
X3 Photo Gallery Support Forums

Topic Author
Posts: 5
Joined: 01 Aug 2009, 02:51

limit size by gallery [solved]

09 Dec 2009, 10:34

I need limit sized in MB by gallery into same domain ( subdomains with gallery limit), My control panel (directadmin) have not quotes disk for subdomains.


in php classes there is gpl class for php "directoryinfo" by Juliette Reinders, I user it for my solution.

download directoryinfo class and put into include imagevue dir file

open and add this line
require_once(INCLUDE_DIR . '' );
replace admin/templates/index.index.phtml with this code
	$conf = &ivPool::get('conf');
	$folderProperties = $this->folder->getProperties();
	$folderAttributes = $this->folder->getAttributes();
	$folderUserAttributes = $this->folder->getUserAttributes();
	$folderFolders = $this->folder->getFolders();
	$folderFiles = $this->folder->getFiles();
	$parentFolder = $this->folder->getAncestor();
	$remakeThumbs = false;
// add by size limit
	$dirobj = new directory_info();
	$dirsize = $dirobj->get_dirsize( false,'../content/',true );
	$allowspace = 107000000;
// end
	if (isset($_SESSION['remakeThumbs']) && $_SESSION['remakeThumbs']) {
		$remakeThumbs = true;
<div id="content" class="left">
	<div id="rightmenu">
		<div class="box">
			<div id="folder_info_content" class="heading ivrm">Folder info</div>
			<div class="content">
				<div class="mytitle"><?php echo $this->folder->getTitle(); ?></div>
				<div><?php echo formatDate($folderProperties['date']); ?></div>
					<?php echo $this->folder->getProperty('fileCount'); ?>
					<?php if ($this->folder->getProperty('fileCount') != $this->folder->getProperty('totalFileCount')): ?>
						<span title="Files Total"> / <?php echo $this->folder->getProperty('totalFileCount'); ?> </span>
					<?php endif; ?>
					<img src="../<?php echo $this->folder->getThumbRelativePath(); ?>" alt="" />

				<form method="post" action="">
						Use as
						<select name="newdata[page]" onchange="this.form.submit();">
							<option value="gallery">Folder</option>
							<option value="html" <?php echo ($this->folder->isPage() ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>>Text page</option>
							<option value="link" <?php echo ($this->folder->isLink() ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>>Link</option>
							<option value="filemod" <?php echo ($this->folder->isFilemod() ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>>Filemod</option>

					<?php if (!$this->folder->isPage() && !$this->folder->isLink()): ?>
						<?php if ($this->folder->isFilemod()): ?>
							<div class="field">
								<select name="newdata[fileMod]">
									<option value="slideshow" <?php echo ('slideshow' == $folderAttributes['fileMod'] ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>>slideshow</option>
									<option value="photoblinds" <?php echo ('photoblinds' == $folderAttributes['fileMod'] ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>>photoblinds</option>
									<option value="randomimage" <?php echo ('randomimage' == $folderAttributes['fileMod'] ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>>randomimage</option>
									<option value="custom" <?php echo ('custom' == $folderAttributes['fileMod'] ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>>custom</option>
									<?php foreach (getContent(BASE_DIR . 'filemods/') as $file): ?>
										<?php if (ivFilepath::matchSuffix($file, $conf->get('/config/imagevue/settings/allowedext'))): ?>
											<option value="<?php echo $file; ?>" <?php echo ($file == $folderAttributes['fileMod'] ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>><?php echo $file; ?></option>
										<?php endif; ?>
									<?php endforeach; ?>
							<div class="field">
								<input type="text" name="newdata[parameters]" value="<?php echo $folderAttributes['parameters'] ?>"/>
						<?php endif; ?>
						<?php if (count($folderFiles)): ?>
						<div class="field">
							Preview image:<br/>
							<input type="hidden" name="newdata[previewimage]" value="" />
							<select name="newdata[previewimage]" onchange="this.form.submit();">
									<?php foreach ($folderFiles as $item): ?>
										<?php if (is_a($item, 'ivFileImage')): ?>
											<option value="<?php echo $item->getProperty('name'); ?>"<?php echo ($folderAttributes['previewimage'] == $item->getProperty('name') ? ' selected="selected"' : ''); ?>><?php echo $item->getProperty('name'); ?></option>
										<?php endif; ?>
									<?php endforeach; ?>
						<?php endif; ?>
						<div class="field">
							<select name="newdata[sort]" onchange="this.form.submit();">
								<?php foreach ($this->sorts as $value => $data): ?>
									<option value="<?php echo $value; ?>"<?php echo ($folderAttributes['sort'] == $value ? ' selected="selected"' : ''); ?>><?php echo $data['name'] ?></option>
								<?php endforeach; ?>
						<div class="field">
							<input type="text" name="newdata[title]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($folderAttributes['title']); ?>"/>
						<div class="field">
							<textarea cols="20" rows="5" name="newdata[description]"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($folderAttributes['description']); ?></textarea>
						<?php foreach ($folderUserAttributes as $name => $value): ?>
							<div class="field"><?php echo ucfirst($name); ?>:<br/>
								<input type="text" name="newdata[<?php echo $name; ?>]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($value); ?>"/>
						<?php endforeach; ?>
						<div class="field">
							<input type="submit" class="mysubmit" value="save" name="save"/>
					<?php endif; ?>

