-compromised website in all terms: design, functionality, performance, SEO ... We simply want X3 to be the best. To achieve this, we have had to make some compromises from the setup perspective, and also to some degree, "steer" the gallery owner slightly into the realms of modern web design.

For example: CSS. X3 core is built around modern CSS3, which is incredibly flexible, and you can even add your own customizations (it is not too complicated). It does not make sense to "convert" css into settings.

Also, being an advanced flexible gallery that can achieve everything our users are requesting (and rightfully so), we need to build it from a technically-logical perspective for example in terms of "modules" (the page elements context, gallery, folders etc). We cannot simply chop all this up to a simple recursive settings tree structure.

For us, it is also important that the panel is clean and uncomplicated. Essentially, it is very simple to create a page ... Most other settings are "progressive".

I could go on and on with this, but ultimately, I think X3 is probably for a slightly more technically-oriented audience than X2. The reason for this, is that we don't want to compromise on the quality of the website X3 creates. Therefore, it is kind of up to each user if they want to follow trends, at the cost of a slightly more challenging setup. If you mention other "simple setup" website services, I could easily tell them how they are massively flawed in terms of modern web design, and would be punished in terms of SEO, performance, quality and mobile usability.

Having said all the above, we have a massive desire to make the panel much more intuitive as soon as we get the opportunity!

PS! Personally, we think X2 settings are disgustingly complicated:
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

26 Feb 2015, 05:40

swamphox wrote:In V3, will there be an easier interface to make changes and settings? It is vastly different from the V2 user interface where settings were much easier to understand. I look at the interface on this and I am lost and all I can do is create problems and waste time. Will this remain the same or can we expect something like the V2 interface? If not, why?
You're like me the first time I opened x3, but once you get the control well.
In my case I do not want and not see the x2, only use now to protect folders On Password
Seo earn in the end is what matters
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

26 Feb 2015, 17:48

Thanks for the explanation. I too find the X2 panel to be very cumbersome although certainly not as much as a X1. I do see the evolution and I will figure it out in time like I did with X1 and X2 before you developed the panels. I also recognize the superiority of it all and that is why I stay. Thanks
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

26 Feb 2015, 23:14

Don't get me wrong, we have plans to improve the panel a lot, but for now the priority has been entirely on the frontend and flexibility. The forthcoming panel will not have the painfully long per-page settings as X2, but we plan to make things more intuitive and you get progressive popup-options as they are added. This make be several months ahead in time however.
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

27 Feb 2015, 10:56

Personally, I've got no problem with the current panel.
If you get used to it, it is rather elegant in its simplicity.

You can add a new folder and fill in the parameters in the page.yml to describe its behavior.

Just make sure that only the 'last descendants' of the folder hierarchy have the images and have the parameters on 'gallery:'-level.
And all the other folders have no images and have the parameters on 'folder:'-level.
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

27 Feb 2015, 11:32

You see, Martin, none of what you said makes any sense to me.
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

27 Feb 2015, 13:50

swamphox wrote:You see, Martin, none of what you said makes any sense to me.
I tried to explain the straight ahead setup of folders and galleries that I use myself.
You can also have both tags for folder and gallery, but I kept it simple for my website (at least for the time being)

1.index uses the gallery tags
2.emptiness uses the folder tags (no images here)

inside 2.emptiness:

1.1st series uses the gallery tags, because I've got images there
2.2nd series uses the gallery tags, because I've got images there

3.places uses the folder tags (no images here)

inside 3.places

1.ladakh uses the gallery tags, because I've got images there

and so on...
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

27 Feb 2015, 14:29

swamphox wrote:You see, Martin, none of what you said makes any sense to me.

Let's try this.. in > examples

Which one of those gallery/folder would you like to have?
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

27 Feb 2015, 16:55

I have about a dozen different galleries and would like to use a grid style without using or having the very large background images.
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Re: questions about beta 08-09

27 Feb 2015, 17:37

swamphox wrote:I have about a dozen different galleries and would like to use a grid style without using or having the very large background images.
If you've uploaded the X3 v0.9 you'll have an example PAGE. Same as the demo page you just visited.

How the grid is displayed has to do what you choose in the menu.

And here is the example grid you saw before, here is the settings and example you can apply for yourself:
grid-gallery.JPG (87.74 KiB) Viewed 13589 times