// images
'load_images' => true,
'load_files_proxy_php' => false,
'load_images_max_filesize' => 1000000, // maximum file size (bytes) for un-resized images loaded into list
'load_svg_max_filesize' => 100000, // 100k
'image_resize_enabled' => true,
'image_resize_cache' => true, // todo: remove this option and just use 'cache?
'image_resize_dimensions' => 320,
'image_resize_dimensions_retina' => 480,
'image_resize_quality' => 80,
'image_resize_function' => 'imagecopyresized', // imagecopyresampled / imagecopyresized
'image_resize_sharpen' => true,
'image_resize_memory_limit' => 1024, // 128 MB is suffient to resize images around 6000 px / 0 = ignore memory
'image_resize_max_pixels' => 30000000, // 30 MP equivalent to an image 6000 x 5000 / 0 = no limit
'image_resize_min_ratio' => 1.5, // min size diff original vs resize. Only resizes if ratio > min ratio
'image_resize_cache_direct' => true, // if enabled and delete cache, must increase cache_key
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