		<div class="box">
			<div id="folder_actions_content" class="heading ivrm">Folder actions</div>
			<div class="content actions">
				<?php if ($this->allowRenaming): ?>
					<a class="myicon" href="#" onclick="var dirName = window.prompt('Insert new name of folder', '<?php echo $folderProperties['name'] ?>'); if (dirName) {location.href = '?a=rename&path=<?php echo urlencode($this->path) ?>&name=' + dirName;} return false;">Rename this folder</a>
				<?php endif; ?>
				<a class="delete" href="index.php?path=<?php echo urlencode($this->path); ?>&a=delete" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete folder <?php echo ($folderProperties['name']); ?>?');">Delete this folder</a>
				<a class="myicon" href="#" onclick="var dirName = window.prompt('Enter name for a new folder'); if (dirName) {location.href = '?a=create&path=<?php echo urlencode($this->path) ?>&name=' + dirName;} return false;">Create new folder</a>
				<a class="myicon" href="index.php?path=<?php echo urlencode($this->path); ?>&a=<?php echo ($this->folder->isHidden() ? 'unhide' : 'hide') ?>"><?php echo ($this->folder->isHidden() ? 'Unh' : 'H') ?>ide this folder</a>
				<?php if (!$this->folder->isPage() && !$this->folder->isLink()): ?>
					<a class="myicon" href="index.php?a=makethumbs&path=<?php echo urlencode($this->path); ?>">Recreate thumbnails in current folder</a>
					<a class="myicon" href="index.php?a=recreatethumbs&path=<?php echo urlencode($this->path); ?>">Recreate thumbnails in all folders, starts from current</a>
					<a class="myicon" href="index.php?a=recreatethumbs&path=<?php echo urlencode($this->path); ?>&miss=1">Create missing thumbnails in all folders, starts from current</a>
				<?php endif; ?>

		<?php if (!$this->folder->isPage() && !$this->folder->isLink()): ?>
			<div class="box">
				<div id="selected_file_actions_content" class="heading ivrm">Selected file actions</div>
				<div class="content actions">
					<a class="delete" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete selected files?')) {$('sfaForm').action='index.php?a=deleteFiles&path=<?php echo urlencode($this->path); ?>'; $('sfaForm').submit();} else {return false;}">Delete selected files</a>
					<form method="post" action="" id="sfaForm">
						<div class="field">
							Move to:<br/>
							<select onchange="this.form.action='index.php?a=moveFiles&path=<?php echo $this->path?>&target=' + this.value; this.form.submit();">
								<?php foreach ($this->flatFolderTree as $folderNode):?>
									<option value="<?php echo $folderNode['folder']->getProperty('path'); ?>" <?php echo (ivFilepath::directory($this->path) == $folderNode['folder']->getProperty('path') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>><?php echo str_repeat('--', $folderNode['depth']); ?>[<?php echo $folderNode['folder']->getTitle(); ?>]</option>
								<?php endforeach; ?>
						<div class="field">Copy to:<br/>
							<select onchange="this.form.action='index.php?a=copyFiles&path=<?php echo $this->path?>&target=' + this.value; this.form.submit();">
								<?php foreach ($this->flatFolderTree as $folderNode):?>
									<option value="<?php echo $folderNode['folder']->getProperty('path'); ?>" <?php echo (ivFilepath::directory($this->path) == $folderNode['folder']->getProperty('path') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>><?php echo str_repeat('--', $folderNode['depth']); ?>[<?php echo $folderNode['folder']->getTitle(); ?>]</option>
								<?php endforeach; ?>
						<?php if (!empty($folderFiles)): ?>	
							<div style="visibility: hidden; height: 1px; width: 1px;">
								<select name="selected[]" multiple="multiple" id="selected_files">
									<?php foreach ($folderFiles as $item): ?>
										<option value="<?php echo $item->getProperty('name'); ?>"></option>
									<?php endforeach; ?>
						<?php endif; ?>
		<?php endif; ?>

