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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

24 Feb 2015, 21:27

Yea, a bit hard to know how everything works in X3 for now. We have been focusing on making X3 the ultimate flexible website, but less focus on how to elegantly and intuitively apply any settings required.
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 02:29

mjau-mjau wrote: I don't see this problem ... when I share a page, I see this
Perhaps FB stores the data of the old site, I will seek ...

There was another problem.
The documentation says: "Currently, X3 only supports title and captions that are stored directly in the image IPTC meta data. This would normally be achieved with desktop applications like iPhoto, Lightroom or many other applications."
This works well. But there is open the image in full screen, the caption is still seen filename. How can I replace it with a description of IPTC?
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 04:00

ringo71 wrote:This works well. But there is open the image in full screen, the caption is still seen filename. How can I replace it with a description of IPTC?
You want to display description from iptc instead of caption? I will need to look into a fix for this ...
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 04:22

mjau-mjau wrote:You want to display description from iptc instead of caption?
Yes, because it is impossible to make Cyrillic file name.
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 05:35

ringo71 wrote:Yes, because it is impossible to make Cyrillic file name.
I don't think that is the issue ... It already uses the CAPTION tag from EXIF. From what I understand, you want it to use DESCRIPTION tag instead of CAPTION tag?
ringo71 wrote:This works well. But there is open the image in full screen, the caption is still seen filename. How can I replace it with a description of IPTC?
It is working or not? The caption in the popup looks for EXIF caption in the image, not EXIF Description. If caption is empty, it will use filename ...

Longer description ...
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 07:42

Hi Karl,

This morning, I wanted to move photos from one directory to another directly from the panel. The task was carried out successfully but since I get the following error message:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to parse string: Unable to parse line 3 (​).") in "partials/nav/root-menu.html" at line 6.
I have yet nothing changed in this file ...
{% spaceless %}

{# Vars #}
{% set p = node.children|default(page.root) %}
{% set menu = ( ~ ' ' ~|default(|default(|trim %}

{# Settings #}
{% if 'reverse' in menu %}{% set p = p|reverse %}{% endif %}
{% set limit = getSetting(menu, 'limit') %}

{% for child in p %}
{% set child_menu = ( ~ ' ' ~|default(|trim|split(' ') %}
{% if (loop.index0 < limit or limit is empty) and 'hide' not in child_menu %}
Thank you in advance
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 08:35

mjau-mjau wrote:It is working or not? The caption in the popup looks for EXIF caption in the image, not EXIF Description. If caption is empty, it will use filename ...
Strange ... Now working ... Yesterday did not happen.
Yesterday did the same thing with the Linux laptop. So probably better not to experiment)))
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 10:43

Thomas wrote:This morning, I wanted to move photos from one directory to another directly from the panel. The task was carried out successfully but since I get the following error message:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to parse string: Unable to parse line 3 (​).") in "partials/nav/root-menu.html" at line 6.
Strange. I will probably need FTP access to figure out what might have happened here ... Do you have any "ghost" folders lying around in your content folder I wonder?
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 14:03

Martin wrote:Just plugging my document :-)
Wow, you had some time.

I like how you done it. But I like it more like Japanese style, simple sort to speak :)
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 14:15

fsfs wrote:I like how you done it. But I like it more like Japanese style, simple sort to speak :)
Oh... but it's sooo simple :D
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 14:23

mjau-mjau wrote:
NoirCavalier wrote:No need for me, but I think morgenius would like to see a breadcrumb navigation like:

Gallery > USA > Citycapes > Washington > Seattle
Gallery > USA > Citycapes > Minnesota > Minneapolis
Breadcrumbs yep! We have been thinking about this for a while already, although I am slightly worried about the placement. Breadcrumbs would need to be placed under the menu or on top of page somewhere, thus leads to more cramped navigation and possible confusion for visitors. We will definitely be looking to add it as an option! Thnx @morgenius @NoirCavalier

Yes this feature (breadcrumbs) is necessary, for Layout: topbar,topbar-fixed, etc cause when I'm in Washington and want to go to Minnesota, I've to go through Gallery > USA ...that's two (2) extra pages I need to visit to achieve my destination.

Of course is temporary fixed by using Layout: sidebar, sidebar-right and slidemenu - instead
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

25 Feb 2015, 22:58

fsfs wrote:Yes this feature (breadcrumbs) is necessary, for Layout: topbar,topbar-fixed, etc cause when I'm in Washington and want to go to Minnesota, I've to go through Gallery > USA ...that's two (2) extra pages I need to visit to achieve my destination.
True, although it wouldn't require that many clicks if you have the menu dropdowns available. But I agree, breadcrumbs would be helpful in some scenarios, for example yours where you have a simplified menu ...
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

26 Feb 2015, 03:20

mjau-mjau wrote:
Thomas wrote:This morning, I wanted to move photos from one directory to another directly from the panel. The task was carried out successfully but since I get the following error message:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to parse string: Unable to parse line 3 (​).") in "partials/nav/root-menu.html" at line 6.
Strange. I will probably need FTP access to figure out what might have happened here ... Do you have any "ghost" folders lying around in your content folder I wonder?
I just noticed my error, I created a page "The vertical method" containing page "GRID LAYOUT [GALLERY]".
That's when I created a second page that I thought similar to the first but in fact it was a sub-page "The vertical method" which creates this error message.

I do not know if I was clear, but I realized my mistake and it is corrected.

Thank you.
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

26 Feb 2015, 15:00


I tried to make a post but the its a locked post.
If you require more granular font control, you may instead wish to apply font styles directly into the custom CSS file. We will offer a template for moderating fonts in custom CSS, which is more flexible than the font skin setting, but requires some basic css editing knowledge. For simple modifications, it is preferred to use the basic font skin setting. There are also additional reasons why this setting is useful instead of incorporating a separate CSS stylesheet:

# We can apply font combinations in the URL (as in demos above).
# Minor moderations to font skins without having to incorporate (or understand) CSS stylesheets.
# No need to pre-create hundreds of font-skin css files for any desired font combination.
# This setting allows simple integration of any amount of Google web fonts.
If people are using topbar, the menu-text is white in the startpage, and changes into dark when going into a dir. But i'm using a few white pictures and it makes the menu vanish into the background. Is this something that can be changed in the startpage?

- thanks
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Re: X3 Beta V0.9

27 Feb 2015, 09:32

fsfs wrote:If people are using topbar, the menu-text is white in the startpage, and changes into dark when going into a dir. But i'm using a few white pictures and it makes the menu vanish into the background. Is this something that can be changed in the startpage?
For your startpage, you are using "menu-absolute" I assume? Try change it to menu-absolute-90 or menu-absolute-80, which adds a semi-transparent background to the topbar.