		<?php if (!$this->folder->isLink()): ?>
			<div class="box">
				<div id="folder_upload_content" class="heading ivrm">Folder upload</div>
				<div class="content" style="overflow: hidden; height: 1%">
						$fileTypes = array();
						foreach ($this->allowedExtentions as $ext) {
							$fileTypes[] = "*.$ext";
				   <?php if ( $dirsize < $allowspace): ?> //add by size limit
				   <?php echo 'size usage ' . $dirobj->human_readable_filesize( $dirsize ) .' from ' . $dirobj->human_readable_filesize($allowspace); ?> //add by size limit
					<?php if ('swfupload' == $this->uploader): ?>
						<form id="form1" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
							<fieldset class="flash" id="fsUploadProgress">
								<legend>Upload queue</legend>
							<div id="divStatus">0 files uploaded</div>
							<div style="height: 50px; float: left;">
								<div id="uploaderContainer" style="width: 100px;height: 40px;"></div>
							<div style="height: 50px; float: left;">
								<input id="btnCancel" type="button" class="mysubmit" value="Cancel upload" disabled="disabled" />
						<script type="text/javascript">
						// <![CDATA[
							var settings = {
								flash_url : "admin/swfupload.swf",
								upload_url: (Prototype.Browser.IE ? "" : "../") + "index.php?a=upload&path=<?php echo $this->path; ?>",	// Relative to the SWF file
								post_params: {"<?php echo session_name(); ?>": "<?php echo session_id(); ?>"},
								file_size_limit : "<?php echo $this->uploadLimit; ?>B",
								file_types : "<?php echo implode(';', $fileTypes); ?>",
								file_types_description : "All Files",
								file_upload_limit : 0,
								file_queue_limit : 0,
								custom_settings : {
									progressTarget : "fsUploadProgress",
									cancelButtonId : "btnCancel"
								debug: false,
								// Button settings
								button_image_url: "images/uploadFileButton.png",	// Relative to the Flash file
								button_width: "100",
								button_height: "40",
								button_placeholder_id: "uploaderContainer",
								// The event handler functions are defined in handlers.js
								file_queued_handler : fileQueued,
								file_queue_error_handler : fileQueueError,
								file_dialog_complete_handler : fileDialogComplete,
								upload_start_handler : uploadStart,
								upload_progress_handler : uploadProgress,
								upload_error_handler : uploadError,
								upload_success_handler : uploadSuccess,
								upload_complete_handler : uploadComplete,
								queue_complete_handler : queueComplete,	// Queue plugin event
								preserve_relative_urls : true,
								prevent_swf_caching : false
							var swfu = new SWFUpload(settings);
							$('btnCancel').observe('click', function (ev) {
						// ]]>
					<?php elseif ('yuiuploader' == $this->uploader): ?>
						<form id="form1" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
							<fieldset class="flash" id="fsUploadProgress">
								<legend>Upload queue</legend>
							<div id="divStatus">0 files uploaded</div>
							<div style="height: 50px; float: left;">
								<div id="uploaderContainer" style="width: 100px;height: 40px;"></div>
							<div style="height: 50px; float: left;">
								<input id="btnCancel" type="button" class="mysubmit" value="Cancel upload" disabled="disabled" />
						<script type="text/javascript">
						// <![CDATA[
							YAHOO.widget.Uploader.SWFURL = 'admin/uploader.swf';
							var uploader = new YAHOO.widget.Uploader('uploaderContainer', 'images/uploadFileButton.png');
							uploader.addListener('contentReady', function () {
								uploader.setFileFilters({extensions:"<?php echo implode(';', $fileTypes); ?>", description:"Images"});
							uploader.addListener('fileSelect', onFileSelect);
							uploader.addListener('uploadStart', onUploadStart);
							uploader.addListener('uploadCancel', onUploadComplete);
							uploader.addListener('uploadComplete', onUploadComplete);
							uploader.addListener('uploadError', onUploadError);
							$('btnCancel').observe('click', function (ev) {
							function onFileSelect(ev) {
								for (var item in ev.fileList) {
									if(YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(ev.fileList, item)) {
										var progress = new FileProgress(ev.fileList[item], "fsUploadProgress");
										if (ev.fileList[item].size > <?php echo $this->uploadLimit; ?>) {
											progress.setStatus("File is too big.");
										} else {
								uploader.uploadAll('http://<?php echo getenv('HTTP_HOST'); ?><?php echo getenv('SCRIPT_NAME'); ?>?a=upload&path=<?php echo $this->path; ?>', 'POST', {"<?php echo session_name(); ?>": "<?php echo session_id(); ?>"});
						// ]]>
					<?php else: ?>
							<form id="htmlUploader" action="index.php?a=upload&path=<?php echo $this->path; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="myIframe">
									<!-- ie8 fix :/  -->
									<input  style="display:none" type="submit"/>
									<input type="file" name="Filedata" />
									<input type="submit" class="mysubmit" value="Upload" />
							<iframe id="myIframe" name="myIframe" style="display: none;"></iframe>
					<?php endif; ?>
		   	      <?php else: ?> //add by size lmit
				   <?php echo 'limit overload ' . $dirobj->human_readable_filesize( $dirsize ); ?> //add by size limit
				  <?php endif; ?> //add by size limit

		<?php endif; ?>
	<div id="leftcontent">
		<!-- parentFolder -->
		<?php if (!is_null($parentFolder)): ?>
			<div class="thumbitem" onclick="location.href='?path=<?php echo urlencode($parentFolder->getProperty('path')); ?>';" >
				<table style="width: 100%">
						<td><img src="images/folder_parent_128x128.png" class="folder" alt="Goto parent folder" /></td>
						<td style="width: 100%">
							<div class="actions">
								<a href="?path=<?php echo urlencode($parentFolder->getProperty('path')); ?>" title="Goto parent folder"><img src="images/admin/icon_edit.gif" alt=""/>Goto parent folder</a>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<!-- /parentFolder -->
		<!-- folderList -->
		<?php foreach ($folderFolders as $item): ?>
			<div class="thumbitem">
				<table style="width: 100%">
						<td><a href="?path=<?php echo urlencode($item->getProperty('path'));?>"><img src="../<?php echo $item->getThumbRelativePath(); ?>" class="folder" alt="" /></a></td>
						<td style="width: 100%">
							<div class="actions">
								<a href="?path=<?php echo urlencode($item->getProperty('path')); ?>" title="Open"><img src="images/admin/icon_edit.gif" alt=""/>Open</a>
								<a href="?a=delete&path=<?php echo urlencode($item->getProperty('path')); ?>" title="Delete folder" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete folder <?php echo $item->getProperty('name'); ?>?');"><img src="images/admin/icon_delete.gif" alt=""/>Delete</a>
							<div class="info<?php echo ($item->isHidden() ? ' hidden' : '') ?>">
								<div class="title">
									<a href="?path=<?php echo urlencode($item->getProperty('path')); ?>"><?php echo $item->getTitle(); ?></a>
								<div class="filename"><a href="?path=<?php echo urlencode($item->getProperty('path')); ?>"><?php echo $item->getProperty('path'); ?></a> <?php echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.($item->getProperty('fileCount') == $item->getProperty('totalFileCount') ? $item->getProperty('fileCount') : $item->getProperty('fileCount') . '<span class="excluded" title="Files Total"> / ' . $item->getProperty('totalFileCount') . ' </span>'); ?> files</div>
								<div class="attributes">
									<div><?php echo $item->getAttribute('description'); ?></div>
								<div class="attributes properties">
									<div><?php echo formatDate($item->getProperty('date')); ?></div>
									<div><?php echo ($item->getProperty('fileCount') == $item->getProperty('totalFileCount') ? $item->getProperty('fileCount') : $item->getProperty('fileCount') . '<span class="excluded"  title="Files Total"> / ' . $item->getProperty('totalFileCount') . ' </span>') ?> files</div>
		<?php endforeach; ?>
		<!-- /folderList -->

		<?php if ($this->folder->isPage()): ?>
			<!-- pageData -->

			<form method="post" action="">
				<div class="field">
					<input type="text" name="newdata[title]" value="<?php echo $folderAttributes['title'] ?>"/>
				<div class="field">
					<textarea class="description" cols="20" rows="5" name="newdata[description]"><?php echo $folderAttributes['description'] ?></textarea>
				<div class="field">
					<textarea id="pageContent" class="pageContent" cols="20" rows="10" name="newdata[pageContent]"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($folderAttributes['pageContent']); ?></textarea>
				<script type="text/javascript">
					(function() {
						var ta = $('pageContent');
						if (ta) {
							ta.value = ta.value.gsub(/src\=\"(<?php echo preg_quote(ivPath::canonizeRelative($conf->get('/config/imagevue/settings/contentfolder')), '/'); ?>.*?)\"/, function (match) {return 'src="../' + match[1] + '"';});

						document.observe('dom:loaded', function () {
							ta.form.onsubmit = function () {
								ta.value = ta.value.gsub(/src\=\"\.\.\/(.*?)\"/, function (match) {return 'src="' + match[1] + '"';});

						var config = {
							height: '400px',
							width: '90%',
							dompath: true,
							animate: true,
							markup: 'default'

						var editor = new YAHOO.widget.ivEditor('pageContent', config);
						editor.on('toolbarLoaded', function() {
								$str = '';
								foreach ($folderFiles as $file) {
									if (is_a($file, 'ivFileImage')) {
										$imageTip = '<div><img src="../' . $file->getProperty('path') . '" alt="' . $file->getTitle() . ' width="' . $file->getProperty('width') . '" height="' . $file->getProperty('height') . '" /></div><div>' . $file->getProperty('name') . '</div><div>' . $file->getProperty('width') . 'x' . $file->getProperty('height') . '</div>';
										if ($file->getProperty('width') / $file->getProperty('height') > 1.5) {
											$tw = 60;
											$th = round($tw / $file->getProperty('width') * $file->getProperty('height'));
										} else {
											$th = 40;
											$tw = round($th / $file->getProperty('height') * $file->getProperty('width'));
										$str .= '<div><a href="#" onmouseover="Tip(\'' . htmlspecialchars($imageTip) . '\')" onmouseout="UnTip()"><img src="../' . $file->getProperty('path') . '" alt="' . $file->getTitle() . '" width="' . $tw . '" height="' . $th . '" /><span>' . $file->getTitle() . '</span></a></div>';
							<?php if (!empty($str)): ?>
								//Add insertpicture button to the Toolbar Group called insertitem.        
									type: 'push',
									label: 'Insert picture from this folder',
									value: 'insertpicture',
									menu: function() {
										//Create the Overlay instance we are going to use for the menu            
										var menu = new YAHOO.widget.Overlay('insertpicture', {
											width: '165px',
											height: '210px',
											visible: false
										//Setting the body of the container to our list of images.
										menu.setBody('<div id="insertPicMenu"><?php echo str_replace("'", "\'", $str); ?></div>');
										menu.beforeShowEvent.subscribe(function() {
											//Set the context to the bottom left corner of the Insert Picture button  
											menu.cfg.setProperty('context', [
										$(menu.element).setStyle({visibility: 'hidden'});
										return menu;
								}, 'insertitem');

								editor.toolbar.on('insertpictureClick', function(ev) {
									var icon = '';
									if (ev.icon) {
										icon = ev.icon;
									this.execCommand('inserthtml', '<img src="' + icon.src + '" width="' + icon.width + '" height="' + icon.height + '" alt="">');
								}, editor, true);

								YAHOO.util.Event.onAvailable('insertPicMenu', function() {
									YAHOO.util.Event.on('insertPicMenu', 'click', function(ev) {
										var tar = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(ev);
										if (tar.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'img') {
											var src = tar.getAttribute('src', 2);
											var img = new Image();
											img.src = src;
											var _button = this.toolbar.getButtonByValue('insertpicture');
											this.toolbar.fireEvent('insertpictureClick', {type: 'insertpictureClick', icon: {src: src, width: img.width, height: img.height}});
									}, editor, true);
							<?php endif; ?>
						}, editor, true);


				<div class="field">
					<input type="submit" class="mysubmit" value="save" name="save" />
			<!-- /pageData -->
		<?php elseif ($this->folder->isLink()): ?>
			<!-- linkData -->
			<form method="post" action="">
				<div class="field">
					<input type="text" name="newdata[title]" value="<?php echo $folderAttributes['title'] ?>"/>
				<div class="field">
					<textarea class="description" cols="20" rows="5" name="newdata[description]"><?php echo $folderAttributes['description'] ?></textarea>
				<div class="field">
					<input type="text" name="newdata[pageContent]" value="<?php echo (empty($folderAttributes['pageContent']) ? 'http://' : htmlspecialchars($folderAttributes['pageContent'])); ?>"/>

				<div class="field">
					<input type="submit" class="mysubmit" value="save" name="save"/>
			<!-- /linkData -->
		<?php else: ?>
			<!-- imageList -->
			<?php foreach ($folderFiles as $item): ?>
				<div class="thumbitem selectable <?php echo ($item->isVisibleOnFrontEnd() ? '' : 'excluded') ?> <?php echo (!$item->getAttribute('title') && !$conf->get('/config/imagevue/settings/autoTitling') ? 'untitled' : '') ?>" onclick="toggle_file('<?php echo $item->getProperty('name'); ?>'); $(this).toggleClassName('selected');">
					<table style="width: 100%">
								<a href="?c=file&path=<?php echo urlencode($item->getProperty('path')); ?>">
									<?php if ($remakeThumbs || ivPath::canonizeRelative(substr($item->getThumbRelativePath(), 0, strlen($this->contentPath))) !== $this->contentPath): ?>
										<img src="index.php?c=file&a=getthumb&path=<?php echo ivPath::canonizeRelative($item->getProperty('path'), true); ?>" class="thumb" alt="" />
									<?php else: ?>
										<img src="../<?php echo $item->getThumbRelativePath(); ?>" class="thumb" alt="" />
									<?php endif; ?>
							<td style="width: 100%">
								<div class="actions">
									<a href="?c=file&path=<?php echo urlencode($item->getProperty('path')); ?>" title="Edit"><img src="images/admin/icon_edit.gif" alt=""/>Edit</a>
									<a href="?c=file&a=delete&path=<?php echo urlencode($item->getProperty('path')); ?>" title="Delete file" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete file <?php echo $item->getProperty('name'); ?>?');"><img src="images/admin/icon_delete.gif" alt=""/>Delete</a>
								<div class="info">
									<div class="title">
										<a href="?c=file&path=<?php echo urlencode($item->getProperty('path')); ?>"><?php echo $item->getTitle(); ?></a>
									<div class="filename"><a href="?c=file&path=<?php echo urlencode($item->getProperty('path')); ?>"><?php echo $item->getProperty('name'); ?></a></div>
									<div class="attributes">
										<div><?php echo $item->getAttribute('description'); ?></div>
									<div class="attributes properties">
										<div><?php echo formatDate($item->getProperty('date')); ?></div>
										<?php if ($item->getProperty('width') && $item->getProperty('height')): ?>
											<div><?php echo $item->getProperty('width'); ?>x<?php echo $item->getProperty('height'); ?></div>
										<?php endif; ?>
										<div><?php echo formatFilesize($item->getProperty('size')); ?></div>
			<?php endforeach; ?>
			<!-- /imageList -->

			<div class="actionsHelp">Click to select an image, Ctrl-A selects all images in folder</div>
		<?php endif; ?>

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
	Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {  
		Event.observe(document, 'keydown', function(event) {
			if (event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && 65 == event.keyCode) {
// ]]>

allowspace var is the limit in byte mode (107000000 = 105MB)
User avatar
Imagevue Hitman
Posts: 2872
Joined: 02 May 2006, 09:13

22 Dec 2009, 10:58

Wow that's cool :o